Re: [Narrow Gate 4539] Digest for - 2 Messages in 2 Topics

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jesse orozco

Nov 21, 2011, 9:19:27 AM11/21/11
Almost all the Nephilim were destroyed after the great flood. There were a handful that survived in deep caves underground that housed air cavities to breath, example descendants like Goliath. When they died their spirits went up and looked for a place to survive. GOD/Eloheim as you like to call him would not breath them back into his bosom. Why because the were deformed/unclean wicked spirits that could not be allowed to contaminate him. This is why today they wonder in dry places looking for a 'house' to live in....they hate the water...especially 'baptism'...this is why we have 'unclean' spirits' to this day. would you like to know more?

From: "" <>
To: Digest Recipients <>
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 12:53 AM
Subject: [Narrow Gate 4539] Digest for - 2 Messages in 2 Topics


    Ray <> Nov 20 02:52AM -0800  

    Scripture makes clear that the Nephilim were a hybrid race between
    Yahweh's children and man [1] and that they still exist [2]. The
    Nepthilim are described as something that the children of Yahweh both
    respected and feared. Commentators attribute the Nepthilim as physical
    giants, but as Yahweh's Word concerns the spiritual understanding of
    who and what we are to Him, could the Nephilim be a description of
    people who take the word of Yahweh and use it to control others such
    that the religions of man strive to do?
    1. Genesis 6:4
    2. Numbers 13:33


    Ray <> Nov 20 02:29AM -0800  

    Scripture makes clear that the Nephilim were a hybrid race between
    Yahweh's children and man [1] and that they still exist [2]. The
    Nepthilim are described as something that the children of Yahweh both
    respected and feared. Commentators attribute the Nepthilim as physical
    giants, but as God's Word concerns the spiritual understanding of who
    and what we are to Him, could the Nephilim be a description of people
    who take the word of Yahweh and use it to control others such that the
    religions of man strive to do?
    1. Genesis 6:4
    2. Numbers 13:33


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