Sorry, I got a little time to play with it this weekend and spent it
all chasing a bug in Intel's UPNP code.
The problem is that after swapping out my own UPNP code for Intel's,
I'm now dependent on their UPNP event notification code. But at some
point either the ZonePlayer or the UPNP library itself just drops out
and stops processing event notifications. It usually happens when
lots of actions get called at around the same time - for instance,
pressing the play/pause button many times very quickly.
This happens even with DeviceSpy subscriptions so I know it's not my
own code. I just can't figure out what's going on - as far as I can
tell it's some form of threading problem that happens when you take
too much time to process a notification, blocking the next
notification from coming in?
I'll try to post my code anyway tonight when I get home...