Fwd: Call for participants: Consultation on Aid Exits and Locally-led Development

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Elisabeth Janaina

Sep 25, 2017, 11:37:34 AM9/25/17
to southsudankob
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From: "Farzana Ahmed, Peace Direct" <Farzan...@peacedirect.org>
Date: Sep 25, 2017 16:15
Subject: Call for participants: Consultation on Aid Exits and Locally-led Development
To: <elisabet...@gmail.com>

Peace Direct will be hosting an online consultation to discuss the topic of aid exits and locally-led development
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Call for Participants: Consultation on Aid Exits and Locally-led Development

Peace Direct, Search for Common Ground and CDA Collaborative Learning Projects will be hosting an online consultation on key issues in international development policies and practices, which impact aid exit strategies and locally-led development.  We are especially interested to hear from local practitioners and local organisations.

The online system allows participants to contribute at times most suitable to them. Therefore it is possible to fit participation around your usual commitments and various time-zones.

The online consultation will take place from October 2 – October 6. Slots for participation are limited. If you are interested in taking part, contact Farzana Ahmed, Senior Research Officer, Peace Direct (farzan...@peacedirect.org) before 27 September 2017.  Please provide a short statement explaining why you wish to take part, as well as details of relevant areas of expertise, and practical experience you or your organisation have in the international development field.

Stopping As Success

The discussions will contribute to our collaborative learning project: “Stopping as Success: planning for success from start to exit”. This is a three-year USAID-funded research that will be looking at responsible exit strategies of INGOs and local ownership of development.

Overall aim of the consultation

The consortium is interested in bringing greater awareness to the development community of the multiple dynamics at play when ending a development programme.

We hope to explore the following themes: 

  • Hierarchy in the discourse and decision-making
  • Local perceptions of international actors
  • International perceptions of local actors
  • Exits and what is left behind?
  • How context matters when determining “responsible exits”?
  • How exit strategies differ from sustainability planning?

 How participation will benefit your work?

 This is a unique opportunity for you to participate in a collaborative piece of research. You will:

Be given the opportunity to contribute to discussions on aid effectiveness and influence our research.

  • Learn from other experts and practitioners in the development sector.
  • Receive a report at the end of the consultation which you can use in your own research and development work.
  • Be listed as a contributor to the report, which you may list amongst your publications.

How the research will work?

Upon completion of the online consultation we will make every effort to include the views and opinions of participants in the literature review for the Stopping As Success research project. This will help inform our analysis of key literature on aid effectiveness.

A separate report will be produced that presents a summary of the online discussions. Participating organisations and individuals will be listed as contributors in the report. However, participants will also be able to contribute anonymously if needed.

The consultations will take place online and last 5 days.

What is required to participate?

The online consultation will take place from October 2 – October 6.

During this period, participants will be expected to log in and join the discussion at least once each day, and ideally more often. You will be expected to read all commentary and participate by posting comments, responses and ideas. It may take just a few minutes a day to make some very important contributions to the research.

After the online consultation phase, you will be encouraged to contribute to discussion on the compilation of the final report.

The online system allows participants to contribute at times most suitable to them. Therefore it is possible to fit participation around your usual commitments and various time-zones. 

How to participate?

Slots for participation are limited. If you are interested in taking part, contact Farzana Ahmed, Senior Research Officer, Peace Direct: (farzan...@peacedirect.org) before 27 September 2017. Please provide a short statement explaining why you wish to take part, as well as details of relevant areas of expertise, and practical experience you or your organisation have in the international development field.

Introducing Peace Direct

Peace Direct is founded on the belief that wherever there is conflict, there are local people building peace, and that there will be no lasting resolution of conflict unless they are in the lead.

We seek to identify effective local organisations and provide the funding and promotion of their work that turns their potential into reality. Peace Direct funds organisations in Burundi, DR Congo, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Sudan, and Zimbabwe.

We also promote their work, and that of over 1,500 other locally led peacebuilding initiatives globally through our website Peace Insight.
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