Timimi extends support to Chrome, Chromium and Opera in Linux, Mac and Windows

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Apr 27, 2020, 9:37:06 AM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hello there,

Hope all you are doing well and safe in these testing times.

Yes, it has been a year since I promised it but finally Timimi has extended its support to Chrome, Chromium and Opera in addition to Firefox. In addition, there is support for notifications in case of save failures, and a new backup strategy called "First In First Out".

For those of you who don't know:

Timimi is a browser extension using native messaging API that enables you to save standalone tiddlywiki files - both tiddlywiki-5 as well as tiddlywiki-classic - anywhere under your home directory. Timimi also facilitates backing up of tiddlywiki files with support for 4 different backup strategies. As of now timimi is available for Firefox, Chrome, Chromium and Opera.

To know more and installation instructions, please see: https://ibnishak.github.io/Timimi/

To the existing users of Timimi in Firefox:

I have pushed new update to firefox addon store. If you have enabled auto-update of addons, you must be receiving notifications in your browser any moment now or have already received. Anyway, please update to latest version and also update the native host. Detailed installation instructions are available here: https://ibnishak.github.io/Timimi/#Installing%20Timimi

Due to extensive difficulties in porting action-launch-script plugin support across platforms, the new timimi version is temporarily disabling the same. However it is my product and I stand behind the same. So if any of you has existing workflows that depended on the same, I would oblige myself to create personalised versions of plugin as well as backend. Please let me know or open an issue here: https://github.com/ibnishak/Timimi

@Jeremy: If you could pin this for a couple of days to ensure existing users will be notified of the update, that would be wonderful.

Let me know your feedback. Plant more trees.


PS: Fair warning. There are 3 OSes, 4 browsers in each, 4 backup strategies. So that in itself calls for 48 different tests, not to mention countless edge cases. I have build tests for a lot of cases, but not all of them. So test it out with a couple of empty wikis before working on your important projects

Eric Shulman

Apr 27, 2020, 9:42:54 AM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
On Monday, April 27, 2020 at 6:37:06 AM UTC-7, Riz wrote:
@Jeremy: If you could pin this for a couple of days to ensure existing users will be notified of the update, that would be wonderful. 

As requested, I have pinned this announcement.   It will remain pinned until May 4th (1 week), at which time I will remove the pin.

Eric Shulman
TiddlyWiki GoogleGroups Manager


Apr 27, 2020, 9:44:23 AM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki

Great work and news. This will increase the users who will adopt timimi for sure. I imagin it may work on edge as it moves to chromium as well. Given both Firefox and chrome are available on most platforms including apple IOS.



Apr 27, 2020, 9:48:34 AM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hello Riz,

 Thank you very much for this excellent piece of work!

  On Firefox it works like a charm!
  On Chrome 81 it works for me except I cannot see my settings next time I open Extension options (a ticket submitted to GitHub)

 I see you have also another bonus for us: the tutorial wiki demonstrates a new them CleverNote

 Wow, amazing!
  Thanks a billion Riz!

  Best wishes


Apr 27, 2020, 9:57:22 AM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
@Eric: Thank you


Apr 27, 2020, 9:58:46 AM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
@Tony: Thank you 😀. Your suggestion to notify user to refresh their tabs once settings are updated has been incorporated to the new version.


Apr 27, 2020, 9:59:09 AM4/27/20
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hello again Riz,

 One more successful test
 1. Windows 10
 2. Microsoft Edge (Chromium)
To install: 
  1. Open edge
  2. enter in browser the Chrome store address: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/timimi?hl=en-US
  3. Edges asks for Lets install from other store, approve it
  4. Click add to install the plugin
  5. Open Extension page, Timimi details
  6. Allow access to file URL
  7. Set Extension options
Note that you need to Download and run timimi-2-1-1-Windows-Chrome-Chromium-Opera.exe from Github

Lovely!  Many thanks Riz

Best wishes
Message has been deleted


Apr 27, 2020, 10:02:12 AM4/27/20
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
@Mohammad: Oh that is wonderful news. I will update the docs. Google's crushing dominance in browser scene has its silver linings

Thank you so much.

Sylvain Naudin

Apr 27, 2020, 10:06:35 AM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
PS: Fair warning. There are 3 OSes, 4 browsers in each, 4 backup strategies. So that in itself calls for 48 different tests, not to mention countless edge cases. I have build tests for a lot of cases, but not all of them. So test it out with a couple of empty wikis before working on your important projects`

Hello Riz,

Great news !! Thanks for this update. I've been notify by Firefox of the update.

Out of curiosity I looked at the Chrome version on Mac, so far so good !

And, as Mohammad said, it's a nice theme for your documentation.



Apr 27, 2020, 10:18:11 AM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
@Sylvain: Thank you. I looked into the issue of unicode characters in folder names giving trouble with saving. I can assure you the Timimi backend is having no issues with unicode characters. Plus PMario has given an insight to tiddlyfox.js which might be the root cause. I was following discussion between Jeremy and PMario in GitHub and it seems like Jeremy is planning an update of some kind to resolve the issue. Once that makes it to the core, we will revisit the issue and see if it solved.


Apr 27, 2020, 10:20:19 AM4/27/20
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
@Mohammad: Can you please see if the issue of first backup failing in case of non-existant backup path still persists? I have made modifications to see to it.


Apr 27, 2020, 10:22:41 AM4/27/20
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
 I tested on Firefox 75, Chrome 81, Edge 81 (Windows 10)
 Tested from different locations for the first backup!
  Used relative path
  No error, work for all cases like a charm!

On Monday, April 27, 2020 at 6:50:19 PM UTC+4:30, Riz wrote:
@Mohammed: Can you please see if the issue of first backup failing in case of non-existant backup path still persists? I have made modifications to see to it.


Apr 27, 2020, 10:29:11 AM4/27/20
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
@Mohammad: Thank you. So I will close that issue.

Between Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Opera and Now Edge, Tiddlywiki can now be saved using timimi in over 80% of browser market share.


Apr 27, 2020, 10:38:43 AM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
Yep, and add the support for Edge in documentation!



Apr 27, 2020, 11:15:55 AM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
Edge support status and installation instructions are updated in the docs

Peter Buyze

Apr 27, 2020, 12:51:01 PM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki forum
Riz, I installed Timimi from the Chrome Web store in Chromium on my Mac. When I set the back-up location (/Users/peter/Documents/Zk) and save it, the Timimi icon says the settings have been saved. But when I reopen the settings window nothing is saved.

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27 Apr 2020, 18:15 by madapeed...@gmail.com:
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Apr 27, 2020, 12:59:58 PM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Peter.
Mohammad just made me aware of this issue. I want to know if it is chrome being unable to store the settings, or chrome being unable to retrieve the stored settings to show to the user in options page.

So please try this. Use an empty wiki. Set a backup path, select a backup strategy - Say "First In First Out" and set its "Number of backups to keep" as something like 5. Now make changes, save it. Make more changes and save it again. Look in your backup path. See if there are backup files there.

Peter Buyze

Apr 27, 2020, 1:06:49 PM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki forum
Riz, did that but as soon as I hit the save button (the tick) Timimi says it failed because it could not contact the server. I repeated but the result is the same.

27 Apr 2020, 19:59 by madapeed...@gmail.com:
Hi Peter.
Mohammad just made me aware of this issue. I want to know if it is chrome being unable to store the settings, or chrome being unable to retrieve the stored settings to show to the user in options page.

So please try this. Use an empty wiki. Set a backup path, select a backup strategy - Say "First In First Out" and set its "Number of backups to keep" as something like 5. Now make changes, save it. Make more changes and save it again. Look in your backup path. See if there are backup files there.

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Apr 27, 2020, 1:09:37 PM4/27/20
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Just asking for surety: You have also installed the native messaging host for Mac and selected Chromium as your browser while its installation, right?


Apr 27, 2020, 1:15:35 PM4/27/20
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
 Just for clarification: on Windows 10, Chrome 81 and Edge Chromium 81, settings work and timimi does the job as expected.
 The only issue is when you reopen the "Extension Options" you see nothing saved! May be the UI cannot retrieve the saved settings while they are there!
 This is my experience on Windows machine!


Peter Buyze

Apr 27, 2020, 1:17:44 PM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki forum
No, I have not. I installed the extension for the Chrome web store. I did download the zip file too, but when I saw there was an installer file, I thought it would be duplicating what I already had.

There are in fact 2 Unix files: timimi and installer. Which one should I run?

27 Apr 2020, 20:09 by madapeed...@gmail.com:
Just asking for surety: You have also installed the native messaging host for Mac and selected Chromium as your browser while its installation, right?

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Apr 27, 2020, 1:20:32 PM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
@Mohammad: Thank you. Yes, that narrows it down and I have already figured out what causes it. I forgot that chrome doesn't support JavaScript promises in add-ons yet. It is just a matter to rearranging a couple of brackets. I will push a fix first thing in morning.



Apr 27, 2020, 1:24:14 PM4/27/20
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Open Terminal in the folder where you unzipped the files and run ./installer

Peter Buyze

Apr 27, 2020, 1:46:52 PM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki forum
I did, but the result is the same - no saving.
FYI, here is the terminal output after running the installer:

Last login: Mon Apr 27 20:41:23 on ttys000

Peters-MacBook-Air:~ peter$ /Users/peter/Downloads/timimi-2-1-1-Mac/installer ; exit;

Hello There

Starting Timimi Installation


Created host directory

Created host manifest: /Users/peter/Library/Application Support/Chromium/NativeMessagingHosts/timimi.json

Error in copying timimi executable to destination open timimi: no such file or directory


Saving session...

...copying shared history...

...saving history...truncating history files...


Deleting expired sessions...54 completed.

[Process completed]

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27 Apr 2020, 20:24 by madapeed...@gmail.com:
Open Terminal in the folder where you unzipped the files and run ./installer

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Apr 27, 2020, 2:01:12 PM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi. Is it possible that you did not unzip both files? Both executable files must be unzipped to the same folder before running "./installer"

The installer is actually very simple, it is doing 2 things:
1. Create a manifest json file in /Users/peter/Library/Application Support/Chromium/NativeMessagingHosts/timimi.json - your terminal output suggests this is already done.
2. Copy the timimi file to a folder called /Users/peter/Library/Application Support/timimi/
your terminal output suggests the second step failed. If you didn't unzip both files, you can run "./installer" again after unzipping.

Otherwise you can also just create a folder "/Users/peter/Library/Application Support/timimi/" and copy the timimi executable there.


Apr 27, 2020, 5:39:04 PM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki

Wait. That is not it. I just figured it out.
You are running the commands from your home folder. As I said, you need to run it from where they are unzipped.

It looks like the files are in your Downloads folder.
So open terminal and run these commands

cd ~/Downloads

Peter Buyze

Apr 27, 2020, 11:37:58 PM4/27/20
to TiddlyWiki forum

both files were unzipped to the Downloads folder, so I followed the advice in your previous reply and just copied the timimi file to /Users/peter/Library/Application Support/timimi/. That folder, somehow, already existed.

Anyway, that did the trick !!
Many thanks.

28 Apr 2020, 00:39 by madapeed...@gmail.com:
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Alfonso Arciniega

Apr 28, 2020, 1:42:54 AM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki

Hi Riz,

Tried the original way and also Peter's way and Timimi does not upgrade. I keep getting the same error reported by Peter initially. I have all files duplicated in three directories: the Downloads foler, the NativeMessagingHosts folder ,and the timimi folder; and tried the installer on both. Running macOS Sierra 10.13.6. This is what I get in all cases:

/Users/aaarciniega/Library/Application\ Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/installer ; exit;
Alfonsos-iMac:~ aaarciniega$ /Users/aaarciniega/Library/Application\ Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/installer ; exit;

Hello There
Starting Timimi Installation

✔ firefox
Created host directory
Created host manifest: /Users/aaarciniega/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/timimi.json

Error in copying timimi executable to destination open timimi: no such file or directory
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]


Alfonso Arciniega

On Monday, April 27, 2020 at 9:37:58 PM UTC-6, Peter Buyze wrote:

both files were unzipped to the Downloads folder, so I followed the advice in your previous reply and just copied the timimi file to /Users/peter/Library/Application Support/timimi/. That folder, somehow, already existed.

Anyway, that did the trick !!
Many thanks.

28 Apr 2020, 00:39 by madapeed...@gmail.com:

Wait. That is not it. I just figured it out.
You are running the commands from your home folder. As I said, you need to run it from where they are unzipped.

It looks like the files are in your Downloads folder.
So open terminal and run these commands

cd ~/Downloads

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Apr 28, 2020, 2:06:35 AM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hello Alfonso.

Can you please run the following commands in terminal one by one and tell me the outputs

cat /Users/aaarciniega/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/timimi.json

ls /Users/aaarciniega/Library/Application\ Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/

ls /Users/aaarciniega/Library/Application\ Support/timimi/


Apr 28, 2020, 2:07:54 AM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Also, just clarifying: You have updated the add-on in Firefox from add-on store first, right?


Apr 28, 2020, 2:14:58 AM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Glad it worked for you. I guess timimi is the first native messaging type add-on many people are coming across. So I should have been a little more thorough with the installation instructions. Sorry for the trouble. Hope you enjoy it.

On the brighter side, now I know for sure that error notifications are working perfectly 😁

Peter Buyze

Apr 28, 2020, 2:49:02 AM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki forum
Riz, I started with using my TW file in the browser without any special save support. It was convoluted: I got copies like TW (1), TW (1) (2), TW (2), etc.

I looked at Timimi but the Chromium extension was not ready or available - can't remember.

I changed to the TWDesktop, but that runs up an enormous list of saved copies, so every day I have to do a manual clean-up job.

Now I have Timimi: sheer Saving "heaven" with its various options!!!!
As for the installation "trouble", that really was nothing.
Many thanks for this excellent extension.

28 Apr 2020, 09:14 by madapeed...@gmail.com:
Glad it worked for you. I guess timimi is the first native messaging type add-on many people are coming across. So I should have been a little more thorough with the installation instructions. Sorry for the trouble. Hope you enjoy it.

On the brighter side, now I know for sure that error notifications are working perfectly 😁

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Apr 28, 2020, 3:24:16 AM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki

This is great, worked for me in Chrome right away.

Now I suddenly realised I can have it in more than one browser and overwrite the other. 

Could we find a way to flag it checked out in one browser/tab and not the other? Perhaps the first session establish the first served or some other method?

Message has been deleted


Apr 28, 2020, 4:51:05 AM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi again Alphonso

I am attaching here a simpler installer for Mac. You can download it and simple double click it to run. Please try it and let me know


Apr 28, 2020, 5:22:11 AM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Riz,

Thanks for this awesome contribution to TiddlyWiki!

I have up until now been using v1.0 in Vivaldi, which worked but I don't think had a way to save backups? I know it's not supported but I thought I'd try v2.1 in Vivaldi and got the message "Error in contacting Timimi host".

Is it safe for me to continue using v1.0 or is there a reason I should avoid it?

Thanks again, si


Apr 28, 2020, 5:38:05 AM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Tony

It is not entirely impossible. Will keep an eye on the idea for next update. Please open an issue regarding this.


Apr 28, 2020, 5:46:12 AM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Si,

I am so glad to know that people are trying it out in different browsers. So there are 2 things

1. There are no security issues at all regarding Version 1. If it works for you, you can keep using it until a point of time when python decides to make python3.0 obsolete (Because version 1 was writtern in python3). So it will work as intended for say next 15-20 years

However, if you can, you should upgeade. Version 2.1 is much better than version 1 (#humblebrag)

From your comment I realise that you actually managed to install the addon in vivaldi from chrome web store? If you could mention your OS, I could try and assist you to get 2.1 up and running.



Apr 28, 2020, 6:29:54 AM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Riz,

That's good to know that Version 1 is still safe to use.

From your comment I realise that you actually managed to install the addon in vivaldi from chrome web store? If you could mention your OS, I could try and assist you to get 2.1 up and running.

Yep I just installed the extension as normal from the chrome store. I'm using Windows 10 and Vivaldi Version 3.0.1874.32.

So I did some experimenting and figured out what I was doing wrong. When choosing the settings I selected "Tower of Hanoi" but left "Number of recent saves" blank. When I added a value for "Number of recent saves" it started working as expected.

So sorry, that is my fault! It does appear to work in Vivaldi! (Top tip: TiddlyWiki works really nicely with Vivaldi's Tab Tiles feature)

I also tried it in Brave and it seems to work there also.

Thanks again!


Apr 28, 2020, 6:38:23 AM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Si,
Brilliant!! So that is 2 more down. Leaving Safari the only major modern browser left to come into the fold. We will get there.


PS: There will be a bug-fix update in a couple of days. You might need to update just the browser addon, not the native host.


Apr 28, 2020, 2:24:40 PM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Ciao Riz,

Timimi is superb: extension to Chrome / Chromium is brilliant!

But EEK! on "Due to extensive difficulties in porting action-launch-script plugin support across platforms, the new timimi version is temporarily disabling the same. "

Just FYI on Firefox Timimi I extensively used scripting access to the OS on Windows. I liked it because it worked and let me launch other programs. For example ... launch from a TW, passing parameters, PowerShell to whack a website and convert it to TW format. Once done alert you that an import is ready.

I'd really miss that power if its gone for good. :-(

Best wishes


Apr 28, 2020, 2:52:05 PM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Josiah

I am really sorry to see it go too. As I said, it was incredibly hard to write tests for something I don't even know how the user will use like. Take this particular case itself. You are using it to connect with powershell scripts. I have zero knowledge of powershell. So I have no way of knowing beforehand how it will turn out. Naturally I have to prepare a ton of different scenarios. Even this would have been Ok if it was just one browser and 3 OS. Now that timimi is supporting 5-6 browsers, it becomes simply impossible to maintain and develop without dumping weeks, probably months testing every little change.

Nevertheless, it is my product. I can write up that functionality as a separate plugin for Firefox and it's corresponding backend for Windows, test it and send you if you need. You can side load it to Firefox. It will take time though.



Apr 28, 2020, 3:14:52 PM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Ciao Riz

FYI, I actually did the invocations via Windows batch files passing in parameters via Timimi in  TW. So its not that complex.
You would not need to know anything about what is launched. Its simply leverages the Windows OS standard interface.

I don't mind if it takes a long time. What I have works in Firefox and I'll just freeze it for now.

I'll do Chrome for new version. Many thanks for great work! 
Maybe you solve the OS variants for scripting? Fingers crossed.

Very best wishes


Apr 28, 2020, 7:47:56 PM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki

I too value this facility to launch scripts and whilst I do not use much it at present because I achieve the same with wikis in TiddlyDesktop, I believe it would be a "strategic development" for TiddlyWikis future and will do what I can to support it. Now that Timimi is even more versatile, I expect it will be used more extensively, thus it will be valuable to have such facilities going forward.

I will support you anyway I can, because I also see this as the opportunity to introduce some powerful host based solutions and integrations. I have  Windows 10, android and an Apple Mini, and soon a IPod touch (poor mans iPhone).

I support your stated idea of a second plugin, this is wise, and allows you to put it on a different time line and maintenance thread. 
  • Such a solution could have Timimi as a dependency, but it would be easier if it did not. 
  • Personally I would be quite happy if this were a windows only solution until it matures,

Timimi is elegant, appears simple to users and a fantastic development, thanks so much for your contribution.

Another item: I submitted an issue as requested https://github.com/ibnishak/Timimi/issues/43  Multiple Browser or tab protection

  • I wanted to let you know I am now working on a complementary solution called lockit (Working Title) Which I will document in my own Google Forum Here, until I go public.
  • It will complement Timimi and Multiple Browser or tab protection (And other save mechanisms) in so far as allowing check in and Out, thus serial editors on single file wikis. As a result Timimi wikis could be hosted on a Shared drive and avoid overwrite.
  • With a multi-platform Timimi and Servers, and my own "Lockit" work TiddlyWiki could come into its own as a Smart Document and multi-user single file application.
  • The addition of the action-launch-script facility may permit more sophisticated shared Drive solutions not yet imagined.
Thanks again


Apr 28, 2020, 9:25:53 PM4/28/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Tony,

This is a great vision.
Here is purely philosophical reason behind hesitation. My vision for timimi is that once installed, user should not have to install anything further. If I am doing my job right, user should almost forget that timimi exists. This I believe, is the greatest success of a piece of software. To ensure this, timimi should depend only on things that are part of core tiddlywiki.

So there are 2 ways ahead here.

First is to create a entirely different browser plugin for this. Such a scenario will have atleast 3 moving parts -
1. Browser plugin
2. Native host/backend
3. Additional tiddlywiki plugin/saver to generate a new version of save object that corresponds to these browser plugin.

Now as I said, this is rather unpleasant because user will have to install the plugin to each and every wiki he uses. Sure, an argument can be made here that user need to install it only if they require the particular feature. Still, unpleasant.

Second is my favorite.  Mostly because I have a few more ideas regarding this direction

Jeremy has hinted an update to attributes generated by tiddlyfox.js. If we are adding attributes anyway - why not add a couple more. Currently save object sends just the data and path to tiddlyfox. Imagine if there are the following attributes too.

1. backup-path
2. lock-status
3. unique-id for the session

Now let me expand my thinking here.

1. You have a TW5 file open. You have button that generates a "lock"
2. The "lock" button creates a unique ID for the session which gets associated with the the path of the file.
3. Now when save is triggered, this unique ID and lock command is send along with  other data points in save object
4. From then onward, whatever-does-the-actual-saving,  will save to that particular path ONLY if save command is accompanied by the particular unique id.
5. Finally user can send an unlock command to remove this restriction.
6. If user opens it another browser - user could be notified  saying that this file is locked and asking him for explicit permission to unlock it.

Such a mechanism could be utilised by any savers - tiddlydesktop, timimi - even Bob I guess.

Oh, and the backup-path attribute so that you can have individualised backup paths for each tiddlywiki file. The backup path you set in timimi settings will be default, but if a tiddlywiki file has a backup-path specified, it will override the dafault and save it that location.

by the way I love the doco at https://ibnishak.github.io/Timimi/

Thank you!! You should look at it from a mobile phone. That is my idea of a mobile theme for TW5. It has a lot of moving parts right now. So not recommended for public use.



Apr 29, 2020, 7:45:39 PM4/29/20
to TiddlyWiki

Thanks you for your considered response.

While it is fresh in our minds;

Here is purely philosophical reason behind hesitation. My vision for timimi is that once installed, user should not have to install anything further. If I am doing my job right, user should almost forget that timimi exists. This I believe, is the greatest success of a piece of software. To ensure this, timimi should depend only on things that are part of core tiddlywiki.

So I totally agree with this approach. Stick to it.
First is to create a entirely different browser plugin for this. Such a scenario will have atleast 3 moving parts -
1. Browser plugin
2. Native host/backend
3. Additional tiddlywiki plugin/saver to generate a new version of save object that corresponds to these browser plugin.

Are you saying item 3 is the plugin to permit locking?

Now as I said, this is rather unpleasant because user will have to install the plugin to each and every wiki he uses. Sure, an argument can be made here that user need to install it only if they require the particular feature. Still, unpleasant.

Second is my favorite.  Mostly because I have a few more ideas regarding this direction

Jeremy has hinted an update to attributes generated by tiddlyfox.js. If we are adding attributes anyway - why not add a couple more. Currently save object sends just the data and path to tiddlyfox. Imagine if there are the following attributes too.

1. backup-path
2. lock-status
3. unique-id for the session

Now let me expand my thinking here.

1. You have a TW5 file open. You have button that generates a "lock"
2. The "lock" button creates a unique ID for the session which gets associated with the the path of the file.
3. Now when save is triggered, this unique ID and lock command is send along with  other data points in save object
4. From then onward, whatever-does-the-actual-saving,  will save to that particular path ONLY if save command is accompanied by the particular unique id.
5. Finally user can send an unlock command to remove this restriction.
6. If user opens it another browser - user could be notified  saying that this file is locked and asking him for explicit permission to unlock it.

That is really nice,but I assume this is saved to the actual wiki, not only in the Native host/backend, because other users can't see that.

If two of us open the wiki then one locks it, the other will not know this is so from their copy in their browser.
  • If we lock the wiki on the Native host/backend, then I can avoid this by testing for this before allowing another session to lock it on ONE computer.
  • If we store it in the Wiki, the second users attempt to lock it, should first reload the wiki, to check it remains unlocked.
  • So in conclusion the first attempt to lock the wiki should reload the wiki, to check it was not locked in the interim.
Such a mechanism could be utilised by any savers - tiddlydesktop, timimi - even Bob I guess.

If designed well with more than one saver this needs to be independent from the saving solutions including Timimi

Oh, and the backup-path attribute so that you can have individualised backup paths for each tiddlywiki file. The backup path you set in timimi settings will be default, but if a tiddlywiki file has a backup-path specified, it will override the default and save it that location.


What would be interesting is if either a seperate file/folder or the backup folder could also store the current Version (last save) The currentCopy could become the next backup, but if that copy is not locked, then arguably the backup could be on a shared drive, cloud storage for someone or another device to access when away.

It is actually a common use case for an individual to need to resolve the possibility of overwriting ones own work from another device. 

Love your work


Apr 29, 2020, 8:06:37 PM4/29/20
to TiddlyWiki
Yeah, I agree with your observations. As you pointed out, for the save locking to properly work, the lock mechanism should be universally supported by all savers in the core. Otherwise if anyone accessing the file using a different save mechanism will ignore the lock.

May be the unique ID generated for should have component that refer to the system that is actually generating the lock. That way tiddlywiki can regenerate the ID next time a save is triggered, match it with existing lock ID and determine if save command came from the same system that generated the lock.

Any way, all these would require lot of discussion, streamlining and community input. Once it is becomes part of the core, I can hopefully update timimi to support it.

Thank you for your support and suggestions. Always happy to contribute to this community



Apr 30, 2020, 10:55:12 AM4/30/20
to TiddlyWiki
This is a must have Addon with its backend combination! Thanks!


Apr 30, 2020, 11:10:42 AM4/30/20
to TiddlyWiki

Thank you Mike. Which browser and OS did you run it on?

Alfonso Arciniega

May 1, 2020, 12:37:13 AM5/1/20
to TiddlyWiki

Alfonsos-iMac:~ aaarciniega$ cat /Users/aaarciniega/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/timimi.json
cat: /Users/aaarciniega/Library/Application: No such file or directory
cat: Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/timimi.json: No such file or directory
Alfonsos-iMac:~ aaarciniega$ ls /Users/aaarciniega/Library/Application\ Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/
installer    timimi        timimi.json    timimi_2.1.0
Alfonsos-iMac:~ aaarciniega$
Alfonsos-iMac:~ aaarciniega$ ls /Users/aaarciniega/Library/Application\ Support/timimi/
installer    timimi        timimi.json
Alfonsos-iMac:~ aaarciniega$
Alfonsos-iMac:~ aaarciniega$ cat /Users/aaarciniega/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/timimi.json
cat: /Users/aaarciniega/Library/Application: No such file or directory
cat: Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/timimi.json: No such file or directory
Alfonsos-iMac:~ aaarciniega$

Alfonso Arciniega

May 1, 2020, 12:38:13 AM5/1/20
to TiddlyWiki
Yes, Riz. I also uninstalled and installed it again from the add-on store.

Alfonso Arciniega

May 1, 2020, 12:39:52 AM5/1/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks, Riz,

This is a script. Double-clicking it just opens an editor.


May 1, 2020, 4:37:33 AM5/1/20
to TiddlyWiki
Ok, I must admit that is a bit concerning. You seems to have done everything correct.

I am sorry for bothering you again, but if these steps also fails, I will admit defeat.

Please try these steps

1. Right click on the script/simple-installer and open with > Terminal
2. Open the file "Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/timimi.json" and post the contents here
3. Run this command in your terminal

chmod +x /Users/aaarciniega/Library/Application\ Support/timimi/timimi


May 2, 2020, 2:24:11 AM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Updates pushed:
Fixing bugs where chrome failed to show saved settings
Clicking on timimi icon on toolbar directly opens timimi options page.


May 2, 2020, 4:26:26 AM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Sorry for the delay answering you! I did not find out yet who addressed me directly or with an answer to me, including mentions(@). :-/

I am using it with Firefox on Wiindows atm. Planning to use it on Linux based OS as well.

Anders Jonsson

May 2, 2020, 6:34:29 AM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki


Not sure if there is a problem with Timimi 2.1.3 or if I (by mysterious accident) have managed to change something else that is relevant for TW saving...
Earlier versions of Timimi has worked perfectly for me. Today I upgraded to the 2.1.3 version, and saving has stopped working...

I'm on Windows 10. In Firefox (v75.0) I get the message "Timimi save FAILED Error: Attempt to postMessage on disconnected port". In Chrome (v81.0) it seems as if saving is successful, but when reopening a "saved" TW5 file changes are not there.

Confused but hopeful

Rizwan Ishak

May 2, 2020, 6:36:41 AM5/2/20
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com

Is this after today's upgrade? Or has it been so at 2.1.1 also?

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Anders Jonsson

May 2, 2020, 6:39:24 AM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Only after today's upgrade.

On Saturday, May 2, 2020 at 12:36:41 PM UTC+2, Riz wrote:
Is this after today's upgrade? Or has it been so at 2.1.1 also?11

On Sat, 2 May 2020, 16:04 Anders Jonsson, <chaoswea...@gmail.com> wrote:


Not sure if there is a problem with Timimi 2.1.3 or if I (by mysterious accident) have managed to change something else that is relevant for TW saving...
Earlier versions of Timimi has worked perfectly for me. Today I upgraded to the 2.1.3 version, and saving has stopped working...

I'm on Windows 10. In Firefox (v75.0) I get the message "Timimi save FAILED Error: Attempt to postMessage on disconnected port". In Chrome (v81.0) it seems as if saving is successful, but when reopening a "saved" TW5 file changes are not there.

Confused but hopeful

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May 2, 2020, 6:57:26 AM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
That is really worrying.

Can you please ensure the following things

- In your home folder there will be an APPDATA folder. Open it and look for Timimi-Firefox folder. Inside the folder, there should be a timimi executable and timimi.json. Please post the content of timimi.json here

- Open regedit (Type regedit in the startmenu search area). Then expand the following keys HKCU\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\NativeMessagingHosts\timimi". Please tell me what is the value shown for that key. The ideal value should be path to your timimi.json

- If either of these is missing, can you please reinstall the backend?


May 2, 2020, 7:13:43 AM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Also you can always use the previous version. All versions of timimi are available here

Anders Jonsson

May 2, 2020, 7:29:37 AM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Ummm, sorry about all this: thought I had properly reinstalled both extension and backend before posting...

The timimi executables were missing from both Timimi-Firefox and Timimi-Chrome folders. After reinstalling backend again, executables now are where they should be, and everything is working perfectly, as expected.


Rizwan Ishak

May 2, 2020, 7:31:08 AM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thank you for confirming. Hope you enjoy timimi

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May 2, 2020, 9:32:29 AM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Riz,
 Thank you! Tested on Windows 10 plus latest Chrome + Edge (Chromium) and FF
  Works like a charm!

Many thanks for all your efforts

Best wishes


May 2, 2020, 10:01:05 AM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thank you Mohammad

Rizwan Ishak

May 2, 2020, 11:06:19 AM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Now that we are here and major bugs are squished, I believe the next bottle neck is Installers. I realize that many users are finding it difficult to install the native host especially in Linux and Mac. I will probably work on packaging it to a deb file for Ubuntu/Mint/Debian as well as make it available in AUR for Arch Linux family. Anyone with experience in creating graphical Installers in Mac, can you point me towards a tutorial using a free/open source software?

On Sat, 2 May 2020, 19:31 Riz, <madapeed...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you Mohammad

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Birthe C

May 2, 2020, 11:34:33 AM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
I am really not good at explaining. I am using Linux Mint and use 2 browsers. Firefox and Chromium. I had no problem installing timimi to Firefox, it works as expected. Chromium is another matter. I got the extension, but was not able to install the download.

Not sure how to go about it.


Rizwan Ishak

May 2, 2020, 12:02:29 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
What errors did you get for chromium install?

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Birthe C

May 2, 2020, 12:10:10 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
No errors shown, sorry. I ran the installer and chose the browser and then nothing happened.
You describe running the installer by double clicking. I am not able to do that.


Rizwan Ishak

May 2, 2020, 12:11:51 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
It probably got installed. May be the installer quit right away. Did you try saving from chromium?

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May 2, 2020, 12:13:57 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki

Timimi now works on Chrome (my default browser), so I will give it a try

On a MacBook Pro (MacOS Catalina version 10.15.4) I created a test wiki called "Fruit.html". It's path is: file:///Users/jwh/Dropbox/Apps/Quine/Fruit.html 

First question:

How do you recommend I load the wiki into Chrome?
  • I can double click the file in Finder and it loads into Chrome by default
  • I can also drag it from Finder to the Chrome icon and it loads

Second question

Have I loaded Timimi correctly?
  • I have loaded the extension into Chrome version 81, and I see the red fish icon in the upper right corner
  • When I click it, I have a few things to answer:
    • Is my Backup location: file:///Users/jwh/Dropbox/Apps/Quine/Fruit.html?
    • For Backup method, I want to see results immediately, so I chose: First in first out, with a setting of 5
  • Click the blue "Save" button (that hides below the window frame)
  • I click it a few times, expecting some acknowledgement other than momentary darkening of the button, then I "X" out of the modal popup

Third question

Confirm it is working
  • I refresh Chrome, double click Fruit.html in the Finder, and it loads into Chrome - I can do everything with it, and the "Saved wiki" notification shows up for 1 second in the upper right of the screen
  • I do this several times, for the First in, First out "save mechanism" to log a change for sure
  • I close and reopen Chrome, thereby refreshing all the tiddlers and the browser, and reload Fruit.html
  • None of the new tiddlers are there

The Backup location (path setting?) must be wrong


Birthe C

May 2, 2020, 12:21:15 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Of course I did try to save, but absolutely nothing happens. I looked if the extension setting were correct, but I am really not sure.
When I right click the icon it says I am not able to read or change website data. (oh the wonders of using a browser in another language.



May 2, 2020, 12:32:11 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Birthe

So can you confirm a few things.

In your home folder, there will be a folder in the path ".local/share/timimi". It will be a hidden folder obviously- which you can unhide it with ctrl+h in nemo. (I feel like I am over-explaining this to a Mint user, but for newbies, this info might be useful.) In that folder, please confirm that there is an executable named timimi. It is also possible that there is an log file in this folder - either timimi.log or error.log. If there is, can you post its contents?

Secondly, there is another folder under your home folder at ".config/chromium/NativeMessagingHosts". In that folder, there should be a file called timimi.json. Can you please post its contents here?



May 2, 2020, 12:37:11 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
How do you recommend I load the wiki into Chrome?

It does not matter how you load it into chrome. Timimi only cares it is a local file.

Have I loaded Timimi correctly?

Well, I have to ask back - Have you installed the native host in your computer? Is there any error messages being notified when you try to save after installing timimi?

Confirm it is working?

Hmm, can you clarify your question. Do you mean that none of the changes you made to the file actually got saved? All you have to do to test is - download an empty wiki, add some tiddlers, press the save button on the sidebar, refresh the wiki tab, and search if the tiddlers you made is still there. Once this is tackled, I can help with the backup issue.

Birthe C

May 2, 2020, 12:50:42 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
You are explaining a the right level for me, thanks.
In /home/lenovo/.local/share/timimi I see the timimi executable file, no log file.
In /home/lenovo/.config/chromium/NativeMessagingHosts there is no file.



May 2, 2020, 12:55:13 PM5/2/20
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Birthe,

So it is an installer issue.

I am attaching a json file personalized for you. Please download it, place it in the folder ".config/chromium/NativeMessagingHosts" and try saving a tiddlywiki file using chromium

Birthe C

May 2, 2020, 1:01:55 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Riz,

No, my TW still saves using the download saver, not timimi.



May 2, 2020, 1:07:48 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
That is interesting. In your browser, timimi is not detecting tiddlywiki at all. Which version of Chromium and Mint is this? Also you mentioned your browser is in another language. Which language is it so that I may replicate it in tests?

Birthe C

May 2, 2020, 1:12:16 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Linux Mint 19.2 Tina base: Ubuntu 18.04 bionic, Chromium Version 80.0.3987.163 With Danish language.



May 2, 2020, 1:14:14 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Ok, I need to spin up a VM and test it. Might take some time before I can come back you. Please enjoy timimi in Firefox till then



May 2, 2020, 1:21:30 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Also about this point

When I right click the icon it says I am not able to read or change website data

You were right clicking on the timimi icon on the toolbar? And this error appeared as a notification?
Can I also know where is the tiddlywiki.html in your harddrive?

Birthe C

May 2, 2020, 1:29:38 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Right clicking the timimi icon in the browser, I saw it in the dropdown - no notification.
My tiddlywiki file is in my dropbox folder: /home/lenovo/Dropbox/Birthes ny TW5er.



May 2, 2020, 1:40:07 PM5/2/20
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Ok, That actually seems weird

Just clarifying - you did go to Chromium menu (top-right three dots) > More Tools > Extensions > Timimi > Details and check the "Allow access to file URLs" option?

Birthe C

May 2, 2020, 1:48:31 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Well it look like this:
Hope that is what you mean.


May 2, 2020, 1:52:42 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Little below that. With English version as my guide, I can say second option below that will read "Allow access to file URLs" in Danish

Birthe C

May 2, 2020, 2:08:24 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thank you for all your patience and help, Riz.

It works now, I thought I had tried all options and combinations....but not so apparently. I am so over the moon happy.
Your timimi,json and one more setting in the extension did it...(language can be such a bother).



May 2, 2020, 2:12:04 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
I am happy too. I am glad that a veteran tiddlywiki community member like you chose to give timimi a try. Hope you enjoy it.

If you have any suggestions regarding, do let me know. I will work on the installer issue.



May 2, 2020, 2:13:46 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for your help Riz.

Well, I have to ask back - Have you installed the native host in your computer? Is there any error messages being notified when you try to save after installing timimi?

Here https://ibnishak.github.io/Timimi/ I found:

Download timimi-2-1-1-Mac from Github

Run it by double clicking [If your OS asks for confirmation, choose "Run"].

Double clicking runs a "terminal-like" window called "TextEdit" that is many pages long, and does not allow easy "reading" of the output

  • It starts with
#!/bin/sh # This script was generated using Makeself 2.4.2 # The license covering this archive and its contents, if any, is wholly independent of the Makeself license (GPL) ORIG_UMASK=umask if test "n" = n; then umask 077 fi CRCsum="4204368698" MD5="37b2b0a4a088b50f7962c18d20a9a852" SHA="0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" TMPROOT=${TMPDIR:=/tmp} USER_PWD="$PWD"...
  • Is it loading / running?
  • It never offers a run option
  • Scrolling for an error message seems impossible. You advance 20 lines and it pauses, and seems to be hundreds of pages long. No hard error stop ever occurs, and the window disappears. It is not visible through Terminal or Hyper, so I don't know what it is or what itis doing. I have run it (now) 3 times, with same result.

Select the appropriate browser when asked.

  • It never asks

Hmm, can you clarify your question. Do you mean that none of the changes you made to the file actually got saved? All you have to do to test is - download an empty wiki, add some tiddlers, press the save button on the sidebar, refresh the wiki tab, and search if the tiddlers you made is still there. Once this is tackled, I can help with the backup issue.

  • No new tiddlers appear upon refresh, same basic Empty.html.
Thank you again 



May 2, 2020, 2:16:59 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki

Can you right click on the downloaded installer and select "Open with > Terminal"


May 2, 2020, 2:51:37 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
If I right click timimi-2-1-1-Mac in the Download folder, "Terminal" is not an accepted option for opening it. So I "forced" it, and I get this error in Terminal:

Last login: Sat May  2 08:46:04 on ttys000

jwh@Jeffreys-MBP-2 ~ % run

zsh: command not found: run

jwh@Jeffreys-MBP-2 ~ % Run

zsh: command not found: Run

jwh@Jeffreys-MBP-2 ~ % 


May 2, 2020, 2:54:59 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
In  Library/Application Support/timimi, there is no "timimi"



May 2, 2020, 3:00:20 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki

Ok, please try the following. If this step does not work, I will send you personalised installer.

Open terminal and run the following commands one by one

cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x ./


May 2, 2020, 3:04:48 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
It loaded!

Last login: Sat May  2 13:56:35 on ttys001

jwh@Jeffreys-MBP-2 ~ % cd ~/Downloads

jwh@Jeffreys-MBP-2 Downloads % chmod +x ./timimi-2-1-1-Mac

jwh@Jeffreys-MBP-2 Downloads % ./timimi-2-1-1-Mac

Verifying archive integrity...  100%   MD5 checksums are OK. All good.

Uncompressing   100%  

Hello There

Starting Timimi Installation


Created host directory

Created host manifest: /Users/jwh/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/NativeMessagingHosts/timimi.json

Created host executable: /Users/jwh/Library/Application Support/timimi/timimi

Installation finished without errors.

Have a great day!!

jwh@Jeffreys-MBP-2 Downloads %                                

Now to test it - thank you so much, Riz



May 2, 2020, 3:33:11 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Please note that for chrome you have to specifically allow access to local files. As pointed out above, you can do that as follows

In your chrome open the Menu (top-right 3 dots) > More tools >  Extensions > Timimi > Details and check the "Allow access to file URLs" option

Alfonso Arciniega

May 2, 2020, 6:40:38 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Riz,

Finally, after following the instructions you gave to JW, I managed to install Timimi on Mac OS (both Catalina and previous High Sierra) on Firefox 75.0 and Chrome 81.0.4+, 64-bit.

Thank you for your help.


Message has been deleted


May 2, 2020, 6:43:25 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki
Oh, glad to hear that. I will add those instructions to documentation for others. Hope you enjoy timimi


May 2, 2020, 7:39:40 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki

Just testing and setting backup paths etc... in Chrome now along with my existing FireFox usage. Its very cool and efficient thanks a lot.

I have set the tower of Hanoi backups to the same location in both browsers. Is this advisable or should I use different backup folders?


On Monday, 27 April 2020 23:37:06 UTC+10, Riz wrote:
Hello there,

Hope all you are doing well and safe in these testing times.

Yes, it has been a year since I promised it but finally Timimi has extended its support to Chrome, Chromium and Opera in addition to Firefox. In addition, there is support for notifications in case of save failures, and a new backup strategy called "First In First Out".

For those of you who don't know:

Timimi is a browser extension using native messaging API that enables you to save standalone tiddlywiki files - both tiddlywiki-5 as well as tiddlywiki-classic - anywhere under your home directory. Timimi also facilitates backing up of tiddlywiki files with support for 4 different backup strategies. As of now timimi is available for Firefox, Chrome, Chromium and Opera.

To know more and installation instructions, please see: https://ibnishak.github.io/Timimi/

To the existing users of Timimi in Firefox:

I have pushed new update to firefox addon store. If you have enabled auto-update of addons, you must be receiving notifications in your browser any moment now or have already received. Anyway, please update to latest version and also update the native host. Detailed installation instructions are available here: https://ibnishak.github.io/Timimi/#Installing%20Timimi

Due to extensive difficulties in porting action-launch-script plugin support across platforms, the new timimi version is temporarily disabling the same. However it is my product and I stand behind the same. So if any of you has existing workflows that depended on the same, I would oblige myself to create personalised versions of plugin as well as backend. Please let me know or open an issue here: https://github.com/ibnishak/Timimi

@Jeremy: If you could pin this for a couple of days to ensure existing users will be notified of the update, that would be wonderful.

Let me know your feedback. Plant more trees.


PS: Fair warning. There are 3 OSes, 4 browsers in each, 4 backup strategies. So that in itself calls for 48 different tests, not to mention countless edge cases. I have build tests for a lot of cases, but not all of them. So test it out with a couple of empty wikis before working on your important projects

Rizwan Ishak

May 2, 2020, 7:45:14 PM5/2/20
to TiddlyWiki

Only consideration you should have is whether the overwriting of each others backup is ok with you. Otherwise whatever suits you. Timimi is not bothered whether each browser has a separate location or same. It is designed to remove any restrictions we have on saving.


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May 3, 2020, 7:49:38 AM5/3/20
to TiddlyWiki

I was using Timimi for firefox and it worked fine, now it no longer saves backup versions and only overwrite on the file itself.

So I need to install the timimi-2-1-1-Windows-Firefox.exe ?

Before it was an extension on Firefox that could save backups into a folder of my computer, now as a stand alone firefox extension it has less functionality?

It is loading more messages.
0 new messages