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CLIMATE ACTION: November virtual meeting of Elders Climate Action, Thursday 11/11 at 7pm

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SCG Sustainable Cottage Grove

Nov 9, 2021, 10:02:39 PM11/9/21
to SCG Sustainable Cottage Grove
Please see the following invitation from Lisa Colgan to participate in a conference call with the Oregon chapter of Elders Climate Action, a nationwide organization of vigorous older folks who are actively engaged in climate advocacy.  They are having their monthly virtual meeting this Thursday, November 11 at 7:00 p.m.  See below for more information.  For Zoom details to participate, please RSVP directly to Lise Colgan at

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Elders Climate Action, a project of Elders Action Network, is a nationwide organization of vigorous older folks who are actively engaged in climate advocacy.  An Oregon chapter was started several months ago.  Two of our members in Florence have staged climate strikes for 110 consecutive Fridays (!!); another of our members was a leading litigator back at the dawn of the environmental movement; and as a chapter, we have submitted extensive comments regarding the Oregon Climate Protection Program, which is under consideration now, as well as federal and state emissions regulations.  As you can tell from this short list, we do direct action as well as legislative advocacy.

We are looking for organizations and older individuals who would like to learn more about what we do and would consider joining us as members or/and collaborating with us on climate actions.  To that end, I'd like to invite you all personally to attend our virtual November meeting this Thursday, November 11 at 7:00 p.m.   This meeting is all about getting to know each other and finding out how we can mutually support one another's work.  

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