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Sister Holly Lewya

5. okt. 2005, 14.25.4705.10.2005
til Sisterbingo Revival Playaz Group
Sister Holly would like to remind our loyal Bingo fans who have signed
up for this list to cum on down to YEE HAW Bingo and claim your free
porn. All you need to do is present your welcome email to the
designated Porn Nun for the evening and she will present you with a
very HOT porn video. Let me tell you, Sister Holly's Bingo cards are a
mess after viewing last months porn. Be sure and tell your friends to
sign up for this email list too, as we have not yet reached the 250
person cutoff for the free porn offer. You do want to share the love,
now don't you???? I can just see the ads on Craigs List now.......
I sincerely hope to see all of you very soon.

Love, Sister Holly Lewya

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