Aging with CP - my update

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Chris Baty

Nov 29, 2018, 7:06:29 AM11/29/18
Hi guys,

As some of you may remember, I have been taking Addrafinal to help stimulate the working parts of my brain. I like to stop for a while to give my brain a break . Recently, I have noticed the same positive affects occurring on these breaks. Then it  hit me- it is my C-60 oil!

Carbon C-60, is a form of Carbon where the molecule looks like a soccer ball. It was thought to be a great lubricant but when they started doing toxicology studies on rats the rats that got the C-60 oil lived 2 to 3 times their expected life span 

My 15 year old Plott Hound and I have been taking C-60 oil for the past 18 months. Freddie can walk miles now when a year ago he could only walk blocks. I have noticed a change in endurance too, along with improving eyesight. I think the C-60 oil might be improving my brain, ever so slightly. I know that some studies have suggested that C-60 oil promotes adult stem cell production and protects the Mitochondria in each cell.

Just an update on me.

Chris Baty

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