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CG Sustainability & Resiliency Challenge training session — THIS WED, 7pm

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SCG Sustainable Cottage Grove

Apr 17, 2023, 6:46:41 PM4/17/23
to SCG Sustainable Cottage Grove

Sustainability & Resiliency Challenge Training 

When: Wednesday, April 19th, at 7:00pm

Where:  First Presbyterian Church, 216 S 3rd Street, Cottage Grove

Please join Climate Action Cottage Grove’s (CACG) training session for the Sustainability & Resiliency Challenge on April 19th.

Cottage Grove’s website, Greening the Grove, will help the community save energy and reduce our impact on the environment. The site not only helps people track their greenhouse gas emissions, but shows how to lower their transportation, electricity, and water usage, all of which saves on costs for residents.

CACG, brought the idea of the Challenge to the city’s attention and is now spearheading an education campaign to get the word out about the Challenge.  To learn more about this effort, CACG can be contacted at

The Challenge is available to all residents who live within the boundaries of the South Lane School District.

To enroll in the program, go to

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