publishing a wiki. store.php working? github better?

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HC Haase

Mar 6, 2020, 7:41:36 AM3/6/20
to TiddlyWiki
Is anyone using the store.php or enhanced store.php to upload a wiki to own server? Is this still working?

I used store.php a long time ago, but now I can't get it to work.

I was thinking if it would be easier to use GitHub and show the GitHub public page in an iframe on own domain.

All advice on publishing TW is appreciated

Birthe C

Mar 6, 2020, 11:54:46 AM3/6/20
to TiddlyWiki


Mar 6, 2020, 6:05:24 PM3/6/20
to TiddlyWiki
I totally recommend the tw-receiver.

I was "beating around the bush" with store.php and was happy to use tw-receiver when I found it.

I commented recently on how to make it completely private if desired here


HC Haase

Mar 9, 2020, 5:21:38 AM3/9/20
to TiddlyWiki
thank you for your suggestions. I also fail in getting tw-receiver to work. Properly some issue with my hosting (htacces and permissions is checked).

But I begin to think, that this is too much hassle. Maybe I just drop my file once in a while via ftp. It was a cool concept though.

Xavier Cazin

Mar 9, 2020, 5:30:27 AM3/9/20
Hi HC,

If you're using the original version of store.php, it is not compatible with recent versions of PHP. Replacing split() with explode() throughout the file should be enough to make store.php work with PHP7.

-- Xavier

On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 10:21 AM HC Haase <> wrote:
thank you for your suggestions. I also fail in getting tw-receiver to work. Properly some issue with my hosting (htacces and permissions is checked).

But I begin to think, that this is too much hassle. Maybe I just drop my file once in a while via ftp. It was a cool concept though.

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Mar 9, 2020, 7:38:11 AM3/9/20
to TiddlyWiki

If you want me to share the setting I used just ask


Xavier Cazin

Mar 10, 2020, 1:19:11 PM3/10/20

Hi everyone,

TL;DR: Go to, click on "Read an extract" and play with it. Then come back if you'd like to know more.

I have been working in the publishing industry for the past 25 years, including the last 10 years as the co-founder of a French ebook distribution company, immaté Among many things that got me frustrated in the course of selling ebooks is the fact that ebook formats have never been in phase with how we have linked ourselves to knowledge in the two last decades.

The main reason for this particular failure is because ePub and Mobipocket were initially (around 2010) imposed to publishers by Apple and Amazon respectively, and became soon the only digital formats that publishers could sell to the main vendors (actually, Google Play Books also sells PDF books).

While there are other reasons to rant about the current state of the ebook market, I gave some thought about what could be a likeable modern format for eBooks, and as you guessed, TiddlyWiki checked all the boxes:

  1. the book should be easy to open: the reading app could be the same browser that you used to buy the book, whether you are on your mobile or at your desktop;
  2. it should be readable both offline or online;
  3. it should open at the same place where you stopped reading last time;
  4. typesetting should be as beautiful and complex as a website can be;
  5. content should be truly multimedia, including live content from anywhere on the network. Audio books should be a mere byproduct of this feature;
  6. authors should be allowed to multiply standpoints on its content;
  7. readers should be able to reorganise the initial content, and also write above and around it;
  8. for the paranoids out there or those who missed Tim O'Reilly's famous piece on piracy back in the days, book content should be easy to encrypt. Ebooks lending to libraries might actually be a good use case.

So we at immaté considered that this territory was worth exploring and we dedicated our 2019 R&D efforts into building a TW5 alternative format for customers who were regularly buying ePubs at our experimental bookstore We had to move forward on two fronts in parallel:

  • Converting our full catalog of 80K ePubs from more than 1000 (mostly French) publishers into TW5
  • Figuring a way to display books in an homogeneous way, yet familiar enough for both people reading content on the Web and people used to ePub reading apps, while showing off their new TiddlyWiki nature.

So I asked Jeremy if he'd welcome a sponsoring for such a project through his company Federatial and, to my awe, he said yes of course! Parallely, since I wasn't sure of how we should render the typical book elements nor the typical features of an ebook reading app in a TW5 interface, I asked JD, one of our gifted community contributors to TW5 user interfaces, for ideas and preliminary tests.

Soon enough, the three of us had regular meetings, that eventually led to a preliminary release of several great open source products that are now embedded into every non-DRM books and extracts that you'll find at the 7switch ebookstore:

  1. The first one is already included in the current prerelease of TW5: the dynaview plugin allows content to come into view dynamically in response to familiar gestures like scrolling.
  2. Next comes the dynannotate plugin, which will soon make its way to 5.1.22, and is already included in books and extracts that you can find on 7switch. With it, you can annotate content in a various number of ways.
  3. Then you'll find the ePub-slicer plugin, a tool to convert any ePub file into a plugin that essentially contains a list of small content chunks (aka tiddlers!) which can be revealed during the scroll as you read the book in the browser. Thanks to their plugin nature, not only multiple converted books can be hosted in a single TW5 file, but also one can override book content without fear, since the original shadow tiddlers could be retrieved at any time. Note that the HTML parsing is not yet complete, as we'd like to be able to parse any ePub, whether their content has been well semantised or not. So if you see spurious </li> or </blockquote> every once in a while, don't be surprised: you're looking at a work in progress.
  4. Finally, you'll also find JD's TW Book Wrapper plugin, which is responsible for most specific UI elements, from annotations management to the automatic language switching, based on your browser default language. By the way, we started with French and English as bu
    ilt-in interface languages. If you'd like to submit more translations, you're welcome!

Please have a try with any non-DRM books (or their extracts) that you'll find on 7switch. Also try to drag and drop your own ePubs (in so-called Author Mode) to add books in these TW5 containers. And tell us what you think!

Thank you for having read so far :-)




Mar 10, 2020, 2:08:26 PM3/10/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Xavier,
 This is really impressive. I am just playing with the tool and I am very delighted to see Tiddlywiki in action in real world and more specific in publishing industry.

Congratulation for this great piece of work and many thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Julio Peña

Mar 10, 2020, 2:13:01 PM3/10/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hello there,

Oh wow Xavier, will definitely bookmark to go through this more 
attentively and at my leisure.

On first quick impressions...great job! :)

Best wishes,

Sylvain Naudin

Mar 10, 2020, 6:19:29 PM3/10/20
to TiddlyWiki
Bonjour Xavier :)
(peut-être que tu pourrais poster sur un fil dédié pour annoncer ce magnifique projet !)

Whouh !! A realy beauty peace of work !! Great to see this, so thanks Xavier, Jeremy and JD !

I have a look on control panel before reading the end of your post, and smile while I've discover this new plugins.

Just play with an epub from Thierry Crouzet, and it works :)

NB : n'hésite surtout pas à témoigner de tout ce magnifique travail sur le forum francophone ;)


Xavier Cazin

Mar 11, 2020, 5:48:22 AM3/11/20
Hi everyone, 

Thank you Mohammad, Julio and Sylvain for your early reactions. Sylvain made me realise that I posted this inside a previous thread by HC! I'll repost it separately (sorry in advance for the inconvenience).

-- Xavier


Mar 11, 2020, 6:25:03 PM3/11/20
to TiddlyWiki
I am impressed,

I love the ability to touch highlight text on my desktop/mobile. The brand  immatériel works well in english as well. 

I am looking to publish manuals and other items in tiddlywiki, I do hope you share some of your "simplification" or lockout configuration to the community. 

Thanks for sharing, Once launched I think we can all help promote this.


Scott Kingery

Mar 11, 2020, 7:48:41 PM3/11/20
to TiddlyWiki
I guess it depends on what you want to do with it. I have one that I make public by first using Ton's read-only plugin then just putting it up on my site via FTP.


Mar 11, 2020, 10:35:50 PM3/11/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks scott, getting me to review Tons great plugins
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