Mother Pelican ~ July 2022

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Luis Gutierrez

Jun 30, 2022, 11:53:10 PM6/30/22
to solidarity-sustainability group
Mother Pelican ~ July 2022

Needs, Greeds, and Population
Martin Tye

Interlude 6 ~ Embodying the Tree of Life in the Tree of Knowledge
Cara Judea Alhadeff

Social Unsustainability: The Case of Slum Societies
Arup Kanti Konar

Cultural Division as a Selective Advantage: Bottom-up Thinking
Christopher Bystroff

The Link Between Cardiovascular Disease and GDP Growth
Taylor Lange

Why We Must Change Our Behaviour to Create a Truly Sustainable World
Colm Fahy

The Great Carbon Capture Scam
Rex Weyler

What People Don't Get about This Inflation Spike
Andrew Nikiforuk

Inflation, Scarcity, and the Road to Survival
Andrew Nikiforuk

Demonic War ~ It Is a Corrupt System
Eileen Crist

The Other Reason for Putin’s Rush to War: Russian Oil Dependency
Sandy Smith-Nonini

The Critical Theory of Pope Francis ~ Part I: Laudato Si, On Care For Our Common Home
Michael Welton

The Deadly Sin of the Human Species
Victor M. Toledo

The Ignorance of Wealth
Eliza Daley

How Much Land Is Needed to Stop the Biodiversity Crisis?
Warren Cornwall

Supply Chain Failures: Another Reason for Localized Economies
Helena Norberg-Hodge, et al.

Beyond Magical Thinking: Time to Get Real on Climate Change
Vaclav Smil

For Your Consideration: To be Anti-Growth is to be Pro-Humanity
Karen Shragg

Global Systems Accounting: Beyond Economics
Arthur Lyon Dahl

From Subsidiarity to Solidarity and Sustainability
Carmine Gorga

Cultivating Generative Communities
Lauren Elizabeth Clare

Men and Feminism ~ Do Your Own Thing and Do the Right Thing
Robert Jensen

Beyond Gender Categories: The Bissu of Sulawesi
Najiyah Martiam

From Homo economicus to Homo ecologicus ~ Sequel 7 ~ Personal Dynamics
Luis T. Gutiérrez

Human development in harmony with nature is the existential challenge of our time. The goal of this journal is to foster integral human development and an integral ecology.

You are invited to submit comments, suggestions, and articles for publication. Deadline is the 15th of the month to be considered for the following month.


Luis T. Gutiérrez
Mother Pelican Journal
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