Help with battery upgrade

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Mike Drescher

Feb 2, 2018, 3:35:14 PM2/2/18
Hi. I am hoping to get some help with a battery upgrade. Either technical assistance or?

I would consider hiring someone to construct a battery pack with the right setup.

I have an S-750X. The wheel based A battery is totally shot- and the B battery (from LEVT in Idaho) allows about 5 minutes of use per charge - also the charger barely accepts the B battery and I have to plug/unplug a few times before the charger will accept it instead of red/defective.

The motor appears solid and the bike and components are fine. I could replace the front wheel wit a normal wheel - I just need a reliable battery (or two and hot-swap) that can sit on the rear deck (or panniers) power the motor and accept regenerative power back from the motor (on the downhills) too.

I am located in the Santa Fe, NM area but travel to West Coast and CO/AZ/NV too.

Many thanks!


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