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Feb 17, 2012, 2:21:20 PM2/17/12
to Silvern Castle
Recently picked up an Apple IIc+, stock at 4MHz, and am now using it
to play Silvern Castle. It's a lot better at 4MHz than it was at the
2.8MHz on the GS. I've mapped out all of the first level, but can't
get into the room with the locked door. Is the key on the first level
or is it further down? Also kind of surprised that the thief can't use
his lock pick set to try and open the lock.

I've ventured down to the second level three times, using the two sets
of stairs down, and managed to get the entire party killed all three
times. Thank Ghod for the option to resurrect the party with the added
age penalty. One thing I find interesting is that according to
everything I've read demi-human characters, such as elves, should gain
levels quicker than humans, but that hasn't been my experience. My
party is 5 humans and 1 elf, he's my magic user. the humans are all
level 4, the fighters, and level 5, the thief and cleric, the elf is
still just level 2. Am I missing something or do demi-humans only
level up faster in a group of nothing but demi-humans?

Really enjoying playing this on the IIc+, for me 4MHz is fast enough,
can't imagine trying to play it at 8MHz.


Bruce Baker

Feb 17, 2012, 2:49:42 PM2/17/12
It's been a long time and I am going to have to look up my maps and such.

I understand in the new version super artifacts do not come up so much.  Too bad, sort of.  I had some pretty amazing characters after a while.

As I remember it non human levels come twice as fast as humans up to about level 8.  You have to understand each non human race has a specialty.  Hobbit are thieves, elves are priests, etc.

SC is really a pretty amazing game.  And no disk switching.  That was quite a plus.   Like Dark Designs, there may be a room on the first floor that is meant never to be conquered. I'm pretty vague about that.

If you and adventure veteran excuse me for saying this but you have to return home a lot of save up.  I admit to saving a lot, then if my group got killed I could restore back to the previous saved game.  Cheating I know.


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Bruce Baker

Feb 20, 2012, 12:48:41 PM2/20/12
OK room with the locked door.  Is that the one that is about five squares above the entrance to the level?  You must get an artifact and bring it to the room.  It comes very late in the solution of the game.  I think you get the artifact after several other steps on level 10.  Then the hooded figure in the room gives you another key.  That may be the special key that gets you into the final room.  But its been a while.

Drachma's guardians are at the entrance to level 10 and you cannot get to that level in any other way.  Good luck.

Get your experience up.  Get better equipped.  Get enhanced spells.  It takes time.  I used to play a couple of hours each night.


On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 1:21 PM, magnusfalkirk <> wrote:


Feb 21, 2012, 1:57:07 PM2/21/12
to Silvern Castle
Thanks for the info. I just booted up the game and pulled up the
automap. The room is located up in the north-east area of the first
level, not too far from the set of stairs going down in that section
of the first level. I've been playing when I can, sometimes a couple
hours sometimes just 30 minutes or so. It's just kind of annoying that
when I go down to the second level my party usually dies at the first
encounter. I guess I should spend more time on the first level and get
the party up to level 7 or 8 before I venture down to level 2. I guess
I'll just keep chugging away at it and see what happens.

Thanks again,

On Feb 20, 11:48 am, Bruce Baker <> wrote:
> OK room with the locked door.  Is that the one that is about five squares
> above the entrance to the level?  You must get an artifact and bring it to
> the room.  It comes very late in the solution of the game.  I think you get
> the artifact after several other steps on level 10.  Then the hooded figure
> in the room gives you another key.  That may be the special key that gets
> you into the final room.  But its been a while.
> Drachma's guardians are at the entrance to level 10 and you cannot get to
> that level in any other way.  Good luck.
> Get your experience up.  Get better equipped.  Get enhanced spells.  It
> takes time.  I used to play a couple of hours each night.
> Bruce


Feb 21, 2012, 6:38:43 PM2/21/12
to Silvern Castle
What version are you using?

Tell us a little about your party - such as hit points and character

The best advice is to avoid the lairs for now and stick to the

Usually having your clerics and mages cast sleep helps - especially if
those characters have a good initiative. You may want to visit the
Proving Grounds to get your initiative and hit points up.

There are plenty other strategies you could try. If some characters
can't fight well, using torches as thrown weapons can help.

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Bruce Baker

Feb 21, 2012, 11:09:49 PM2/21/12
Yes I'm remembering that you can get HP up faster with a fighter then as attributes increase you change your character type to start level over again and make HP's more efficiently.  I'm pretty vague.  It's been a long time.  Perhaps I should try to boot something up again.



Feb 22, 2012, 1:06:30 PM2/22/12
to Silvern Castle
I'm running the latest version, 9.4. The problem with staying out of
lairs is that you don't know it's a lair until you walk into it and as
far as I can tell there is no safe way to get out once you've walked
in. I've got 3 fighters, a thief, a cleric and a mage. I have tried
having both the cleric and the mage use sleep spells, sometimes it
works, sometimes it doesn't. Hits points for the fighters are 24, 23
and 19, the thief has 19 hit points, the cleric has 15 and the mage
has 11. Armor classes are 4, 5, 4, 7, 6, and 9. I guess I need to
study up more on the Proving Grounds and try using that to improve my

Thanks fro the advice,


P.S. This is the most activity I've seen in this group in a
loooooonnnnnnggggg time. ;-)

Bruce Baker

Feb 22, 2012, 1:41:28 PM2/22/12
You may be the only one playing.  ;-)


Feb 22, 2012, 10:16:04 PM2/22/12
to Silvern Castle
Your party seems powerful enough to handle level 2.

One thing I usually do is save up for a fireball spell before entering
level 2. That makes short work of most groups. I also tend to have two
mages for this reason.

Check your initiative. I prefer to check the "Sub Initiative for Race"
preference. This preference displays the initiative instead of the
race of the character in the main display so I can always see which
characters have the best initiative scores - they're the characters
that typically get first crack during combat.

The order of your characters is important too. The front three tend to
get hit much more often than the back row.

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