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TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS: Saturday 10th August 2019: Tygerberg Nature Reserve (R20 entrance fee)

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Lorraine Nevin

Aug 5, 2019, 1:55:04 AM8/5/19
to Table Mountain Trailers Group
Good morning Trailers,

This coming Saturday we'll be heading North to the Tygerberg Nature Reserve.

We will run along the designated trails giving us a distance of some 10km and beautiful views of our beloved Table Mountain.

Rendezvous and start time
Meet at 7.20am at the main entrance ready to run at 7.30am. 
Directions are a little complicated (but see below). Best use your GPS and allow 45 minutes from the southern suburbs.


Terrain and distance
Mostly single track and not very technical but can be super slippery as the paths are smooth and hard packed in some places.  

This is a pack run with regular regroups, we will split into speed groups with leaders and sweeps on the morning. 
The relaxed group will be confirmed on Friday

Please note that  K-Way VOB club rules do not permit dogs on our runs.

What to bring
Water, whistle, warm/windproof top depending on weather, space blanket, ICE ID - either on your phone, bracelet/tag, card in your backpack.
R20 entrance fee.

ImportantPlease remember to look behind you at every turn in the route to make sure the people behind you see which way you are going.   
Leaders of each group will ensure that no-one is left behind. Please keep the groups together and ensure that no-one is left on their own. 

See you there!

082 893 8617

Warning:  Trail running is inherently more dangerous than road running.  It may take place over uneven hazard strewn trails in exposed and often remote terrain where help is not always readily available.

Participation is voluntary and entirely at your own risk as although the organizers take reasonable precautions to ensure runner safety, it cannot be guaranteed.  To this end neither the Club nor the organisers personally can be held liable for any claims relating to inter alia, injuries, disabilities and death. Further any minor child participating in any trail running activity will be deemed to be doing so with the consent of his or her guardian.

By starting out on a trail run you explicitly acknowledge that: 
1] you understand the associated risks involved and accept full responsibility for your own safety. 
2] you are medically and physically fit to participate and 
3] are carrying the necessary water, clothing and safety equipment required for the particular run.

Aug 8, 2019, 9:16:51 AM8/8/19
to tmtrailers
Hi Trailers

Our run on Saturday os ON!  The weather looks clear and sunny but cold so dress in warm layers.

We are starting at the Welgemoed gate of Tygerberg Nature Reserve in Totius street. Remember R20 entrance fee

There are lots of paths for short cuts if required. Great views of Table Mountain and the Stellenbosch Mountains


Once you have taken the Jip de Jager exit from the N1 (coming from Cape Town) and turned left, you cross over Uys Krige and the next left is Eksteen. There are brown nature reserve signs to the Reserve from Eksteen road which take you on a wriggly ride through the suburb.

After you turn left into Eksteen, turn first right into Bonsma, left into Saffraan, left into Goeweneur street, left at T junction into Trichardt street, left into Batavia street and right into Totius.

The reserve gate is at the top of Totius street. We'll  meet in the parking lot. Gate opens at 7:30am and we need to pay so will probably start running just after 7:30am

See you there


082 893 8617

From: "Lorraine Nevin" <>
To: "tmtrailers" <>
Sent: Monday, August 5, 2019 7:54:45 AM
Subject: TABLE MOUNTAIN TRAILERS: Saturday 10th August 2019: Tygerberg Nature Reserve (R20 entrance fee)

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