Parents and Educators To Challenge Steiner’s Approval of Cathleen Black as NYC Schools Chancellor

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Patricia Connelly

Nov 29, 2010, 10:06:36 PM11/29/10
to Patricia Connelly, Patricia Connelly


DENY WAIVER COALITION representatives will hold a press conference at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, November 30th to fully respond to "Steiner's Choice" and to announce "Red Thursday" -- a day of outrage.  The location will be the steps of the Tweed Building at 52 Chambers Street between Centre Street and Broadway.

STATEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                              

November 29, 2010


Noah Gotbaum     917-658-3213

Chris Owens         718-514-4874

Mona Davids         917-340-8987

Lisa Donlan          917-848-5873

Parents and Educators To Challenge Steiner’s Approval of Cathleen Black as NYC Schools Chancellor

The DENY WAIVER COALITION (“DWC”) – an association of public school parents and educators as well as concerned community leaders -- this evening issued a statement denouncing the decision of New York State Education Commissioner David Steiner to grant Ms. Cathleen Black a waiver in order to become the next New York City Schools Chancellor despite her lack of qualifications for the position and despite Mayor Bloomberg’s failure to conduct a rigorous and transparent search for a qualified candidate. 

Commissioner Steiner granted Mayor Bloomberg’s request for a waiver of the statutory employment requirements for Ms. Black, as provided under Article 52, Section 3003, Subdivision 3 of the New York State Education Law, on Monday, November 29, 2010.  This decision is apparently the result of a deal – brokered behind the scenes by NYS Board of Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch – negotiated between City Hall operatives and the NYS Education Commissioner.  The so-called “Black Friday Compromise” calls for Ms. Black, as her first act as Chancellor, to hire a “chief academic officer” to serve as her senior counsel and as Senior Deputy Chancellor for Curriculum and Instruction – all confirmed this evening in Steiner’s decision.  

“Last week Commissioner Steiner, plus six out of eight experts on his advisory panel, stated unequivocally that Cathy Black possesses neither the qualifications, the related life or professional experience, nor any prior interest in public education, to serve as Chancellor.  Other than a closed door deal to mollify the mayor – parents and educators want Commissioner Steiner to explain what has changed over the past 6 days?” said Noah Gotbaum, a founding member of the DWC, parent from Manhattan, and President, Community Education Council District 3.

Said Julie Cavanagh, a special education teacher from Brooklyn and member of the Grassroots Education Movement (GEM), "It is disappointing that Commissioner Steiner has chosen politics over children. The granting of this waiver sets a disturbing precedent for the qualifications necessary to be the Chancellor of the largest school system in our country. Mr. Steiner has sent a clear message that the business model over progressive education is the appropriate direction for education reform.  The vast majority of educators and parents reject that message. We need one qualified Chancellor who is an educator, the law demands it and our children deserve it."  
Patricia Connelly, a parent from Brooklyn and past member of the Citywide Council on Special Education, added: “Normally, I would shout ‘WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT’ from the rooftops when it comes to our kids and their schools.  However, the selection of the next NYC Schools Chancellor is just too important to be left to cocktail party repartee and back room negotiations. Commissioner Steiner could have pressed the "reset button" – which he has the power under state law to do – and insisted that the Mayor conduct a credible search within and outside of New York City for the very best candidates for the job.  Instead, he chose political expediency over higher principle.  So now it’s up to ordinary public school parents and teachers like myself to stop this madness – in the courts, on the streets, over the Internet – by any nonviolent means necessary.”
Mona Davids, a parent from the Bronx, a founding member of the DWC, and president of The New York Charter Parents Association, concludes: “This compromise is not a compromise at all, but a very transparent, illegal and flimsy fig leaf that will allow Ms. Black to be in charge despite a complete lack of qualifications for the job.”
Lisa Donlan, a parent from Manhattan, founding member of DWC, and president of Community Education Council District 1, concurs: “The deal brokered by Commissioner Steiner and Mayor Bloomberg satisfies neither the requirements of law nor those of our public schools.  By requiring that a credentialed ‘number two’ serve alongside Ms. Black, the Commissioner has underlined the need for a Chancellor who actually meets the standards for training, experience and education set forth in the law – and the law does not allow for conditional waivers.”
Carmen Applewhite, a veteran educator and founding member of the Coalition for Public Education/Coalicion por La Educacion Publica (CPE-CEP), also lamented: “As an educator it is very disheartening that the Commissioner of Education would disregard the law and grant a waiver to someone with no educational background or other relevant qualifications to do the job.”
Long-time community activist and member of the Independent Commission on Public Education Ellen Raider declared “The politicians and Commissioner Steiner clearly want an expedient way to get out of this mess. In stark contrast, we as parents, educators and citizens want a chancellor with a proven track record of running a system that supports the full development of each child as well as the full participation of parents in decisions that effect their children's education.  It's our right!!”
The DWC has retained noted civil rights lawyer Norman Siegel to explore legal challenges to the Commissioner’s actions.  The DWC has also called for a “Red Thursday” on Thursday, December 2nd to protest Ms. Black’s appointment, with parents, teachers and students throughout the City wearing the color red and converging on the steps of Tweed Courthouse (DoE Headquarters), 52 Chambers Street, Manhattan, at 4 PM for a press conference and rally.

The DENY WAIVER COALITION and our allies:

·  DECLARE, collectively and individually, that the Steiner waiver is an immoral, unethical and illegal action. 

·  REPRESENT a broad spectrum of New Yorkers who profess diverse opinions on matters pertaining to education policy and practice.  However, we are united in the conviction that the largest public education system in this nation deserves to be led by a true educator – and that Ms. Black should decline her appointment and waiver. 

·  DEMAND a comprehensive, rigorous and transparent search both within and outside of New York City to find the best possible Chancellor candidates. Such candidates must have proven track records as great educators and strong managers with a deep knowledge of urban public education, view our children as more than test-taking widgets and our public schools as worthy centers of community life in need of investment, and embrace our parents and teachers as vital partners in the successful education of ALL OF OUR CHILDREN.

·  CALL UPON Mayor Bloomberg to stop using our children as political footballs and legacy builders and to listen and act as a responsible municipal leader should.  These are our children and they represent every New Yorker’s future.

# # #

Judith Tannenbaum

Nov 29, 2010, 10:08:59 PM11/29/10
On 11/29/10 7:06 PM, "Patricia Connelly" <> wrote:


DENY WAIVER COALITION representatives will hold a press conference at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, November 30th to fully respond to "Steiner's Choice" and to announce "Red Thursday" -- a day of outrage.  The location will be the steps of the Tweed Building at 52 Chambers Street between Centre Street and Broadway.

STATEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                              
November 29, 2010

CONTACT:   <>            

Patricia Connelly

Nov 29, 2010, 10:19:18 PM11/29/10
to, Patricia Connelly, Anthony Cody
You will have to speak to the TLO Action Team to fulfill your request.

All best,

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