Mother Pelican ~ August 2023

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Luis Gutierrez

Jul 31, 2023, 11:32:09 PM7/31/23
to solidarity-sustainability group
 Mother Pelican ~ August 2023
Vol. 19, No. 8, August 2023

Facing the Reality of Ecological Overshoot


Arrogance in the Anthropocene
Barbara Williams

The Ecological Transition, the Path to Happiness: Il Gusto di Cambiare
Pope Francis

Overshoot ~ A Rapidly Expanding Human Enterprise on a Finite Planet
William Rees

Polycrisis, Unraveling, Simplification, or Collapse: Coming Soon to a Planet Near You?
Richard Heinberg

Is There a Way Forward?
Gus Speth

Using GDP to Estimate the Limits to Growth
Brian Czech

Forget GDP Growth ~ It's Sustainable Wellbeing We Need to Aim For
Robert Costanza

The World Economy Is Becoming Unglued ~ Models Miss Real-World Behavior
Gail Tverberg

Leaving Las Vegas ~ Interlude II ~ Improvising Counterhegemonies: A Lived Manifesto
Cara Judea Alhadeff

Fast Tracking Extinction: The Rush to Streamline Permitting for "Green" Energy
Rob Lewis

Who Tallies the Resources?
Daniel Wortel-London

Tools to Make the Corporation, and Governments, Serve the Needs of Human Beings
Carmine Gorga

Are We Missing Something About the Coming Population Decline?
Kurt Cobb

Nanoplastics Are Entering Our Bodies
Erica Cirino

Migration: The Consequence of Colonial Exploitation
Shay Cullen

Freshwater, Water Fragility, Water Security, and the Real Meaning of Resilience
Eliza Daley

Industrialism ~ Our Commitment to Impermanence
Christopher O. Clugston

Ocean Heat is Off the Charts ~ Here's What That Means for Humans and Ecosystems Around the World
Annalisa Bracco

From Expansion to Harmonisation ~ A New Economic Trajectory
Paddy Le Flufy

The Eco Collapse We Were Warned About Has Begun
José Seoane

The Best Degrowth Directory
Juan Pablo Arellano

Why Are Feminist Perspectives, Analyses, and Actions Vital to Degrowth?
FaDa Writing Collective

Patriarchy, Its Interferences With Psychological Development, and Risks for Mental Health
Mayank Gupta, Jayakrishna S. Madabushi, Nihit Gupta

Book Summary of The Patriarchs ~ The Origins of Inequality
Angela Saini

Human development in harmony with nature is the existential challenge of our time. The mission of this journal is to foster integral human development and an integral ecology.

You are invited to submit comments, suggestions, and articles for publication. Deadline is the 15th of the month to be considered for the following month.

NOTE: There is an annotated archive with links to all articles published since May 2005.


Luis T. Gutiérrez
Mother Pelican Journal
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