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dump and restore problem

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geert d.

May 31, 2021, 8:10:19 AM5/31/21
to TracksApp


I wanted to copy my Tracks from one machine to another.  Both are linux machines.
I installed Tracks following the WIKI instructions to install it on ubuntu 20.10 under apache2.  Both installs use mysql

Install works fine.  Then I dumped the tracks database (mysql dump) from my old machine and restored it in my new install.  Final result, I can login with my old username and password but then immediately get the "We're sorry but something went wrong" page.  If I then put "/projects" behind the url, I get all my projects listed.  I can edit the projects, but as soon as I click on a project to see its associated tasks, I get the "something went wrong" page again.
This also happens when I click on the Home tab, Starred tab and the Tickler tab... My notes and recurring tasks are visible without problems, statistics also.....
Any clue on what is going on here ?


Jyri-Petteri Paloposki

May 31, 2021, 8:12:23 AM5/31/21
Are you seeing something in your server error log? There should be a
more descriptive error there, the ”We're sorry but something went wrong”
is a boilerplate error thrown in almost all scenarios.

Best regards,
Jyri-Petteri ”ZeiP” Paloposki
Tracks principal maintainer

Daniel Calcoen

May 31, 2021, 12:07:05 PM5/31/21
to TracksApp
Dear geert d.

Do  you have an alternative to connect to the database ?
like DBeaver

is to check the content of the tables
can happen that you didn't have enough privileges to export all.

you could also look here how to GRANT PROCESS privilege


geert d.

May 31, 2021, 2:00:55 PM5/31/21
to TracksApp

thanks ZeiP. 

First I had a permission problem which left the production.log file empty.  Once fixed, I saw the issue was caused by another permission problem,

Now it is working ok

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