Chio-Tian Folk Drums & Arts Group Performances (Friday + Saturday)

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Aug 3, 2012, 8:46:52 AM8/3/12
to taiwaneseny, taiwaneseny

Have you ever experienced the vibrant energy of the Taiwanese Temple Fair? In cooperation with Lincoln Center and  Summer Street this year, the Chio-Tian Folk Drum & Arts Group, which the blockbuster movie “Din Tao: Leader of the Parade” is based on, will give New Yorkers an amazing performance of Din Tao.

Just in case you haven’t seen this movie before, here is the trailer: (Sorry for the funny pronunciation, this is the only version with English subtitle)

Chio-Tian will perform in two separate events:

1. Lincoln Center Out of Door Festival (8/3 7:30PM):

2. Summer Street NYC (8/4 10AM): At the Foley Square Rest Stop from 10AM to 10:30AM.  Afterwards, the group will then parade the street with the princes and drums Part of the Din Tao is to travel in distance and n fact they carried the 3rd prince figurine and crossed the Sahara Desert. There will be free bike rental on site so don’t miss this opportunity to be part of Summer Street inTaiwan style!

參與電影「陣頭」演出的「九天民俗技藝團」受林肯中心之邀前來紐約演出。他們首場將於林肯中心戶外節登場,日期為八月三日(五)傍晚七時半在Hearst Plaza演出。

而第二場將於紐約市交通局主辦的「Summer Street」登場。這個紐約市一年一度的大活動是近年來交通政策轉向變成在各處開始設立徒步區。而「Summer Street」則是將紐約市最精華的地帶封街,讓市民可以在無車的街上行走、騎車和活動。南從布魯克林大橋起,北至七十二街止,涵蓋範圍將近是半個曼哈頓島。

這次趁參與電影「陣頭」演出的「九天民俗技藝團」來林肯中心演出之時,特別安排該團在「Summer Street」中演出。而看過電影「陣頭」的朋友,應該對劇中瑪麗亞不陌生,他也會隨團一起來到紐約,請大家千萬不要錯過。

「九天民俗技藝團」將在早上十點於Foley Square演出。之後全團將以橫跨沙哈拉沙漠的精神,將從「Summer Street」起點出巡。請大家穿著自己的運動鞋、騎著腳踏車一起跟他們在紐約出巡!

* 現場將有免費腳踏車租借 沿途也有許多不同的活動可以參加
* Foley Square可搭地鐵J、Z到Chamber St站或者是4、5、6到City Hall站。

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