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Climate Crisis: IPPC Sixth Assessment report, released 2/28/22, and associated articles

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SCG Sustainable Cottage Grove

Mar 4, 2022, 7:29:31 PM3/4/22
to SCG Sustainable Cottage Grove

Despite all of the turmoil happening internationally, the threats to our long term future from the climate crisis make this one of the most pressing problems facing us all.  And the latest reports continue to show that the problem is worse than previously expected and that the negative consequences of climate change are happening sooner and faster than anticipated.


Here are some of the articles summarizing the impacts of climate change, as reported in the just-released IPPC's Sixth Assessment report.  And at the end are some good links to NASA web pages with strong evidence about climate change.

The last item, a NASA video showing climate warming trends from 1880 until now, is pretty compelling.  It goes too fast so I had to make YouTube play it at 1/4 speed. If that isn't a metaphor for our predicament, I don't know what is. 

New York Times: Time Is Running Out to Avert a Harrowing Future, Climate Panel Warns
The impacts of global warming are appearing faster than expected, according to a major new scientific report. It could soon become much harder to cope.

Science News: A UN report shows climate change’s escalating toll on people and nature
The window to reduce emissions and avoid most disastrous consequences is closing fast, experts say

Washington Post: Humanity has a ‘brief and rapidly closing window’ to avoid a hotter, deadly future, U.N. climate report says
Latest IPCC report details escalating toll — but top scientists say the world still can choose a less catastrophic path

Washington Post: Five things to know about the new U.N. climate report

New York Times: 5 Takeaways From the U.N. Report on Climate Hazards
Global warming is affecting every part of the planet. Humans should have started preparing yesterday.

IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Summary for Policymakers (37 pages)
Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: North America Fact Sheet (2 pages)
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