SAMANVAY Sphere India Bulletin November 2023

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Dec 15, 2023, 10:16:07 AM12/15/23
to, kennedy, Vik,

Message from CEO

Dear Readers,

The month of November witnessed critical events in climate discourse, with the 6th World Congress on Disaster Management and ongoing COP 28 which started on 30th November. As we transition into December, the closing stretch of 2023 emerges as a crucial juncture for global climate commitments and conversations. Sphere India remains dynamically involved, vigilantly tracking unfolding developments to actively contribute to the ongoing dialogue and sustainable initiatives.


Acknowledging the gravity of the situation and the evolving landscape, Sphere India's forthcoming two monthly bulletins will focus exclusively on climate-related actions and discourse. These editions will feature comprehensive updates from our members, alongside global, national, and local news situated at the crossroads of current discourse.


In the November issue of SAMANVAY, we delve into the intricacies of "Strengthened Efforts on Global and National Advocacy on Climate Action," highlighting a significant milestone—the signing of an MoU between the Uttar Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority, Uttar Pradesh-Inter Agency Group, and Sphere India. This edition also captures key events and initiatives spearheaded by our member organizations, government entities, and the global humanitarian community. We are committed to ensuring that these newsletters serve as informative and valuable resources for our readership. Your feedback and suggestions are highly valued as we strive to enhance the quality and relevance of our communications.


Warm regards,


Vikrant Mahajan

CEO, Sphere India

In this Issue

  • Governance Update
  • Program Updates
  • News from Members & Networks
  • Updates from Government
  • Global Updates
  • Grants and Opportunities
  • Plans Ahead
  • Climate Corner

Governance Update 

Special GBM for Ratification of amendments to MoA and Rules and Regulations 

The Special AGM of Sphere India, held on November 2nd, 2023, aimed at ratifying amendments to the MoA and Rules and Regulations. Conducted in a hybrid mode, the meeting focused on vital discussions regarding proposed amendments. The proposed Amendments were approved and ratified by the General Body Members. Additionally, Quarterly Meeting of Sphere India Board was also organised on 3rd November 2023 and the Election process for the year 2023 was also announced subsequently. 

Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding between UPSDMA, UP-IAG and Sphere India 

(L-R) Dr. Bhanu Mall, UP-IAG Convenor, Mr. Vikrant Mahajan, CEO-Sphere India and UP-SDMA Vice-Chairman, Lt Gen (retd) Ravindra Pratap Shahi and SDMA Representative

The MoU was entered between Sphere India, the Inter-Agency Group- Uttar Pradesh, and the Uttar Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority on 23rd November 2023. It aims to build a safer and disaster-resilient Uttar Pradesh by developing a holistic, proactive, multi-disaster, technology-driven, and community-based strategy for disaster management through the collective efforts of all government agencies and non-governmental organizations. The MoU aims to drive collaborative outreach efforts in the state. 

Program Update

 Knowledge & Capacity Sharing

Loss and Damage Fund: Challenges and Opportunities for Effective Fund Utilisation 

Sphere India Academy recently hosted an insightful webinar on leveraging the Loss and Damage fund established at the United Nations COP 27. The session emphasized strategic allocation and effective fund utilization to address the devastating effects of climate change, especially on impoverished nations. Distinguished speakers, Ms. Daljeet Kaur (Head of Climate Change, Save the Children, UK) and Dr. Harjeet Singh (Head of Global Political Strategy, Climate Action Network International, stressed the urgent need for action. They discussed critical aspects of increasing adaptation and Loss and Damage finance for countries like India and Bangladesh, highlighting anticipatory social protection and integration of loss and damage within sectoral programs as potential strategies. 

Promoting Inclusive Climate Action and Resilience Building in South Asia: Mainstreaming 

Gender, Disability, Indigenous and Local Knowledge Systems in Climate Action

South Asia, identified as highly susceptible to climate shocks, grapples with the impacts of extreme weather events, as reflected in the 2019 and Inclusion (Handicap International) India, supported by Sphere India, organized a discussion to amalgamate perspectives on Gender, Disability, Indigenous, and Local Knowledge Systems

The aim was to encourage collaborative learning among stakeholders, share experiences, build consensus on key recommendations for advocacy at national and global levels, and crafting equitable and sustainable climate strategies tailored to the unique challenges faced by South Asian communities. Eminent speakers like Mr. Saikhom Kennedy, Senior Manager- Operations, Sphere India; Ms. Annie Hans, HI India; Dr Asha Hans, Executive Director, Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre; Ms. Aditi Ghosh, Country Director, Sri Lanka – ChildFund International; Ms. Veena Bandyopadhyay, Social Policy Specialist (Social Protection), UNICEF; Mr. Shailendra Yashwant, Senior Advisor, Communications & Advocacy, CANSA spoke during the session.

Indigenous Wisdom and  Approaches to Disaster Preparedness: A Glimpse from Assam

On November 20th, 2023, Sphere India Academy along with Rural Volunteer Centre organised a panel discussion with speakers representing indigenous communities perspective to understand the traditional DRR methods. For generations, Indigenous peoples and local communities have harnessed the power of traditional methods to effectively prepare for and respond to disasters. Traditional Knowledge, a wealth of accumulated insights passed down through time, has proven invaluable in disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts. The webinar also aimed to bridge the language gap and was facilitated in Assamese.

Climate-Ready Agriculture in Uttar Pradesh: Mainstreaming DRR and CCA  

The hybrid panel discussion focused on the importance and challenges of climate-smart agriculture in Uttar Pradesh, India. The speakers highlighted the important role of agriculture in the state's economy and the need to adapt to climate change. They stressed the need for a roadmap to deal with these issues and the importance of involving all stakeholders including scientists, officials and farmers. The discussion also focused on the need for a change in ecological and sustainable farming practices to reduce the impact of natural disasters. The meeting was part of a series. 

Eminent speakers like Lt. Gen. RP Sahi , Hon. Vice Chairman, UPSDMA ; Brigadier PK Singh, Senior Advisor , UPSDMA;  Dr. Santosh Kumar, Project Manager, Bal Raksha Save the Children; Dr. Kashif Imdad , Member Advisory Committee, UPSDMA; Mr. Vikrant Mahajan, CEO, Sphere India and  Rakesh Kumar Tiwari, Agriculture lead UP, HCL Foundation spoke during the session while Dr. Bhanu Pratap Mall,  Convener/ Member Advisory Committee, IAG-UP led the session as a moderator.

 Inter-Agency Coordination

Updates from Sector Committee

WaSH Sector Committee Meeting 

The meeting engaged on WaSH sectoral updates, with action around climate also stressed. The need for collaborative and sustained efforts on working for the Handbook updation were next set of priorities collectively identified by all. The need for regular updates were also highlighted. 

Education Sector Committee Meeting 

The meeting tackled education sector updates, stressing emergency readiness. Some of the key highlights discussed focused on preparedness plans, sector module review, proposed core group formation, and emphasis on foundational education and district-level preparedness. Agenda for revision of Multi sector coordination Hanbook was also taken up. 

Protection Sector Committee Meeting 

The meeting focussed on ways and mechanism to make the sector committee consultative processes rather coherent and effective. Suggestions were proposed on how sector expert's knowledge can be leveraged for various processes and a collaborative mechanism can be adopted for achieving various agenda points for Protection issues. Suggestions were proposed on how sector expert's knowledge can be leveraged for various processes and a collaborative mechanism for achieving agenda points.

Food and Nutrition Sector Committee  

The meeting focused on ways and mechanism to make the sector committee consultative processes rather coherent and effective. Suggestions were proposed on how sector expert's knowledge can be leveraged for various processes and a collaborative mechanism can be adopted for achieving agenda points for Food & Nutrition. 

Shelter Sector Committee Meeting 

The Shelter Sector Committee Meeting on December 1, 2023, featured discussions on the proposed action plan for the policy brief "Strengthening Inclusive Housing within Indian Cities," as well as the revision of the Multi-Sector Coordination Handbook for the Shelter Sector. Members also exchanged insights on the latest sectoral developments and challenges. Suggestions were proposed on how knowledge can be leveraged for various processes and agenda points

Health sector committee meeting is scheduled for 1st Week of December. For more details regarding Sector committees and coordination please reach out to

Emergency Coordination Activities in Connection with Flood: Sikkim and West Bengal 

Sphere India has diligently monitored various types of disasters throughout the entire month, and developed one situation report. Additionally, the organization has disseminated two alerts, specifically addressing the threats posed by cyclones and floods. In the aftermath of the violence in Manipur, the Inter-Agency Coordination Team has undertaken the task of developing an updated situation report, covering the events of the past six months. 

Subsequent to the flash flood in Sikkim, Sphere India convened a meeting with the Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority. 

Gender Based Violence (GBV) Workshop

Building upon the success of the 2022 workshop, UNFPA India, CARE India, and Sphere India collaborated to organize a workshop on comprehending gender-based violence (GBV) and its impacts on our professional work. The event took place from November 22nd to 24th, 2023, bringing together approximately 50 representatives from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Assam and Mizoram. 

The primary goal of the workshop was to equip professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to identify GBV symptoms, foster resilience, enhance communication, promote self-care, and establish robust support networks for survivors. In this regard, Sphere India actively mobilized both Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) from Mizoram and Assam to participate in this significant initiative. 

 Collaborative Advocacy

Advocacy Priorities for India: COP 28

Amidst escalating climate crises, our position paper for COP28 emphasizes critical priorities. In our ongoing pursuit of climate justice, our advocacy stands firm for equitable global climate action. Emphasizing the Global Stocktake's vital role, we underscore the need for robust funding, acknowledging barriers, and reinforcing principles of equity and shared responsibility. Highlighting gaps in adaptation finance, we call for enhanced commitments and transparent mechanisms. Additionally, our stance prioritizes just energy transition, comprehensive Loss and Damage Fund governance, and innovative finance mechanisms. Recognizing health's intrinsic link to climate, our position accentuates early warnings, health resilience, and DRR strategies. We advocate for sustainable agriculture, urging increased investment, knowledge sharing, and water management integration for enhanced food security amidst climate challenges.

News from IAGs and State Networks

UPSDMA, UP-IAG and Sphere India Discussion - Hybrid Session 

The hybrid meeting focused on collaborative efforts through stakeholders coming together on discussion challenges faced within the state pertaining to climate-centric agricultural practices and the impact of natural disasters. 

MoU signed with Ladakh and Jharkhand Inter-Agency Group: 

To enhance coordination and foster mutual understanding, Sphere India has signed into MoUs with the Inter-Agency Groups (IAGs) of Ladakh and Jharkhand.

News from Members: Climate Centric Action 

Planting diverse, climate-resilient plan species: Reliance Foundation’s experience to foster Nature-based Solutions for Positive Climate Action

Mangrove plantation in North 24 Parganas, West Bengal

 Coconut plantation in Viziangaram, Andhra Pradesh

Reliance Foundation is promoting plantation of diverse, climate-resilient plant species across 16 districts of 8 states in India as part of its approach towards nature-based solutions for climate resilience and disaster risk reduction. Starting from June 5, World Environment Day, 82,155 saplings have been planted to date including 56,450 mangrove hypocotyls in Odisha and West Bengal. This initiative enhanced ecological resilience and community participation, aligning with global strategies such as cost-effective disaster vulnerability reduction & climate change mitigation. These efforts were need-specific, location-relevant that included participation by the local communities. Read More>>

Climate Action Child Champion Against Climate Crisis: Assam and Eco Club Initiatives in Delhi by Save the Children  

Empowering Youth for Environmental Resilience: A Tale of Hope and Action from Flood-Prone Assam 

Seeds of Change: Nurturing Green Havens in Delhi's Heart 

In Delhi's heart, MCPS Girls’ Utkrisht Vidyalaya Haiderpur faced a challenge: creating a 'Green Space' despite limited land and the shadow of Bhalaswa Dumpyard. Undeterred, they formed an eco-club, fostering climate awareness and executing an action plan through tree plantations. The initiative not only transformed the school's environment but also cultivated healthy eating habits by planting fruit seeds. Similarly, Kaustav Rangmon Mahanta, a resilient youth from flood-prone Assam, leads local action against climate hazards. His efforts include planting saplings, advocating for eco-friendly practices, and engaging communities at various levels. Bal Raksha Bharat collaborates to protect children's rights amid climate crises, advocating for resilient, child-friendly communities. Both stories echo the urgency for collective action against climate change, fostering sustainable environments for today's and tomorrow's children.

Indigenous Communities and Civil Society Unite for Climate Action at Assam Community Consultation: NEADS

North-East Affected Area Development Society (NEADS) and supported by various Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)

In a bid to shape the future of climate action, indigenous communities and local Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Assam joined forces on June 30, 2023, for a community consultation on COP28, at Rajputana Login, Jorhat, this event provided a vital platform for communities to express their concerns, contributions, and recommendations regarding the upcoming critical climate conference. The consultation, organized by the North-East Affected Area Development Society (NEADS) and supported by various Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). 

Caritas India's We4Resilince 2023 National Conference

Caritas India organised the 2-day event with all the participants present on the last day held at United Service Institution of India

Caritas India organized a National Conference on "We4Resilience: Harmonized Actions for Building Resilience" in collaboration with UNICEF India, NIDM, Sphere India and other stakeholders on November 29th-30th in New Delhi. The conference aimed to unite experts, government representatives, and civil society organizations from Assam, Bihar, Odisha, West Bengal and New Delhi to strategize and collaborate on comprehensive solutions for disaster-prone areas.  The platform consolidated community learning, reflected on global programs, and exchanged impactful insights from various CSOs. The conference focused on empowering marginalized communities. 

Climate Proof Access to Sanitation Facilities: Centre for Advocacy and Research (CFAR) 

Climate events exacerbate vulnerabilities in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) services, impacting communities' resilience. During a study undertaken by CFAR, adverse events in Bhubaneswar and Jaipur it was revealed that several challenges pertaining to access to sanitation facilities, financial limiatations and geographical constraints hinder constructing raised pit latrines in flood-prone areas. 

Bridging the gap between WaSH in Climate Discussion 

Updates from the Government  

World Congress on Disaster Management (6th WCDM) hosted by India at Dehradun from 28th November - 1st December 2023 

The 6th WCDM, therefore, focuses on a three-pronged Climate Action strategy to strengthen Disaster Resilience, namely: innovation, collaboration and communication. The 6th WCDM also acknowledges that SDG-13 Climate Action could serve as the window to integrate the targets of all SDGs with the goals of the SFDRR, which would improve the resilience of ecosystems and communities. Recognizing that 3.3 to 3.6 billion people are highly vulnerable to climate change  owing to the context they live in.

Plenary Session 2, unfolds with captivating moments 

Climate change is fast enhancing disaster risk in the mountainous regions across the world, the 6th World Congress on Disaster Management (6th WCDM) places “Strengthening Climate Action & Disaster Resilience” with special attention to ‘Mountain Ecosystems & Communities’ as the central focus of deliberations.

Promoting Innovation Ecosystem in the Domain of Climate Action and Resilience: Accelerating IPRs

NIDM organises consultation, as a pre-event to WCDM

National Institute of Disaster Management organised a High-Level Roundtable Consultation Meeting on "Promoting Innovation Ecosystem in the Domain of Climate Action and Resilience: Accelerating IPRs" on Friday, 03 November, 2023. This consultation meeting represented a pivotal moment where experts, stakeholders and change-makers from various domains aimed to delve into the Indian context.

The consultation collectively examined the challenges faced by innovators and proposed mechanisms to expeditiously commercialize such climate-related innovations and the technical Discussions of the consultation were : a) Innovation Generators b) IPR Policy Makers and Processing c) Commercialization of Patents Participants Agencies : Niti Aayog, Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, Department of Science and Technology, DPIIT, CGPTDM, NDMA, CBSE, UNCEP India, Invest India, UNICEF India, IIT Indore, Gati Shakti Vishwavidyala, GIZ India, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), Delhi Technical University, JNU and Private Sector Representatives etc.

8-point action plan as per Stage-III of GRAP in the entire NCR invoked with immediate effect

On 2nd November, in response to Delhi-NCR's escalating air pollution crisis, the Sub-Committee for GRAP operationalization convened, invoking Stage-III measures as AQI soared. Immediate actions were deployed, intensifying road cleaning, augmenting public transport, and imposing strict bans on certain construction activities. The eight-point action plan, effective across the NCR, mandated regulations on construction, mining, vehicle usage, and schooling. Additionally, citizens were urged to prioritize eco-friendly commutes, minimize trips, and avoid using coal and wood for heating. These stringent measures, culminating in a comprehensive response, aimed to curb pollution and safeguard public health amid deteriorating air quality.

NITI Aayog's Workshop on Green Development Pact Empowers India's Climate Leadership

NITI Aayog hosted a pivotal workshop on the Green Development Pact, aligning with G20 NDLD objectives. The event united stakeholders nationwide to discuss implementation strategies, emphasizing India's global leadership in climate action. Key figures highlighted policy initiatives driving green development in India, focusing on energy transitions, sustainable ecosystems, and resilient infrastructure. With three insightful sessions, discussions honed in on clean energy, ecosystem conservation, and climate-resilient infrastructure. This workshop reinforces India's commitment to sustainable growth outlined in the NDLD.

Mr. Amitabh Kant, G20 Sherpa Chairing the Session 

Updates from International Humanitarian Community: Climate Action

Role of Disaster Law in Mitigating Disasters and Strengthening Climate Resilience

International Handbook of Disaster Research launched at IFRC Disaster Law Conference at Bangkok, Thailand

The two-day IFRC Conference on the "Role of Disaster Law in Mitigating Disasters and Strengthening Climate Resilience", driven by IFRC’s Regional Disaster Law Coordinator Finau Heuifanga Leveni and her team, featured notable partners like John Hopkins and participants like  Amita Singh (Singh(President NAPSIPAG Disaster Research Centre NDRG and Professor & Head of Disaster Research Department at Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi, Ind.)  and Vikrant Mahajan (CEO, Sphere India) along with a substantial ground team. 

Scholars from SIDS and government representatives engaged in extensive discussions across nine sessions. Topics ranged from governance in climate change mitigation to disaster law's intersection with International Humanitarian Law. The event showcased country-specific case studies, fostering discourse on legal frameworks, resilience building, and recovery strategies. The conference culminated in discussions charting the future of disaster law in the Asia Pacific, emphasizing policy enhancements for international strengthening. Read More>>

United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 28)

The upcoming COP28 in the UAE marks a critical milestone in our global commitment to combat climate change. The first Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement presents an invaluable opportunity to assess our progress in aligning with the 1.5°C warming target set at COP21. With just seven years remaining to halve emissions by 2030, this moment demands a profound reevaluation and recalibration of our climate strategies. Collaborating closely with key figures such as the UNFCCC Executive Secretary, the UN Climate Change High-Level Champion, and the UAE Youth Climate Champion, thefocus will center on fostering consensus among parties to drive meaningful climate action. 


Words Into Action: The climate emergency is the biggest ever economic, social and environmental threat facing the planet and humanity. The global and interconnected risk landscape therefore requires integrated solutions that address cascading and interrelated risks. A multi-hazard early warning system is such a solution and is a key element of a comprehensive DRR strategy. This Words into Action guide aims to promote greater implementation of these critical systems across all sectors to protect the most exposed populations from disasters.They provide practical, specific advice on implementing a people-centred approach to DRR Read More>>

Adaptation Gap Report 2023: The report looks at progress in planning, financing and implementing adaptation actions finds that the adaptation finance needs of developing countries are 10-18 times as big as international public finance flows. This is over 50% higher than the previous range estimate. The modelled costs of adaptation in developing countries are estimated at US$215 billion per year this decade. The adaptation finance needed to implement domestic adaptation priorities is estimated at US$387 billion per year. Despite these needs, public multilateral and bilateral adaptation finance flows to developing countries. Read More>>

The Climate Care Nexus: The paper discusses the ways in which climate change and environmental degradation disrupt the care economy and increase and intensify women’s and girls’ unpaid care, domestic, and communal work. The paper analyses emerging national efforts to address unpaid care and domestic work through multilateral environmental agreements and valuing paid and unpaid care work in gender-responsive just transitions. The paper concludes with recommendations for governments, international organizations, UN agencies, academia, and civil society at a key moment for rethinking the dominant development model. Read More>>

Global Financial Sustainability Report: This energy governance policy paper serves as a strategic framework for UNDP teams and their partners to craft cohesive and impactful responses to foster a just energy transition. It intends to enhance comprehension and strengthen energy governance, contributing to global, regional, national, and local initiatives aimed at achieving more inclusive, accountable, and effective energy transitions. The paper delves into the intricacies of governing 21st-century energy systems, guiding our endeavors in the development and provision of robust energy governance systems. Read More>>

Yearbook of Global Climate Action 2023: The global community reached a historical agreement in Paris to collectively tackle the climate crisis and strive towards a 1.5 °C resilient world. The 2023 edition of the Yearbook is the seventh since its launch in 2017 and points to key moments in global climate action since COP 27, particularly on ensuring accountability, and key progress and gaps in systems transformation. The myriad actions by non-Party stakeholders highlighted in the Yearbook showcase the broad range of opportunities for collaboration. This implementation mindset is what we must take into COP 28. Read More>>

Climate Finance Provided and Mobilised by Developed Countries in 2013-2021: 

This report presents aggregate trends of annual climate finance provided and mobilised by developed countries for developing countries for the period 2013-2021. It includes breakdowns by climate theme, sector, financial instrument and recipient country grouping for the period 2016-2021. The report also provides key recommendations for international providers to increase financing towards adaptation and more effectively mobilise private finance for climate action, which are both important policy priorities and current bottlenecks. Read More>>

Regional Human Development Report, 2024:  The story of human development in Asia and the Pacific has been one of long-term progress, but it has also been one of persistent disparity and widespread disruption. UNDP in Asia Pacific's 2024 report, argues that unmet aspirations, heightened human insecurity, and a potentially more turbulent future create an urgent need for change. The report paints a qualified picture of long-term progress, but also persistent disparity and widespread disruption, foreseeing a turbulent development landscape and urgently calling for new directions to boost human development. Read More>>

Emissions Gap Report 2023: As greenhouse gas emissions hit new highs, temperature records tumble and climate impacts intensify, the temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again) finds that the world is heading for a temperature rise far above the Paris Agreement goals unless countries deliver more than they have promised. The report is the 14th edition in a series that brings together many of the world’s top climate scientists to look at future trends in greenhouse gas emissions to provide potential solutions to the challenge of global warming. Read More>>

Crisis Resilient Urban Futures: The Future of Asian & Pacific Cities 2023: Ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP-28), WHO has published its 2023 review of health in nationally determined contributions and long-term strategies highlighting the actions needed to ensure that people’s health is fully prioritised and integrated into national plans to fight climate change. Climate change is already harming human health and wellbeing. From illness caused by extreme climate events to the increased incidence and spread of vector-borne diseases; and the rise in cardiovascular and respiratory diseases caused by extreme heat and air pollution respectively - the impacts of climate on human health are inescapable. Read More>>

Provisional State of the Global Climate 2023 by WMO: The WMO provisional State of the Global Climate report confirms that 2023 is set to be the warmest year on record. The data shows that the year was about1.40 degrees Celsius (with a margin of uncertainty of ±0.12°C )above the pre-industrial 1850-1900 baseline. The difference between 2023 and 2016 and 2020 - which were previously ranked as the warmest years is such that the final two months are very unlikely to affect the ranking. The past 9 years were the warmest years with recorded rising temperatures recorded with three prominent GHG increased. Read More>>

Grants and Opportunities

Unnati Research Collaboration Grants 

IMF Grant Review Committee

The Grants are anchored on the principle of unnati, striving to advance the impact and outcomes of research collaborations. The grants are awarded in priority areas of food and water security, the future of healthcare, environmental change, energy frontiers, digital humanities and intelligent futures.

Organization: Australia India Research Collaboration Grants

Deadline: 8 December 2023

Read More>>

The IMF Grant Review Committee supports charitable organizations in the Washington DC metropolitan area and in member countries abroad through partnerships and annual monetary grants, which focus primarily on fostering economic independence through education and economic development.
Organization: International Monetary Fund

Deadline: 5th January 2023

Upcoming Events and Plans Ahead

For more details, contact Ms.  Hannah Kezia Jose at

National Conference on Responsible Business Conduct: Embracing ESG in India

SoBE - IICA will be hosting a comprehensive 3-day event spanning from December 14th to December 16th, 2023. The key highlight of the event is a two-day "National Conference on Responsible Business Conduct", dedicated to fostering knowledge sharing, policy discussions, and collaborative endeavors aimed at advancing responsible and sustainable business practices in India. Concurrently, an "ESG Best Practices" Exhibition will provide exhibitors with a valuable platform to showcase their exemplary initiatives. This conference will be followed by a “Workshop on Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR)”, scheduled with the objective of building the capacity of professionals in the domains of sustainability reporting and responsible business conduct.

Consultation with Inter-Agency Groups (IAGs)

Sphere India is organizing a virtual consultation on 07th December 2023 with the IAG Convenors/Focal Persons. This collaborative gathering serves as a platform for sharing experiences, learning, and resources, aiming to contribute to the development of an Annual Plan and a joint resource mobilization strategy in partnership with State IAGs. The synergy between these entities is poised to strengthen our collective capacity to effectively address the multifaceted challenges ahead.

Sphere India Annual General Body Meeting 2023

The upcoming Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of Sphere India scheduled for 20th December 2023 in New Delhi, with the option for online participation, aims to provide a pivotal platform for members to collectively review the organization's achievements, discuss future initiatives, and foster collaborative efforts. Your active participation in this offline and online hybrid event is crucial in shaping the strategic direction of Sphere India as it continues its mission. More details will follow soon. 

Sphere India Secretariat

123, Captain Vijyant Thapar Marg, 

Arun Vihar, Sector 37, Noida, Uttar Pradesh

(Near Botanical Garden Metro Station - Magenta Line)






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