Sq-Stories always open the links in the left story

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Jul 16, 2020, 3:23:17 AM7/16/20
to TiddlyWiki
Saq's Stories plugin allows you to use two story rivers side by side so you can easily edit the tiddler on one side while reading your existing notes on the other side. The two stories are independent of each other, they only interact if you give such an instruction directly: using the button in the tiddler drop-down menu, or Shift + Click on a link will open the desired tiddler in the other story river.

This doesn’t fit my purpose: I want to use the plugin to keep the tiddlers I want separate from the story (as if to put some of the sticky notes on the desktop aside), but basically the story works the same way, as before.

This is why I modified the plugin (the changes are attached): the Shift + Click feature will not be available, but all links will open in the left story; you can move tiddlers to the right story only with the tiddler dropdown menu, or drag-n-drop.


If you don't want to save the Story status with the wiki, add this to the publishFilter macro (this works without the modification as well):

 -[[$:/_sq/Stories/Story2StoryList]] -[[$:/_sq/Stories/Story2HistoryList]]

Saq Imtiaz

Jul 16, 2020, 3:46:01 AM7/16/20
to TiddlyWiki
@Bimlas thanks for sharing!

I am planning a rewrite/cleanup of the Stories plugin when I can find the time. I'll make this a configurable behaviour in the rewrite.

Regarding adding the histoy list to the publishFilter: the problem for plugin writers is that there is no mechanism to append tiddlers to the publishFilter. The quick hack in Stories is to delete the history list for the second story on start-up via startup-actions.


AC Quinlan

May 26, 2023, 6:02:03 PM5/26/23
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Saq,

Have you had a chance to update the Stories plugin with more configurable behavior?
In my own use case, I'd like tiddlers with a specific tag (or field set) to open in the right column automatically.  Is this something you've considered?

Thank you!



May 27, 2023, 4:46:30 PM5/27/23
to TiddlyWiki
AC Quinlan wrote:
> Hi Saq,
> Have you had a chance to update the Stories plugin with more configurable behavior?

Discussion has mostly migrated to https://talk.tiddlywiki.org

You'll find a much more active community there.
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