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FEAST: Volunteers needed Sunday for Container Garden project

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SCG Sustainable Cottage Grove

Aug 12, 2016, 12:53:12 PM8/12/16
to SCG Sustainable Cottage Grove

Volunteers needed Sunday for Container Garden project

We have a small pilot project to supply small container gardens to folks who otherwise don't have access to the space or resources for food gardening.  Our container gardens are built from half of a 55-gallon food-grade barrel, filled with soil, and planted with fall/winter starts. We're planning on delivering a number of gardens to identified recipients this Sunday, and we need a few volunteers to help deliver the gardens and plant the starts,

The plan is to meet around noon on Sunday in town and to then pick up the plants and do the deliveries.
If you are available, please contact Lynne at or (509) 460-8331.
 Rob, Richard, and Beth

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