Mother Pelican ~ September 2023

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Luis Gutierrez

Aug 31, 2023, 11:18:11 PM8/31/23
to solidarity-sustainability group
 Mother Pelican ~ September 2023
Vol. 19, No. 9, September 2023

Ecological Overshoot ~ See, Judge, Act


Through-Lines of Domination
Riane Eisler

Navigating the Polycrisis Life in Turbulent Times
Michael Lerner

The Global Energy Transition: Beyond the Fossil Fuels Era
Gary Horvitz

Interdependence and the Fracturing World: China, Russia, Europe, and the United States
Kurt Cobb

Our Game-Ending Love Affair With Technology
George Tsakraklides

On Artificial Intelligence ~ If You're Driving Off a Cliff, Do You Need a Faster Car?
Richard Heinberg

Is Planet Earth Close to "The Great Dying"?
Thom Hartmann

Our Oil Predicament Explained: Heavy Oil and the Diesel Fuel It Provides Are Key
Gail Tverberg

Leaving Las Vegas ~ Interlude III ~ Dancing with Trickster: Audience as Storyteller
Cara Judea Alhadeff

Is This How Political Collapse Will Unfold?
Dave Pollard

Did Global Population Really Surpass 8 Billion Last Year?
Marc Joffe

Overpopulation and the End Times: the Silence Continues
Jonathon Porritt

The Human Ecology of Overshoot: Why a Major 'Population Correction' Is Inevitable
William E. Rees

Degrowth for Dummies
Barbara Williams

The Deadly Intersection of Labor Exploitation and Climate Change
Sonali Kolhatkar

On Energy Transitions and Ecological Transitions
Jorge Riechmann

Reality Check ~ On Energy Physics and Fusion Foolery
Tom Murphy

Thinking About a World of Scarcity
Kurt Cobb

Which Future? Four Scenarios and Their Assumptions and Outcomes
Gary Gardner

The Summit of the Future in 2024: The Future ~ What Future?
Herbert Girardet

You May Think You're Immune to Cult Thinking, but We're All Susceptible
Richard Heinberg

The Gross Domestic Problem: What Would a New Economic Measure that Values Women and Climate Look Like?
Duncan Green

Degrowth & Masculinities: Towards a Gendered Understanding of Degrowth Subjectivities
Dennis Eversberg & Matthias Schmelzer

Guidelines for Promotion and Implementation of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
ISO-53800 Team

Human development in harmony with nature is the existential challenge of our time. The mission of this journal is to foster integral human development in an integral ecology.

You are invited to submit comments, suggestions, and articles for publication. Deadline is the 15th of the month to be considered for the following month.

NOTE: There is an annotated archive with links to all articles published since May 2005.


Luis T. Gutiérrez
Mother Pelican Journal
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