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Climate Action Cottage Grove ACTION ALERT: Postcard campaign to motivate local action

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SCG Sustainable Cottage Grove

Mar 4, 2022, 7:44:21 PM3/4/22
to SCG Sustainable Cottage Grove
Climate Postcard v1.jpg



The climate crisis demands urgent action at all levels, from individual action to policies and activities at the local, state, national, and international level.

Here in Cottage Grove, we need to build momentum at the local level to enact change. Let's work to fully engage the City of Cottage Grove and the community on this critical issue.

We are launching a postcard campaign to make it easy for community members to express how important this issue is for them to our city leaders.

We need YOU to contact Cottage Grove elected officials to urge immediate action to reduce our local greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for climate change.

Postcards and instructions are available NOW at the Bookmine.  Please stop by and get one or more postcards and an instruction sheet and start sending them in.  We have everything that you need, including address labels for local city council members.

Talking Points:

  1. Climate change is real and happening now, and will cause enormous negative effects locally and globally if not adequately addressed.

  2. We need to take action locally to minimize our contribution to the problem (i.e. greenhouse gases) and to prepare for the inevitable changes.

  3. Time is of the essence and we need to start making changes now!

  4. Cottage Grove's elected representatives need to lead in order for the City to effectively engage on this crisis.  And we’re all ready to help!

  5. The Cottage Grove Carbon Challenge is an important first step. Let’s engage the whole community to save energy and build a resilient community.

  6. We need a plan! Cottage Grove needs a Climate Action Plan to serve as a roadmap for making the most cost-effective emission reductions in alignment with other city goals.

  7. In order to develop a smart, strategic climate action plan, we need people working on it. The City needs to form a Climate Action Committee to work with other City leaders and stakeholders to develop a climate action plan.

  8. We can make great strides if we work together to address this crisis.

  • Write your thoughts on one of our postcards and mail it to your city councilor(s). Write to the councilor for your ward OR to as many city councilors as you can. Some general themes are above.

  • Put your name and address in the upper left hand corner and leave the top right area clear for just postage and nothing else.

  • Put a first class (“Forever”) stamp on it and mail it OR return it to The Bookmine and we’ll deliver it.

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