SAMANVAY Sphere India Bulletin December 2023

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Jan 4, 2024, 6:44:19 AMJan 4
to,, Vik,

Message from CEO

Dear Readers,

As we enter 2024, we take rejoice in looking back at 2023 as a year with great environmental milestones and some major noteworthy affairs, including COP28 held at Dubai, UAE which proved to be a critical aspect of climate change control, with the buzz subject matter being Loss and Damage Funds and the first global stocktake. At the national level also, there has been a paradigm shift, towards mainstreaming climate action and adaptation across various development initiatives undertaken.

2024, brings in new opportunities to address the ongoing challenges and work towards better and greater collaboration and coordination. We at Sphere India are also thankful for the support we received from our network and member organizations and look forward to your encouragement and support this New Year.  The month of December witnessed critical events in climate discourse, with the Decoding COP28 Event held in Delhi on 20th December, the discussions corroborated on outcome document which would be published in the subsequent newsletter highlighting global and national commitments, vigilantly tracking unfolding developments to actively contribute to the ongoing dialogue and sustainable initiatives.


Acknowledging the depth of the situation and the evolving landscape, Sphere India's forthcoming efforts also undertook for Cyclone Michaung lay the critical need for focus on urban flooding and climate-related actions and discourse. This edition also features updates from our members, alongside global, national, and local news situated at the crossroads of current discourse.


Herewith, I take the opportunity to thank all the members, partners, staff and volunteers for their support and commitment. We will strive to improve our efforts to build synergies among diverse actors and will appreciate any feedback to improve our programs and our monthly bulletin. We are committed to ensuring our monthly bulletins serve as valuable pieces of information. Your feedback and suggestions are highly valued and welcomed and we aim to strive to enhance the quality and relevance of our communications.


Warm regards,


Vikrant Mahajan

CEO, Sphere India

In this Issue

  • Program Highlights from 2023 
  • Governance Update
  • Program Updates for December 
  • News from Members & Networks
  • Global Updates
  • Grants and Opportunities
  • Plans Ahead
  • Updates from the Government 

Governance Update 

Sphere India Board Elections 2023

Post the election process in November and December 2023, Election Results were announced on 6th December 2023 and 10 candidates were elected to the Sphere India Board. We congratulate and welcome the new Board Members and look forward to their contribution and guidance.

Vice Chairperson 

Name: Prof. Amita Singh
Designation: President
Organization name: NAPSIPAG Centre for Disaster Research (NDRG)

INGO (Liaison Office Status)

Name: Mr. Dhiraj Kumar
Designation: Country Area Manager -India
Organization name: Handicap International (Humanity & Inclusion)


Name: Mr. Longjam Suranjoy Singh
Designation: Secretary
Organization name: People’s Resource Development Association (PRDA)

Name : Mr. Aniruddha Dey
Designation : Chairperson
Organization name: PRISM


Name: Ms. Ruchi Chaudhary
Designation: Program Manager
Organization: Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA)

IAG Manipur

Name: Fr. Dominic Kanmi
Designation: Secretary cum Executive Director/ Convener
Organization: DSSS, Imphal/ IAG Manipur

IAG Kerala

Name: Dr. Ajil Abdulla
Designation: Executive Director/ Convener
Organization: Vellnez Foundation Trust / IAG Kerala

IAG Uttarakhand

Name: Ms. Kusum Ghildiyal
Designation: Secretary / Convener
Organization: SEAD/ IAG UK

Academic Institution

Name: Dr.K.K.Upadhyay
Designation: Professor
Organization: Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH)


Name: Dr. Itinderpal Singh Bali
Designation: National Master Trainer [FA] / Humanitarian and DRR Practitioner

Annual General Body Meeting 2023

The Annual General Body Meeting held on 20th December 2023 in New Delhi, with provisions for online attendance had members participation with active review of the activities from the year and the plans ahead for 2024 discussed and deliberated. This pivotal meeting provided members a comprehensive review of Sphere India's accomplishments, fostering discussions on future initiatives and collaborative strategies. The AGM stood as a cornerstone, bringing members together and reaffirming their dedication to steering Sphere India towards continued collaborative success.

Year in Review: Highlights from 2023 

Resilience Summit 2023: 17th -19th Jan 2023 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi

National Institute for Disaster Management (NIDM) in collaboration with Department of Science & Technology (DST) GoI, along with partners - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), GIZ- India and sector specialists organised the “Resilience and Sustainability Summit: Vision 2047 (RSSummit 2047), "Science-Policy-Planning: Implementation Interface for DRR in Changing Climate” on 17th -19th January 2023 at Vigyan  Bhawan, New Delhi, India. Sphere India was one of the technical collaborators for the event. Mr. Vikrant Mahajan, CEO, Sphere India was one of the panelist on the session on “Addressing Loss & Damage and Humanitarian-Social Resilience” where insights from Damage and Loss Study developed by NIDM in collaboration with Sphere India were also shared

Sphere India also facilitated a special session on Day 2 on “SDG Realization through CCA-DRR (Special Session) Resilience”, moderated by Mr. Vikrant Mahajan wherein experts from Ministries, CSOs, Academia and UN, opened the platform for discussion on mainstreaming CCA and DRR in development. One of the recommendations from the session was that some form of guidelines can be formulated to provide guidance and directions to the Ministry Officials and the Field level officials on Mainstreaming DRR and CCA in development initiatives. 

3rd session of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 

Sphere India collaborated with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) and other stakeholders to organize pre events ahead of the 3rd session of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction on the theme of Flood Preparedness and Response, Urban Resilience and Capacity Building on DRR in Guwahati and New Delhi respectively. 

The third session of the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction was held on 10-11 March 2023 at Vigyan Bhawan,  New Delhi. The event was spearheaded by Ministry of Home Affairs, Disaster Management Division. The national platform provided an opportunity to various stakeholders (including  Ministries & Departments, States & UTs, Organizations/ Institutions, NGOs/CSOs, academic  institutions, and private sector associations etc) to share learning, best practices, review & revisit  their initiatives on DRR and plan their activities for future. The main theme of this edition was “Building Local Resilience in a Changing Climate”, which also aligned with PM’s 10-Point Agenda, to build local capacities, especially in the context of a rapidly changing disaster risk scenario in the wake of climate change.

Sphere India also had an exhibit booth at the 3rd Session of NPDRR Exhibition Area, through which Sphere India aims to highlight the Multi stakeholder and multi-sectoral Emergency Coordination work carried out by Sphere India and its network of Humanitarian, Development and Resilience Actors in India though various joint actions for Emergency preparedness and Response including Joint Rapid Needs Assessment. 

National Training of Trainers Program on Psychosocial Support in Emergencies

National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), Americares India Foundation, NIMHANS, and Sphere India jointly organized a 3-day National Training of Trainers Program on "Psycho-social Support Emergencies" from July 12th to 14th, 2023. The program aimed to equip trainers and participants with knowledge and skills to train local volunteers and stakeholders in providing psycho-social support during emergencies. The program started with an inaugural session featuring esteemed panellists, including Shri. Rajendra Singh, Shri. Rajendra Ratnoo, Mr. Shripad Desai, Ms. Meenakshi Batra, Prof. Anil Kumar Gupta, Shri. Surendra Thakur, and Mr. Vikrant Mahajan. The esteemed panellist shared their insights and expertise on the subject matter. The training was attended by participants from 20+ States across India. 

Response and emergnecy coordination for Manipur Humanitarian Crisis

As part of coordination efforts for restoration of Manipur peace, Sphere India developed along with IAG and other partners developed JRNA and 15 Sitreps were released. For the initial 4 months, Sphere India also updated the URS matrix and the camp dashboard regularly, ensuring that responding agencies are informed about the emerging needs directly from the camp itself. Additionally, trainings on Mental Health and Psychosocial support was also provided to local volunteers in 4 districts. 

Panel Discussion on Strengthening Humanitarian Responses in India

On 18th August 2023, to commemorate World Humanitarian Day organised a Panel Discussion on Strengthening Humanitarian Response in India. The panel included experts from Health, Protection, WaSH, Food and Nutrition, Shelter and Education Sector, with the session elaborating on the need for strengthening sectoral capacities and deliberating on the future course of action. Key recommendations from “Strengthening Humanitarian System in India” Report and how it has been utilised so far, along with future plans were also shared during the panel discussion. 

Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding between UPSDMA, UP-IAG and Sphere India

(L-R) Dr. Bhanu Mall, UP-IAG Convenor, Mr. Vikrant Mahajan, CEO-Sphere India and UP-SDMA Vice-Chairman, Lt Gen (retd) Ravindra Pratap Shahi and SDMA Representative

An MoU was entered between Sphere India, the Inter-Agency Group- Uttar Pradesh, and the Uttar Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority on 23rd November 2023. The partnership aims to build a safer and disaster-resilient Uttar Pradesh by developing a holistic, proactive, multi-disaster, multi sectoral, and community-based strategy for disaster management and resilience building through the collective efforts of all government agencies and non-governmental organizations. The MoU aims to drive collaborative outreach efforts in the state. 

Orientation of FBLs Preventing and Responding to Child Early and Forced Marriage

Sphere India in collaboration with Jhpiego organized the “Orientation of Faith-Based Leaders on Preventing and Responding to Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM)” on 22nd June 2023 at the Bahá'í House of Worship, New Delhi. There were over 40 participants from various faith groups, associations and select civil society organisations who presented their perspectives and learning on CEFM as part of the orientation which was held.

Policy Brief: Dedicated Budget for Localizing Climate and Environmental Resilience

Dedicated Budget for Localizing Climate and Environmental Resilience is a policy brief developed through a consultative process with two sessions held on 4th Jan 2023 and 28th January 2023 with subject experts, climate advocates and Sphere India members and analysis of Annual budget released in March 2023. Sphere India envisions advocating with the relevant ministries including the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change the need for a more focused budgeting mechanism for climate resilience (giving equal priority to adaptation), along with the need for a streamlined operationalization of the budgetary allocation for climate action to achieve need-based ground-level results. 

Building Resilience Together: Empowering First Responders in Regional Language  

In the final session of a 12-part series conducted in Bangla, Ms. Nitha Dhar emphasized the adoption of climate-smart solutions for resilience building. Organized by CARN-AP, Sphere India Academy, CANSA, and others, this series focused on disaster risk reduction for local communities in Bengali-speaking regions. Phase 2, a 7-day workshop for community volunteers, is planned for March 2024, and active participation is encouraged.

Emergency Coordination Activities in Connection with Flood: Sikkim and West Bengal

On October 4, 2023, Sphere India responded to a sudden Teesta River surge by promptly issuing three situational reports. 2 preliminary Assessment reports were also developed detailing the damages and impacts on infrastructure in various districts. These reports, combining data from responding agencies, government sources, and media, were released between October 6 and 18. A multistakeholder consultation on October 20 involved key organizations and discussed resilience-building and future disaster mitigation. 

Multi-Stakeholder Consultations for Heatwave and Monsoon Preparedness: Southern India, Central India, North-East India and Northern India  

The regional preparedness workshops convened stakeholders across India, emphasizing heatwave and monsoon readiness. Southern, Northeastern, Central, and Northern India sessions united government officials, NGOs, and community voices to address climate challenges. Discussions, led by diverse panels and moderated by experts, fostered collaboration, highlighted regional issues, and shared best practices. Each session tailored strategies to tackle extreme weather, bridging gaps in disaster management plans. Aimed at bolstering resilience and sustainable development, these consultations facilitated knowledge exchange, empowering regions like Central India to refine preparedness strategies. The unified efforts underscored a collective commitment to community safety and proactive disaster response across diverse climatic zones.

Program Update

 Knowledge & Capacity Sharing

Hybrid Consultation-Decoding COP28 for India Navigating Challenges and Charting Strategies for India’s Climate Course

Sphere India in collaboration with Climate Action Network South Asia organized a session on 20th Dec 2023 to reflect on COP28, discussions, and their integration into India's strategic framework for widespread impact. Some of the key aspects highlighted include the pivotal focus on aspects such as gender-responsive adaptation and India's indispensable role in local climate actions. Notably, there was a strong emphasis on inclusive energy transitions and intensified calls for climate finance and climate-induced health vulnerabilities. India has undertaken a proactive stance, advocating equity, just transitions, and financial mechanisms for policy implementation and phasing out fossil fuels. In addition, the session dissected India's climate policies and adaptation strategies. The discussions showcased commitments to greening education, integrating climate education into national systems, and emphasizing resilience across all education levels. The focus must translate to empowering youth with actionable plans and funding for impactful climate projects, ensuring their voices lead to tangible climate action.

 Inter-Agency Coordination

Emergency Coordination Activities in Connection with Cyclone Michaung: Sphere India Network and Supporting Partners

Cyclonic storm 'Michaung' made landfall in the afternoon of December 5th, impacting the region of Bapatla between Nellore and Machilipatnam in Andhra Pradesh. Its earlier influence was strongly felt in Chennai and the adjacent areas of Tamil Nadu on December 4th. In response to the impact of Cyclone Michaung in the regions of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, Sphere India has diligently monitored the situation, maintaining close communication with various stakeholders on the ground. Three Situation Reports have been systematically developed, and continual dissemination of alerts and vital information has been executed through our network to furnish timely updates. As part of our preparedness initiatives, a coordination meeting was convened on December 4, 2023, involving approximately 40 local NGOs from both states. This meeting aimed to gather ground-level inputs and identify potential challenges. Subsequently, an Inter-Agency Coordination (IAC) Committee meeting was conducted on December 5, 2023, facilitating the exchange of ground-level updates. The meeting also involved sharing response plans from various organizations, ultimately leading to the collaborative formulation of a Unified Response Strategy (URS). 

The URS Matrix, delineating response efforts and fostering effective coordination with responding agencies, was disseminated comprehensively. To ensure optimal utilization of resources, Kobo Tool orientations were conducted thrice as part of a joint rapid needs assessment. In order to assess immediate needs, the Joint Rapid Needs Assessment (JRNA) report was developed for both Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, with the objective of guiding targeted and efficient response efforts. On December 7th, Sphere India facilitated a meeting with local responding agencies in Tamil Nadu to gather additional information on the impact, identify emerging needs, and engage in brainstorming sessions. The focus was on establishing a robust Government-Non-Government Organization (GO-NGO) coordination mechanism in the state, as detailed in the Minutes of Meeting (MoM).

JRNA Tamil Nadu >>

JRNA Andhra Pradesh >>

Field Visit to Affected Sites: Cyclone Michaung 

On December 15, 2023, a hybrid multistakeholder consultation was convened at UNICEF's state office in Chennai. This gathering served to present the findings of the Joint Rapid Needs Assessment (JRNA) for Cyclone Michaung in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. The primary objective of this consultation was to collaboratively formulate a comprehensive plan for a unified response.Furthermore, Sphere India conducted field visits to three sites, aiming to identify impactful insights and needs crucial for effective response planning.

Updates from Sector Coordination

Health Sector Committee Meeting 

The Quarterly Health Sector Committee meeting was organised on 6th December, 2023. It was attended by sector experts from Doctors for You, EHA, HelpAge India, and State Health Resource Network Chhattisgarh. The experts shared updates from the Health Sector and discussed the importance of initiating work on the Multisector Coordination Handbook.

WaSH Sector Handbook Coordination Meeting

The meeting focused on crucial actions for the WaSH Sector Handbook, emphasizing finalizing the structure, encouraging ownership among members for specific sections, and incorporating pandemic-related insights. Discussions highlighted the choice between city-wide or community-specific focus and integrating accountability frameworks. Key actions include finalizing the focus, assigning section ownership, drafting policy segments, and gathering pandemic case studies while aiming to compile best practices in a shared folder for collaborative reference.


National level strategic consultation with IAGs

In preparation for the upcoming Annual Lessons Learned Workshop scheduled for February 2024, Sphere India organized a virtual consultation with Inter-Agency Group Convenors and focal persons on December 7th  2023. The focus of the discussion centered on the vital role of inter-agency group collaboration in the humanitarian and development sector, with a particular emphasis on navigating challenges posed by ongoing disasters. Participants shared their diverse experiences and challenges encountered by different IAGs across states. The consultation also aimed at elucidating expectations from Sphere India and fostering collaborative strategic planning

 Collaborative Advocacy

Expression of Solidarity: Cyclone Michaung 

Sphere India, as a coalition uniting humanitarian and resilient actors, stood in solidarity with Cyclone Michaung's affected in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Sphere India's efforts strived to align, fostering collaboration to shield affected communities. Emphasizing holistic useful resource, URS response systems and other mechanisms executed aimed to support responses, bridging gaps and making sure inclusive help. 

News from IAGs and State Networks

Inter Agency Group, Tamil Nadu (IAG TN) for Cyclone Michaung

Inter Agency Group, Tamil Nadu (IAG TN) shared minutes from a recent meeting regarding Cyclone Michaung's impact, notably in Chennai's Perungudi zone, facing the highest rainfall in 47 years. The meeting aimed to comprehend the complex disaster impact and plan future actions, highlighting the need for collaborative responses from NGOs. Weekly updates on needs and responses are planned.

Minutes of the Meeting >>

Meeting with Gautam Buddha Nagar DDMA

In response to the letter from UPSDMA on 10th August 2023 introducing Sphere India and the Inter Agency Group (IAG) GBN for strengthening Go-NGO Coordination, an initial meeting was held between DDMA Gautam Buddha Nagar and Sphere India at the DC, GBN on 21st December. The purpose was to foster understanding of each other's work in the region, identify synergies for collaborative actions and formulate strategies to strengthen Go-NGO Coordination in the district.

News from Members

IGSSS at COP28: Nurturing Resilient Urban Sustainability Discussions 

Reflecting their united commitment to sustainable development at COP28, IGSSS actively networked and collaborated showcasing our dedication towards building resiliency and sustainability in the face of global climate change challenges. At the heart of their engagement were initiatives focused on networking, learning, visibility, NDC impact, and inclusivity. IGSSS forged partnerships with local and global stakeholders, advocating for impactful policy level changes and contributing significantly to COP28 outcomes. During COP28, IGSSS held an important press conference on November 30, 2023, emphasizing the constructive relationship between climate change and social dynamics in the Cities of the Global South. Discussions underscored the imperative of addressing urban challenges, emphasizing the overlooked dominance of cities, their contributions to emissions and being the first responders and the urgent need for inclusive solutions. 

Mr. Aravind Unni moderates the panel discussion at the COP 28

Their impactful exhibit on the 10th and 11th December at COP28 showcased tangible evidence of change. Beyond a static display, the exhibit served as a dynamic hub, facilitating meaningful conversations with global leaders, representatives, and Civil Society Organizations. This place showed how powerful we can be when we work together. Ideas came together, connections were made, and the start of working together was planted. As IGSSS concludes their journey through COP28, their commitment extends beyond the conference halls. IGSSS is working on developing internal reports and planning to generate theme-based articles, featuring in local newspapers in alignment with State Climate Action Plan, and fostering collaborations. Their momentum post-COP28 adapts to evolving climate scenarios, reinforcing our commitment to continued impactful contributions.

Round Table Discussion on Affordable Housing by Habitat for Humanity India

A round table discussion was held on affordable housing in Andhra Pradesh, which was chaired by the special CS, in association with Habitat for Humanity India and the AP State Housing Corporation, supported by Village Reconstruction Organization (VRO) at the state housing corporation office on 14th December. Members present included the Chair of the meeting Shri Ajay Jain, Special Chief Secretary to the Housing Department, Andhra Pradesh with also members present from HFH including Mr. James Samuel and D. Chakrapani who also highlighted AP government's focus on housing and healthcare for the poor. It was shared that the government distributed house pattas in the name of women beneficiaries and spent Rs.22,000 crore for the land. In addition, the central government sanctioned 22 lakh houses for Andhra Pradesh and  Rs.33,000 crore for their construction of this, Rs.26,000 crore was utilized for this purpose by the state.

Round Table Discussion: Affordable Housing for Andhra Pradesh 

Updates from the Government  

Year end Review- Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

India has taken remarkable strides in environmental initiatives and climate action. The Green Credit Programme, under the Lifestyle for Environment (LIFE) movement, encourages voluntary environmental actions, initially focusing on tree plantation. India exceeded its NDC targets by achieving a 33% reduction in emissions intensity and 43.81% cumulative non-fossil fuel-based power capacity by 2023. At COP 28, decisions on global climate ambition and a loss and damage fund were pivotal outcomes.

India co-hosts Global Green Credit Initiative at COP 28 with UAE

India submitted its Third National Communication and Initial Adaptation Communication to the UNFCCC, highlighting emissions sources and adaptation measures. Notable strides include Mission LiFE, the Cooling Action Plan, G20 initiatives, and efforts in forest conservation, wildlife relocation, and tiger conservation. Additionally, PARIVESH integration and air quality improvements reflect India's commitment to sustainable development and a circular economy.

Agreement on loss and damage fund at COP 28 meet

Union Minister Bhupendra Singh Yadav at the COP 28

COP28 finalized the operationalization of a new funding mechanism to address loss and damage from climate change. All Parties, including India, unanimously adopted the decision. Post-adoption, pledges totaling around USD 700 million were made by various nations. The UAE notably committed USD 100 million, while the UK pledged GBP 40 million for the Fund and GBP 20 million for other initiatives. 

Japan, the USA, and the European Union (with Germany) contributed USD 10 million, USD 17.5 million, and 225 million euros, respectively. This Fund aimed to aid vulnerable developing nations in coping with both economic and non-economic losses stemming from climate change impacts, encompassing extreme weather and gradual environmental changes. Union Minister Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey conveyed this update in the Rajya Sabha. 

Draft National Menstrual Hygiene Policy 2023 

The ongoing discussions around menstrual leave and workplace environments emphasize the need for dignity and respect for women. Flexibility in workplace policies regarding menstruation is crucial. There is a limited discourse on the Draft Menstrual Hygiene Policy, the context behind the recent comment by Union minister Smriti Irani Read More>>

National Conference Urges Corporate Sector for Environmental CSR Focus by IICA 

Shri Singh released “Demystifying ESG” by Prof. Garima Dadhich & Dr. Ravi Raj Atrey

In a significant event, Union Minister Shri Rao Inderjit Singh inaugurated the conference in New Delhi. Emphasizing the urgency to address climate change and ecological concerns, Mr. Singh urged corporations to prioritize strategic CSR projects aligning with the Companies Act 2013's Schedule VII. The event witnessed the release of the book "Demystifying ESG" and highlighted India's pivotal role in achieving SDGs by 2030. Eminent speakers, including UN representatives and industry leaders, discussed responsible governance, environmental impact measurement, and supply chain challenges. Day two will continue with discussions on CSR, SDGs, sustainable finance, ESG, biodiversity, and human rights in business. The conference underscores the crucial need for corporate environmental responsibility.


Several waste management rules notified under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for environmentally sound management of wastes

The Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change has notified comprehensive waste management rules targeting various waste types. These rules incorporate Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) mechanisms, promoting environmentally sound handling of plastic, e-waste, tyres, batteries, and more. Capacity for waste processing has notably increased since 2014, facilitated by Swachh Bharat Mission initiatives. Central assistance, including Swachh Bharat Mission Urban 2.0, emphasizes garbage-free cities and efficient waste management practices, backed by a significant financial allocation of Rs. 1,41,678 crores over 5 years.

Allocation of funds to 131 cities under National Clean Air Programme to combat air pollution

The Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change outlines the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) to combat air pollution in 131 cities, including Delhi-NCR. Funds totaling ~Rs 9650 Cr have been allocated since FY 2019-20, supporting city-specific clean air action plans targeting various sources like vehicles, construction, and industries. Measures include emissions control, cleaner fuels, in-situ crop residue management, and stringent regulations. The Commission for Air Quality Management issues directives and advisories, engaging agencies for implementation. The program aims for a 20-30% reduction in particulate matter by 2024, promoting clean air through targeted city interventions and multi-agency collaborations.

Strategic Framework for Drowning Prevention in India 


The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare leads India's effort to curb drowning-related fatalities, which claim over 37,000 lives annually. Notably, children aged 1-12, primarily in rural areas, face this peril. Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra account for 30% of these deaths, with regions like Sunderbans in West Bengal reporting the highest global drowning mortality rate. This pressing issue, involving more than 80,000 unreported deaths, demands immediate preventive measures. The collaborative "Strategic Framework for Drowning Prevention in India," involving key stakeholders like CROPC, World Bank, UNICEF, and others, outlines strategies emphasizing multisectoral collaborations, public awareness, action plans, and evidence-based research to avert these avoidable tragedies.

Updates from International Humanitarian Community: Climate Action

Outcome of the First Global Stock Take from COP 28

Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement

At COP 28, nations escalated climate ambition for the decade's close, aligning with the Paris Agreement and national contexts. A pivotal decision birthed the Loss and Damage Fund, aiding vulnerable nations in countering climate impacts. Established under the CMA's guidance, it focuses on economic and non-economic repercussions of extreme weather and slow onset events. Notably, over USD 700 million pledges have emerged, propelled by countries like UAE, Germany, UK, EU, and Japan. The Fund's objective is to support vulnerable nations facing climate adversities. Another stride was the Santiago Network, leveraging technical expertise to combat loss and damage. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and the United Nations Office for Project Services will jointly host the Secretariat for five years, renewing in five-year cycles. Detailed decisions are available on the UNFCCC webpage. 

Progress on Sustainable Development Goal: The  publication is the latest instalment in the annual series jointly produced by UN Women and UN DESA. The report provides a comprehensive analysis of gender equality progress across all 17 SDGs. Halfway to the end point of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the world is failing to achieve gender equality, making it an increasingly distant goal. If current trends continue, more than 340 million women and girls will still live in extreme poverty by 2030, and close to one in four will experience moderate or severe food insecurity. Growing vulnerability brought on by human-induced climate change is likely to worsen this outlook, as many as 236 million more women and girls will be food-insecure under a worst-case climate scenario. Read More>>

State of Finance for Nature (2023):

Close to $7 trillion is invested globally each year in activities that have a direct negative impact on nature from both public and private sector sources - equivalent to roughly 7%  of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) according to the UNEP and partners. The report finds that in 2022, investments in nature-based solutions totaled approximately $200 billion, but finance flows to activities directly harming nature were more than 30 times larger. It exposes a concerning disparity between the volumes of finance to nature-based solutions and nature-negative finance flows, and underscores the urgency to address the interconnected crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation. Read More>>

One Health Joint Action: The Quadripartite Collaboration on One Health released the guide to support countries to strengthen their One Health actions. Recognizing the multitude of risks that a changing climate is having and will continue to have on the health of all life on earth, the launch took place at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The launch coincided with the first-ever health day at COP28 as well as a climate and health high-level ministerial meeting. The Guide is an operational addendum to the 2022, signalling a strategic objective to country-focused implementation. 

Read More>>

Enhancing Climate Change Transparency: This report delves into how developing nations are fostering trust in global climate change efforts through transparency. Examining 24 countries engaged in UNDP-managed projects across regions, it showcases successes, challenges, and lessons learned. Aligned with the UNFCCC's Consultative Group, the report outlines best practices and support requirements in areas like GHG inventory, mitigation, adaptation, and cross-cutting issues. With insights on 200+ activities and 23 specific solutions, it facilitates South-to-South collaboration, offering a comprehensive guide for addressing the Enhanced Transparency Framework. Read More>>

Youth Stocktake of UNFCCC Processes 2023: The Youth Stocktake evaluates UNFCCC processes, advocating for youth involvement in climate action. It appraises key events like Climate Change Conferences of Youth, emphasizing youth policy influence. Despite successes, it urges meaningful youth engagement in policymaking beyond advocacy tools. Addressing Party responses, it scrutinizes youth inclusion, emphasizing the need for more substantive engagement. The report highlights tangible outcomes and youth-driven contributions to UNFCCC negotiations. It concludes with a call for continuous youth stocktaking, emphasizing the imperative for substantive, not just symbolic, recognition of youth contributions in global climate endeavors. Read More>>

Framework for Climate Change Mitigation in India: The IMF's paper on India's climate mitigation outlines key challenges and strategies. India faces a pivotal choice between improving living standards and curbing global emissions, especially in transitioning from coal. Achieving net-zero by 2050 might cost $9.2 trillion yearly, vital to avert severe climate impacts. Despite being a major emitter, India has the G20's lowest per capita emissions, urging equitable climate policies. Pollution exacts an immense toll, with significant health and economic repercussions. Timely energy transition is critical, given the economic risks of delaying from coal to green sources. India's journey demands policy reforms, tech advancements, and global collaboration in climate finance. Read More>>

Synergy Solutions for a World in Crisis: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate objectives remain out of reach. The evidence is clear: addressing climate change and achieving the SDGs are inextricably intertwined. Co-benefits far outweigh trade-offs. By maximizing these synergies, we can also bridge investment gaps worth trillions of dollars. Synergistic action should be a required component of national commitments, reporting and financing for climate and development goals. We must act on the climate emergency and sustainable development together now, or we risk not solving them at all Read More>>

The Most Creative Look to the Future: UN Global Pulse’s paper, The Most Creative Look to the Future, explores how embracing creative practice and imagination can catalyse innovation and transformation across the UN system. It is grounded in the vision articulated in Our Common Agenda that in order to meet 21st-century challenges, the UN must combine “the best of our past achievements with the most creative look to the future. The paper is accompanied by a workbook for practitioners as well as a competency model that explores the attitudes and behaviors required to practice creativity in a way that leads to innovation and impact. Rooted in the knowledge that the creation of the United Nations was a bold act of collective imagination and hope in 1945. Read More>>

Impact Evaluation of UN-Habitat Housing Approach: Impact Evaluation of UN-Habitat’s Housing Approach to Adequate, Affordable Housing and Poverty Reduction 2008-2019 assessed impact of the UN-Habitat Housing Approach and provided a multi-level (global, regional and country) perspective on the challenges and opportunities for UN-Habitat. The evaluation was designed to contribute to the major policy decisions that are being debated within UN-Habitat and more broadly in the urban development community, including to SDG 11. UN-Habitat’s achievements are documented in the nine reports produced for this evaluation: Synthesis Report, Global Report, Africa Region Report, Asia and the Pacific Region Report, Latin America and the Caribbean Region Report, Arab States Report and Zambia Country Report as well as two Methodology Note Reports. Read More>>

Grants and Opportunities

UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women

EU-India/MoES Research & Innovation Cooperation Horizon Europe 2023

The UN Women 27th grant cycle for the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women calls on all organizations fighting for women's rights and against violence.  Priority is given to women led and small organisations working at the grassroot. In addition, special funding modality for additional core support is is extended. The applications would be invited through the Grants Management System. 

Grant Amount: 150,000 $ - 1,000,000 $

Organization: UN Trust Fund

Deadline: 1st Feb 2024

Read More>>

The European Union and the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India, have agreed to join forces to jointly address the global challenges. The MoES will co-fund the successful Indian entities in two calls under the Horizon Europe. There are several opportunities which have opened with key aspects covered on  climate change aspects, sustainable energy and transportation and mobility usage. 

Grant Amount: 10 Million - 107.5 Million Euros

Organization: EU - India and MoES
Deadline: 5th January 2023

Upcoming Events and Plans Ahead

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SAMANVAY Sphere India Bulletin December 2023.pdf
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