Be Safe Out There

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Carey Rogers

Feb 17, 2014, 10:45:06 AM2/17/14
to Tennessee Bike Advocates, East Nashville Cycle Group

An incident report from a veteran bike commuter here in Nashville. This happened last week.





Fellow members of the bicycling community in Nashville, Middle Tennessee,


I got hit this morning!  Luckily no injury or serious damage to my bicycle, but it was a stark reminder of how important it is to

be constantly vigilant when riding. 


Was riding to work in Nashville on Demonbreun headed for 8th Avenue traveling in the marked bicycle lane through the intersection at Cummins Station

and the drive into the Frist Art Museum parking area (for Nashville folks familiar with this area).    Light was green when a car turned into me as I

was entering the intersection. 


Pretty clearly I had the right of way.  Two things to be reminded of here, I submit:  First,  be constantly alert when riding for all potential hazards, front, back and sides,

And second, and more specifically, don’t make the false assumption that car drivers will yield you the right of way.


Finally, I plan to contact the Metro Nashville government folks and ask that a sign (like others in town) be placed at this intersection to instruct car drivers to yield to bicycles.



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