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Saving on Dropbox with TiddlyWiki5 in the Sky?

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stefano franchi

May 17, 2021, 12:26:55 PM5/17/21
to TiddlyWikiDev
I have recently come back to my TW5 files after a couple of years hiatus and I cannot get the save to Dropbox to work any longer. I am using TiddlyWiki5 in the Sky and have a properly set up folder on my Dropbox. I am on Linux using Firefox as a browser.

When TW5 saves its file, it uses Firefox's default download location and it never overwrites the previously existing one. I now have a few dozen versions of my current TW5 app, and all in the wrong folder...certainly a great backup solution, but not exactly what I want ;-) . Besides, it completely defeats using Dropbox if all saves are on my local desktop.

Any hint on how to tell TW5 to both save and replace the current file? I think it is more of a Firefox issue than a TW5 issue, but I'm hoping someone may have encountered this problem before.


Stefano Franchi

stefano franchi

May 17, 2021, 12:29:46 PM5/17/21
to TiddlyWikiDev
Ops, wrong Dl---blame gmail autocompletion...or my short attention span.

Sorry for the noise devs, keep up the good work!
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