Tomorrow's Sunday Skates - Update

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Jonathan Deason

Jan 16, 2021, 5:49:51 PM1/16/21

Update, January 16, 6pm: We'll meet tomorrow at Washington Circle, 23rd St & PA Ave. Blockade is a 22nd  & PA, so Washington Circle should be open. Based on recon trip completed a few minutes ago, parking all around Washington Circle seems to be unrestricted, so free parking should be available to the north , west & south of the Circle. Memorial Bridge will be closed, but Roosevelt Bridge should be open, so going left on 23rd St after going over Roosevelt Bridge should bring you right up to the Circle. You can take a left on G or H Sts before the Circle for parking, or go around the Circle and park on the streets to the north. Coming from the other direction, you should be able to drive west on M St and park when you get to around 22nd or 23rd Streets. Chris and I have decided that we will skate all over the closed street areas, which should be a lot of fun, and skate the previously announced route in the coming weeks. Hope to see you tomorrow!




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