RE: [Narrow Gate 0] Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic

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Dec 6, 2009, 2:40:55 PM12/6/09
Where is the passage in the bible about the nuclear war coming you sent?Also 9/11 predicted in bible;Palms 11(number sign of the illuminatis) "Their" in parenthesis(who is their, govt?) shoot at upright in heart.Could the upright be a term used to describe a building and in the heart of the building was where the planes hit.Then "if the foundations be destroyed(note ,plural as in two)what can the rightous(the American people out of the loop)do". Psalms 23, "as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death"
After Hiroshima was nuked they reported peoples shadows superimposed on walls like a flash from a camera on film,could this be the meaning of this?

Subject: [Narrow Gate 0] Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 08:08:17 +0000

  Today's Topic Summary
    Yochannan <> Dec 05 01:36PM -0800
    It might be true, that all war is based upon deception (it certainly
    includes deception), but in my understanding, war is also the result
    of poor and inept leadership. It is caused by greed; a pretext for
    invading another sovereign state; an excuse to develop private,
    corporate, an/or personal wealth. War is also commonly used to effect
    changes in customs, cultures and the religions of countries deemed
    inferior to what the superior power dictates as most desirable to
    their own self interests, the latter has become quit evident in the
    war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
    The war in Iraq and Afghanistan has also become "Christianity's"
    struggle against "Islam" since it has become a popular but mistaken
    belief, that Islam is an inferior belief to that of Christianity. The
    truth is, these religions are exclusive, that is, Christianity accepts
    no other religious concepts as valid, and Islam does likewise. Where
    Islam is a "pure" monotheistic religious belief system, Christianity
    has developed into a "compromised" monotheistic religious belief
    system. Christianity promotes the concept of a one true God that is
    expressed into the three distinct persons. This concept that is not
    reconcilable to someone having the pure monotheistic concept of the
    God that names Himself YHWH in the Hebrew Scriptures. The extreme
    elements on both these religious systems would love to wipeout a
    billion or more of those adhering to the other system from the face of
    the earth. Not a day goes by that I do not hear a Christian voicing
    contempt against the belief of a Muslim. I suppose the opposite is
    also true, but I have not had the opportunity to confirm this.
    Fanaticism is found in all major religions, not just in Islam.
    Christianity (and its need to "convert" the globe) is one of those
    religions that have extremists on the far right. Christianity is
    directly responsible for the death of millions of people throughout
    the last 2000 years. This I believe it is one of the reasons the
    extreme wing of Islam is at war with the Government of the United
    States. It seems that some people just do not "appreciate" the moral
    standards that have come about through "Christianity" and I can't
    blame them. Further more, the United States has become a "Democracy"
    and who wants to live in a Democracy? I don't. According to our
    Constitution, (the by-laws for our Federal Corporate Government), we
    are a "Representative Republic," NOT a Democracy. No Country in the
    history of the world has ever, nor could ever survive as a true
    The real root of the terrorism problem is, that we, the Western
    Nations of the World have not been able to control the Jews, who have
    used our good will, and our money to steel, and rob their neighbors
    with US supplied arms, and US built war machines. The Christian
    ignorance of who these so-called Jews the "chosen people" really are,
    have led to a convoluted support for a people group that are united
    only by their religious belief of Jewism, and by their hate for anyone
    else (including the Christian). Jewism has nothing to do with the
    Ancient religious belief of our Hebrew forefathers, nor does
    Christianity for that matter. The prophet Yahshua was never a
    Christian, and never used the New Testament Greek Bible. Yahshua was a
    pure monotheist, a believer in the God of the Hebrew Scriptures named
    YHWH. Yahshua was therefore a Yahwist, one who believes (like the
    Muslim) in ONE true "God." Ultimately then, it is the policy of the
    United States Government, supported by the convoluted Christian
    mentality in this country (to protect the so-called "chosen people")
    that has helped keep us in war in the middle East. It is this extended
    policy to convert (and force by power of arms) the religious systems
    and the moral standards of those with whom we disagree, into what we
    may determine to be fit. It is the United States Government and it's
    miss-directed foreign policy (our support for the wicked Jewish State
    called Israel) that fosters the real cause of Terrorism World Wide,
    What we see happening today did not begin on 9-11, it is the result of
    US Government actions that date back at least 60 years and to the
    Creation of State of Israel. Atrocities against ones fellow man, or
    against ones neighbor is never justified. Yet it is not the
    responsibility of the United States Government to change the form of
    other Governments, or the religion of the people that hold to
    particular beliefs, simply by a force of arms. Would we as a people
    want to be forced to worship the Buddha? After all, we are now the
    real property of Communist Red China since our wonderful Communist
    trading partner has become the master holder of indebtedness. As they
    say, the debtor is always the slave of the lender.
    The payback against the United States in the 9-11 twin tower NYC
    destruction, was in fact a retaliation against the United States
    Government for permitting the Jews (State of Israel) to act against
    Lebanon in 1982 by destroying the "Twin Towers" located in Lebanon.
    This 9-11 act instigated by Bin Laden was simply a long over-due
    retaliation against the United States for picking a side, supporting
    the Jewish State against the Palestinian people. "A friend of my enemy
    is my enemy." Largely due to its attempt to manipulate the customs,
    culture, standards of other sovereign nations, the United States is
    seen as the world bully, and therefore has become the basic root cause
    of world terrorism. The United States instigates one side against
    another by direct influence and military support for the one, many
    times resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people that
    are innocent of any wrongdoing on both sides a the resulting
    In videotape broadcast by the Al-Jazeera network on Oct. 29, 2004, Bin
    Laden said he got the idea for destroying the Twin Towers in NYC as a
    young man watching the devastation wrought on Lebanon during the
    United States-backed invasion. "When I saw those destroyed towers in
    Lebanon," bin Laden said, "it sparked in my mind that the oppressors
    should be punished in the same way and that we should destroy towers
    in America - so they can taste what we tasted and so they stop killing
    our women and children." The rest is now history, but could have been
    prevented by the correct United States Policy.
    This was a good example of delayed Arab re-payment for an injustice
    brought about by America's support for the Jew. Oppression fosters
    terrorism, retribution and resistance against the oppressor. This is a
    given result that the arms of war will never overcome or correct. This
    being the case, changes from the status quo must be made in American
    foreign policy. The changes must contribute toward eliminating the
    basic need for any future conflict, or acts of terrorism against
    people regardless of their color, custom, culture or religion, or how
    they may differ from us.
    A Palestinian State MUST be created, and it cannot contain "isolated
    islands of land with dense populations" subject to the complete
    control of Jews. Because it is in fact isolated land, a land island,
    the Gaza Strip must become part of the State of Israel. In return
    Israel must give much of its stolen northern territory and the West
    Bank to make room for the new Palestinian State. The Palestinian State
    must become a viable State. The resulting smaller Jewish State will
    have equal opportunity for success and independence, but no more that
    the Palestinian State. The Jews must be disarmed from their weapons of
    mass destruction, and an embargo on the Jews must be placed to avoid
    continued hostilities against their neighbors. As American, British,
    and French people, we must see that this becomes a reality.
    The change of leadership in the Government of America (Obama
    Presidency) is the perfect opportunity to FORCE THESE CHANGES on both
    the Jews, and the Palestinians. If the situation between these two
    peoples is not corrected terrorism and hatred will NOT be corrected,
    and those that support the Jew will continue to be subject to acts of
    hatred. It is that important. The conflict between the Jew, and the
    Arab is the direct cause for terrorism against any State that
    continues to support the Jew and their agenda for world control. It is
    high time for Americans to recognize that Jews are not the friends of
    the American People. Jews are not friends of any people on the Globe.
    The American F-14 fighter jets, the Apache helicopters, their rockets,
    and smart bombs, are the only friends Jews have with the American
    people. Take away the billions of annual dollars of U.S. support, the
    weapons of mass destruction that they have acquired from us, and their
    friendship to America will disappear overnight.
    Jews unfortunately, have been very successful in manipulating control
    over the American people through their vast influence in the Christian
    community and in United States Government. They control of all major
    American News Networks, and Television, and control the American
    Banking industry, the Federal Reserve Banks and other major world
    currencies. The Jews in fact, invented "printed" fiat currency that is
    now used as money, and Jews own the Private Federal Reserve Banking
    system of the United States.
    Contrary to the understanding of Christians, Jews are imposters to the
    Scriptural Israelites. They are not related in any way to the Ancient
    Israelites by their religion or otherwise. It is high time that this
    truth is recognized. The only claim the Jew has to any land in
    Palestine is from the original League of Nations (UN) mandate 60-years
    ago. This was put together by European nations that wanted to rid the
    Jew from Europe by dumping them on the people of Palestine at the
    request of British Zionist Jews.
    As long as arms and financial support from the United States continues
    to flow to the Jew, the Jews will continue to oppress and kill their
    neighbors. The Western European nations and we as Americans will
    continue to be subject to hatred violence and possible retribution by
    those that are oppressed due to our Government policies.

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Dec 22, 2009, 8:10:35 AM12/22/09
to The Narrow Gate
"Contrary to the understanding of Christians, Jews are imposters to
Scriptural Israelites. They are not related in any way to the Ancient
Israelites by their religion or otherwise. It is high time that this
truth is recognized."

"Jew" is the modern short form of Judah. And last I checked, "Judah"
was one of only two groups to be included in the renewed covenant cut
through the blood of Yehoshua(Jer. 31/Heb. 8). Second, GOD placed a
veil over Judah:

2Co 3:14 But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth
the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old covenant; which
vail is done away in Christ.
2Co 3:15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon
their heart. <<<<
2Co 3:16 Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall
be taken away.

And seeing Judah's eyes will be opened to Yehoshua (see Zech 12:9-10
as ONE example of many) when it is their TIME to have their eyes
opened, their additions to Torah and blindness to it will be taken
away. Judah is on a path to the Kingdom, we are on a path to the
Kingdom. Two paths, two witnesses of the same destination... two
"conflicting" witnesses of the same destination. According to Torah,
conflicting witnesses are better witnesses, and these two witnesses,
who both ultimately will go through Messiah and reach the same
destination making us BROTHERS, witnesses to... prove... the Kingdom
is a reality.



Dec 22, 2009, 12:22:53 PM12/22/09
to The Narrow Gate
Well said Ken.

The text you quoted was written by Yochannan under another topic, but
it brings to light his belief that the 'Jews' of today are not in any
way related by blood to the tribe of Yahudah in Scripture.

And Yochannan - a very well-written post. I don't agree with your
position and neither does history. Do you not know that the area now
known as Jordan was originally "Trans-Jordan" (across-Jordan) and was
to be THE Palestinian State? What happened? The same thing that has
always happened when Yisrael has tried to compromise and trade land
for peace.

~ Moderator

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