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Support Community Mental Health in Cottage Grove & Eat Good Food @ Jack Sprats on 5/31!

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Rob Dickinson

May 27, 2017, 1:11:58 AM5/27/17
to SCG Sustainable Cottage Grove

Please join with many other local friends and neighbors for a good meal at Jack Sprat’s this coming Wednesday and help support community mental health.

That night, from 4-8pm, Jack Sprat’s will be donating 25% of all sales to South Lane Mental Health.  That’s a big deal, and helps Cottage Grove and South Lane be the kind of community that we want.

Please pass along this email or the attached flyer to your friends and neighbors and have them join you at Jack Sprat’s on Weds. night.  And if you are off to somewhere else on Weds. night, you can order your dinner as “take out”.

Hope to see you there.

Rob Dickinson

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