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Review of an Etymological Game: Orijinz

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Melanie and Mike

Nov 23, 2009, 12:05:59 AM11/23/09
to Take Our Word for It
Yes, we realize it's been a looooong time since we've posted to this
newsletter or published a new issue of the webzine. But we are ready
to get back to etymologizing! Our "day jobs" have kept us over-
occupied, but things are calming down and we have time to research and
write about our first love, etymology, once again.

To that end we review an etymological game called "Orijinz".This is
put out by Entspire, the folks who gave us the "Derivation" game.
Orijinz is a great new offering from Entspire. It comes with 150
cards that give a word or phrase and its origin, as well as some
factoids about the word or phrase. One player reads aloud the
derivation, without giving away the word or phrase, and the other
players are supposed to yell out the correct word/phrase. If no one
gets the word/phrase, the player reading the card can give additional
clues. Each correct answer is worth one point, and the first player
to reach 5 points wins.

There's also a second edition, so that once you become familiar with
the phrases in the first edition, you have somewhere to go.

Further, there is an alternative version of the game, called "The
Orijinz Con Game". This version is reminiscent of NPR's "Says You"
where several misleading yet convincing word or phrase derivations are
offered along with the correct one. Each player who chooses the
correct answer gets a point. Each player who had his/her incorrect
answer chosen by another player gets a point, and if two or more
players choose that incorrect answer, the person who wrote that answer
gets two points. The first person to get 10 points wins.

The Orijinz instructions acknowledge that 'There is still some debate
concerning the true origins of some of the phrases and words used in
Orijinz. We did exhaustive research to try and be as accurate as
possible. Feed back is welcome at" We have checked
Orijinz' origins, and they are indeed sound.

This is a great family game to play around the fire on a chilly winter
night. It would make a great stocking stuffer for the logophile(s) in
your family. We plan to play it on Thanksgiving if we can stay awake
after eating all that tryptophan-laced food, and thereafter on snowy
evenings through the holidays, and then into the depth of winter.
Thereafter we plan to play it on cool spring nights, and sultry summer
evenings. Give it as a holiday gift and then play it all year!
Etymology happens every day!

The first and second editions of Orijinz are available at
It's only $14.95 per edition, plus shipping, and you can calculate
your shipping costs prior to purchase. A bonus is that some of the
proceeds from the sale of Orijinz go to children's and educational
charities! What a great way to spend $14/95 - you get a great game
AND you help kids!

As for TOWFI, we hope to have a new issue available around the first
of the new year.

All the best,
Melanie and Mike
Take Our Word For It
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