International Artists IA BOX set available soon (again)

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2015年4月8日 20:52:372015/4/8

Howdy y'all!

I had started a thread way back (here) in 2007 after I had first ripped the full IA box set to digital and offered it
as a MP3 download.

Out of a few requests (outside of this forum) people wanted to order CD versions of the box set.

I had made all of this known here (under my old forum name freQazoidiac)  and was basically attacked by Kiloh as
he was under the impression I was a bootlegger! ;) After some explaining to help Kiloh see why I had to charge a couple
bucks for the box set (for blank media, postal costs, printing) he still called me a bootlegger and from what I recall
I was banned here.

Well I am revisiting this  after I have made millions off of bootleging the Box set and now can offer it for free.

JUST KIDDING -well  not the free part though.  It was simply a bandwidth issue back in 2007 that I could not share lossless files.
So now I'm going to set it up as a torrent share in lossless form.

Sadly I had transferred the whole box in 16/44 resolution before I purchased my 24 bit system and no longer have the box set in my possession
so it's Red book CD quality - otherwise I'd offer it in 24K.

I'm just in the process of going over the files again and getting them ready to package for Torrent.  I no longer bother with MP3 anything.

So nothing against anyone Kiloh Smith - and if I was deemed a bootlegger - I would be the world's most unsuccessful booters ever.  ;)

Let me know if there's interest in this group.

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