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Invitation to Transportation Access Coalition - October 29th Meeting

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Oct 24, 2013, 2:42:26 PM10/24/13
Dear MinuteVan Regional (loose group working over the last five years to improve public transportation),

I apologize if you received more than one copy of this invitation.

I include you because you have shown an interest in helping to improve transportation options in our area. I would be honored if you could join us at the meeting that Doug Halley invites you to, below, on Tuesday Oct. 29th. Also, if you can think of someone in your town or agency who would like to have a voice in the multi-town, multi-business effort to improve public transportation, please encourage them to come. I tend to be very Acton-centric, so appreciate suggestions of interested people in the other towns.

Our goal is to make sure that any improvements are useful for all populations in need of access to transportaton. For example, if you have contacts in the community of people who work with veterans, or with adults with developmental disabilities, please share this invitation.

This particular meeting is focused on accessible community transportation. In general, CrossTown Connect will address both business and community transportation (which of course overlap).

Thanks so much.

Franny Osman
Acton Transportation Advisory Committee


Doug's invitation:

Subject: Transportation Access Coalition - October 29th Meeting
A meeting to start a Transportation Access Coalition has been scheduled for 10 AM, October 29th in Room 204 of the Town Meeting. The goal of this new Coalition is to assist in improving access to public transportation for the towns that are being serviced by CrossTown Connect – Acton, Boxborough, Concord, Littleton, Maynard, and Stow.
You have been identified as a person that may be interested in participating in this Coalition and are hereby invited to hear about this new initiative and the opportunities that it presents. The meeting will be from 10 AM to Noon, with a networking lunch to be provided after.
CrossTown Connect is a newly formed public/private partnership serving as the area’s Transportation Management Association. In collaboration with Easter Seals Project ACTION (ESPA), CrossTown Connect is forming a group of stakeholders to help plan and address transportation challenges faced by the area communities.  Local officials, planners, advocates and others will come together to identify the issues they and their constituents face in finding the transportation they need, and develop a long-range planning effort.
This meeting will bring our communities together to develop a plan to strengthen the availability and accessibility of transportation services locally and regionally.  An important way to do that is through a cross-agency approach and to build and sustain cooperative efforts through this meeting.
This meeting has been planned under the guidance of the Easter Seals Project ACTION (ESPA)—the acronym stands for Accessible Community Transportation In Our Nation—which is funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration.  ESPA promotes cooperation between the transportation industry and the disability community to increase mobility for all people under the American with Disabilities Act.  Established in 1988, ESPA is administered by Easter Seals Inc. 
Key stakeholders will be representatives from the Council on Aging, Veterans Office, and Housing Authority.  The Council on Aging serves to act as an advocate for seniors, aiding them to maximize their independence and quality-of-life, and strives to support programs and services to meet senior citizens health, social, and cultural needs.  The Veterans Offices exist to assist veterans, widows of veterans, and other eligible relatives and aims to support other programs and services as well that increase access.  The goal of the Housing Authority is to provide affordable rental housing units within the town and rental assistance in the form of subsidies to low-income individuals and families so that they can rent housing in the private market. 
Other key stakeholders will be local and regional transportation providers and citizens willing to make a commitment of their time to improve access to public transportation. If you have interest in being part of this event and effort please contact Doug Halley, Acton Public Health Director at
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