Alabama Joe lyrics

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2008年8月15日 凌晨12:42:422008/8/15
收件者:Minstrel Banjo
Curious if anyone knows of a recording of Alabama Joe with the lyrics.
Curious as to how they are arranged, not really sure what parts the
chorus and all. New to the minstrel banjo and trying to go through
Briggs one by one and learn the lyrics with em.

Carl Anderton

2008年8月15日 凌晨1:12:232008/8/15
收件者:Minstrel Banjo
Often the melody as written in the Briggs is a little different than
the melody from original sheet music. That is the case with Alabama
Joe. The notes on the chorus differ. (The chorus part in the Briggs
is the second 8 bar group of notes, the middle part. The first note
is an E.)

The words to AJ are pretty raw, with lots of sterotypical jibes and
jests. Yeah, almost all this music is, but AJ is particularily

On Aug 14, 11:42 pm, RaiseTheHatchet <>


2008年8月15日 中午12:06:402008/8/15
收件者:Minstrel Banjo
Thanks Carl,

So then the 1st and 3rd set of 8 are both used for the verses? Seen
some of your videos on you tube, great playing.

Peter Emerick

2008年8月15日 中午12:50:112008/8/15
When we do AJ our adaptation is played AB for the verse and back to A for
the chorus. Comparing with the many variations of "Le Petit Tambour" I was
never able to pin down one version that identified with the lyrics. To
emphasize the chorus we hold out the "An" in the beginning of the line.

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2008年8月17日 凌晨12:18:382008/8/17
收件者:Minstrel Banjo
Seem to only be able to make sense of the chorus with the notes, not
sure why

Joel H.

2008年8月17日 晚上11:46:032008/8/17
收件者:Minstrel Banjo
I would think that the best way would be to play the original piano
score and take your melody from that.;pages=4;range=0-3


Carl Anderton

2008年8月18日 晚上10:38:062008/8/18
收件者:Minstrel Banjo
Looking over the music here makes me realize that I was wrong in
stating that the middle phrase is the chorus- it's just a part of the
verse. The chorus is a melodic restatement of the first part of the


2008年8月20日 凌晨12:43:552008/8/20
收件者:Minstrel Banjo

Joel H.

2008年8月20日 下午6:45:022008/8/20
收件者:Minstrel Banjo

I believe the confusing part is the Briggs' arrangement. Perhaps it
was intended for playing as a solo instrumental. In order to play
with the lyrics it seems a small change to the repeats needs to be
made. If the bars are numbered and played in this order it works for
me. Including the pick-up as #1. Play 18-25 once as an intro. Next
sing verse and play 1-9 with the repeat. For chorus play 10-17 with no
repeat. End first part. Continue for all seven verses. What do you
all think?


2008年8月31日 中午12:41:372008/8/31
收件者:Minstrel Banjo
can someone repost the lyrics? I cant seem to find the ones I located
in an older post on here

Carl Anderton

2008年8月31日 下午1:53:102008/8/31
收件者:Minstrel Banjo
On Aug 31, 11:41 am, RaiseTheHatchet <>
> can someone repost the lyrics?

It's not hard to find them...

David Miller

2008年9月1日 上午9:39:192008/9/1
收件者:Minstrel Banjo
OK I'm a little confused. If the original sheet music is the best
source for how this funny tune is supposed to supposed to be played,
why the struggle over how it was published in a banjo tutor,
apparently not very well?

Happy Labor Day, everyone.

Dave Miller

Carl Anderton

2008年9月1日 上午10:43:032008/9/1
收件者:Minstrel Banjo
I can see how you'd be confused, "Dave." Confusion and consternation
follows you wherever you go on the internet. I've yet to see a forum
you impose yourself on that you didn't end up arguing with the regular

"Dave Miller" is, of course, the latest troll persona of our old pot-
stirring, opinion-heavy "friend" "Dan'l" Wykes of Rockford, Il.

How do I know this? He's chosen an untraceable name, unlike his last
troll persona, "Carol Ann Derton." At least he learns as he goes

Now the next thing he will have to change is his snide, arguementative
way of talking to others. That is how I detected his current persona.

Here's a quote from a post he made in July responding to Ed Sims:

David Miller View profile
More options Jul 18, 12:28 pm

From: David Miller <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 10:28:18 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Fri, Jul 18 2008 12:28 pm
Subject: Re: New Member
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I understand what you're saying Ed, but at a minimum, the "black
dandy" urban black types in so many of these songs are not slaves. As
for the other tunes where they are slaves, my point was that using
"fellas" doesn't preclude them being slaves. In any event the white
songwriters wouldn't have the character call themselves or their
slaves. The writers were claiming (marketing) these to be original
Ethopian songs.

As for "fellas" slanted toward meaning a white male, perhaps you've
studied that so I'll take your word on it.

Dave Miller

Note that last sentence-

"As for "fellas" slanted toward meaning a white male, perhaps you've
studied that so I'll take your word on it. "

--Bingo!! This is pure "Dan'l" Wykes. Nobody, but nobody, ever talks
in such a snide, condescending way around here. (Except me when I out
"Dan'l"s troll personas.) We should be proud that in an open forum
like this, we are a respectful and polite group. Just one bad apple
over the years is a pretty good record.

Now he's trying to slip in a little tiff over his favorite subject-
the tutors and our mis-use of them. And if I could understand the
point he was trying to make I would respond, but I can't.

So when you respond to "Dave Miller" just remember that you're playing
with "Dan'l" Wykes and go from there. He'll be back plenty, he loves
these games. Just check him out on any Civil War reenactors board.

David Miller

2008年9月1日 下午3:54:472008/9/1
收件者:Minstrel Banjo
oops. I may have stepped in a little poo here..What's going on?

I take it all back... don't want to be a source of trouble, sorry
there, Carl.

Dave Miller

Carl Anderton

2008年9月1日 下午4:24:262008/9/1
收件者:Minstrel Banjo
Let the games begin!


2008年9月25日 下午6:06:142008/9/25
收件者:Minstrel Banjo
Been messing around on the song again, Hey Joel, using 1-9 as the
verse do you start singing at 3? Seems to flow better
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