Qustion from "Den" <Den.......@comcast.com>

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Dec 31, 2010, 4:23:44 AM12/31/10
to Topicscape
Hi Den,

I replied to your question by email four times, each time using a
different method but comcast keeps rejecting the mail, so I'm trying
our Google Group.

Slim chance but if you do see this, please provide another email
address in case of future contacts. Thanks.

Back to your question - you asked:
> I am evaluating TS as an organizer for my computer files. Is there a way
> to link a topic to a folder so changes in the folder, file additions,
> deletions etc. are reflected in the topic,

There is no way to do this, for reasons that are related to what
Topicscape sets out to do. Please refer to this article in our wiki
which gives the background:

( Alternative link: http://tinyurl.com/yzzelqo )

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