invalid filesystem format option 'addressing logical'

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Paul S. Aspinwall

Oct 16, 2023, 11:15:37 AM10/16/23

I have 2 linux boxes using identical versions of svn: 1.14.2 (r1899510)

On one I create a repo and then I access it without difficulty using a file:///... address

But when I try to access it from another computer using svn+ssh://.. I get:
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'svn+ssh://'
svn: E125006: '/home/faculty/psa/svn/me/parabolic/db/format' contains invalid filesystem format option 'addressing logical'

I've been using svn for many years like this without issue but I think this is the first time I've created a new repo for a while.

Is this a bug??

Thanks - Paul.

Paul S. Aspinwall email:
Dept of Mathematics Phone: (919) 660-2874
and Physics
Duke University FAX: (919) 660-2821
Durham, NC 27708-0320


Oct 16, 2023, 7:25:08 PM10/16/23
to Paul S. Aspinwall,

On 2023/10/16 23:06, Paul S. Aspinwall wrote:
> Hi,
> I have 2 linux boxes using identical versions of svn: 1.14.2 (r1899510)
> On one I create a repo and then I access it without difficulty using a file:///... address
> But when I try to access it from another computer using svn+ssh://.. I get:
> svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'svn+ssh://'
> svn: E125006: '/home/faculty/psa/svn/me/parabolic/db/format' contains invalid filesystem format option 'addressing logical'
> I've been using svn for many years like this without issue but I think this is the first time I've created a new repo for a while.

It seems the svnserve program on your repository host is old version,
or broken. I guess you have multiple version of Subversion installed
in your repository host. If you configured ssh server for svn, to
invoke svnserve explicitly, make sure that its path is surely pointing
svnserve 1.14.2. If you didn't specially configure ssh for svn,
i.e. invoking svnserve implicitly via svn+ssh:// scheme, then check

ssh user@host svnserve --version

> Is this a bug??

If you are surely using 1.14.2 of svnserve, then it can be broken.
In this case I'm not sure I can answer your question.

What is the result of 'svnadmin info' for your repository?

Yasuhito FUTATSUKI <>


Oct 17, 2023, 10:55:48 PM10/17/23
to Paul S. Aspinwall,
You are welcome. Good to know you could find the cause.

On 2023/10/17 22:43, Paul S. Aspinwall wrote:
> Hi,
> Many thanks for your reply. You are correct - ssh was surreptitiously using another old version of svn!
> - Paul.
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