Porn again Christians

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Dec 7, 2009, 12:33:54 AM12/7/09
to The Narrow Gate
> >> It's a great idea, and it should be supported.
> > Thanks for the voice of support.. I don't know if John is Christian
> > but the talley now is one Messianic, one non believer and John
> > supporting not purchasing violent media. You would think this would
> > be a cause "Christians" would jump on board with ... you don't have to
> > subscribe to any particular theology to want less violence in the
> > world.
> Christians who aren't Christian.

The thing is, "live each day as if it were your last". Would you want
to make the world a better place or waste your time telling somebody
to go to hell because they don't agree with you? I believe that the
media is conditioning people to make evil choices and this is why you
have children that are behaving like demons on the streets of cities
around the world.

If we remove the profit incentive to make garbage, movies about life,
joy and morality will be made again but not until people as a
collective "Just say no" to violence.

Violence isn't the only problem as I see it… With pot and porn
outselling corn, America’s leading export is rampant pornography.
Hardcore porn makes more money than Hollywood movies; the US leads the
world in export of sex videos. Yes, my fellow Americans, stand tall
and wave those flags, take drugs to forget that porn, alcohol and
violence are your major exports to the world.

The “Christian” voice can dimly be heard Sunday morning during the wee
hours after a long night drunken binges and we have the nerve to
berate the Taliban for telling their daughters to cover up and not
follow the western example.

Reality says, If “Christians” were not calling 1-900 sex numbers our
televisions wouldn’t be flooded with advertising because they would
make NO PROFIT. If Christians were not going to strip clubs, buying
prostitutes and yes, making pornography freely available under the
guise of “Free Speech”, telling our daughters that sex is a commodity
to be traded for a piece of paper, the industry would be gone but its
thriving in this economic downturn. These are the “American Values”
we are fighting for and I don’t think their worth it any more.

If CHRISTIANS started actually standing up for what is truly right, we
wouldn’t have prostitutes walking down the back alleys of every major
city. We are “Porn again Christians”. What's the difference between
porn and prostitution? Porn is legal and so prostitution is also
legal in the United States but we delude ourselves into thinking
otherwise but what message are we teaching our daughters? We condemn
them for actually being whores on the one hand but overlook the fact
that our neighbor is rewarding them and buying them drugs and alcohol
to numb their senses while they pay to demean themselves.

But let me tell you daughters of the world, you are making your own
hell and selling yourselves short and any man that says otherwise
deserves nothing but despise.

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