Keywords, Categories, Other Questions

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Nov 10, 2008, 12:12:09 PM11/10/08
to SuperNotecard
Hello! I love this program, but before I buy it, could someone answer
these questions? Thanks!

1. Keywords: I am a researcher that uses Keywords to label text - in
the case of SNC, I'd like to assign keywords to a card, and then
LATER, choose a keyword and then have all my cards show up with that
keyword. Is that possible? In that vein, can I IMPORT a list of
Keywords I typed elsewhere? I like CircusPonies NoteBook for that
reason: I assign a keyword, and at the end, there is a list of them; I
click on one like "architecture, medieval" and all my "cards" show up
that are associated with the keyword. I love that. But I cannot
import my keywords. I hate that.

2. Import function: I'd love to be able to import some of the
thousand or so Bookends (or Sente or EndNote) references I have into
SNC as References. How can I do this? Must I export them to a txt
file and add #### and **** at each line? That will make cards, but
can I then turn those cards into References? I've tried XML, RTF, TXT
exports and I can't get SNC to love them. Does Bookends/Sente play
nice with SNC? It seems crazy to retype all of the necessary fields
like Author, Year, Title, Publisher, etc., when it exists in my
Bookends library.

3. Categories: I am thinking to replace Keywords with categories,
which in fact, seem more useful in the longrun. Are categories
supposed to be used in this way (like Keywords)?

4. Before I buy: What features are disabled/limited in the trial
version? How long to I have before it locks out?

Thanks, and congrats on a great, EASY, intuitive program that has a
lot of potential.

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Nov 11, 2008, 4:53:00 AM11/11/08
to SuperNotecard
Thanks Jason, I am sending you a text file from Bookends privately
(and getting ready to buy this great program).

I like your solution, but what do I do with my References that are
actual references to books, etc? I suppose they could be mixed. But
I like Categories, because I can assign them, all the references show
up in those categories and I can print my notes according to
categories. So I think I am going with that.

And it works adding #### and **** as suggested in an earlier post -
in .txt files to then later import as cards. I am not entirely happy
with that solution, because I think SNC could handle records import
(as other programs do). So please let us know if you end up making
that work. I think you'd have a bigger market available to you if
citation reference managers could play with SNC.

Anyway, one question still remains: Can References be turned into
Cards or vice versa?

Thanks Jason

On Nov 10, 7:55 pm, mindola <> wrote:
> Hello Richard. Thanks for your note. I'm the developer of
> SuperNotecard.
> 1) The best way to achieve your Keyword goal would be to define a
> Reference (unfortunately these cannot be currently imported). For each
> Reference SuperNotecard uses the title (by default) as search criteria
> when locating cards that relate to the Reference. You can also define
> a set of keywords for the reference, and include spelling variations,
> etc. These defined keywords then become the criteria used for locating
> cards that relate to the Reference.
> 2) I believe a Reference import tool would be a good new addition to
> SuperNotecard. Seems useful and could assist with number 1 above. Can
> you post a partial Bookends export so we can learn how to parse it?
> 3) Categories may work, though references are better. First, in each
> card you can push a button to "comb" for references to your
> References. Second, you can define a Reference and then push a button
> to find all cards the refer to the Reference title or its keywords.
> 4) SuperNotecard trial is the same program, except that it prompts for
> you to purchase once a deck has more than 7 cards. There is no time
> limit. Once you purchase the license and unlock the program, these
> (annoying) prompts go away.
> Hope this helps,
> Jason Block
> Mindola Software
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