Welcome to the Silvern Castle Forum!

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Mar 15, 2006, 3:00:51 PM3/15/06
to Silvern Castle
This forum has been created to discuss the Apple II RPG Silvern Castle.
Feel feel to post your comments, questions, and suggestions.


Mar 17, 2006, 3:05:23 AM3/17/06
to Silvern Castle
fin...@yahoo.com wrote:
> This forum has been created to discuss the Apple II RPG Silvern Castle.
> Feel feel to post your comments, questions, and suggestions.

Hi Jeff.

Does Silvern Castle run under straight up Applesoft, or do you use a
BASIC precompiler?

AFAIK, there is no true Applesoft Compiler that runs under ProDOS.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

- Paul


Mar 17, 2006, 10:53:49 AM3/17/06
to Silvern Castle
Silvern Castle is programmed in plain old AppleSoft with a bit of
machine language called by ampersand routines.

You can list the AppleSoft code directly to see what makes Silvern

BTW, there is an AppleSoft complier that runs under ProDOS &
Basic.System-the Beagle Compiler. I don't use it because I'm using
MicroDot, a Basic.System replacement that runs in less than 4K, vs
nearly 11K for Basic.System.


Mar 17, 2006, 2:36:32 PM3/17/06
to Silvern Castle
> BTW, there is an AppleSoft complier that runs under ProDOS &
> Basic.System-the Beagle Compiler. I don't use it because I'm using
> MicroDot, a Basic.System replacement that runs in less than 4K, vs
> nearly 11K for Basic.System.

cool... What are the specs for MicroDot?

what is removed from it to make it 4k instead
of 11k?

Where can I find it/docs/etc ?



Mar 17, 2006, 3:38:14 PM3/17/06
to Silvern Castle
MicroDot uses the ampersand instead of watching the PRINT statements
for control-D, which apparently uses much less code by itself.

What MicroDot lacks are built-in commands for directory listings,
random-access capability, multiple open files, and the ability to chain
basic programs. However, MicroDot can implement these features with
optional modules. Plus it includes optional modules for basic program
overlays, hi-res packer/unpackers, and more.

I don't know offhand the status of MicroDot or where you can get it


Mar 18, 2006, 2:20:54 AM3/18/06
to Silvern Castle
Who published it?

- Paul


Mar 18, 2006, 10:03:35 AM3/18/06
to Silvern Castle
MicroDot was published by Kitchen Sink Software.


Mar 18, 2006, 7:40:49 PM3/18/06
to Silvern Castle
Rich, I think they released all there stuff as freeware.... it should
be floating around somewhere then.

- Paul


Mar 18, 2006, 7:46:26 PM3/18/06
to Silvern Castle
http://www.kitchen-sink.com/a2/index.html looks like they're still
around. Let me know if you find out more info Rich, nothing on their

Also found this:

- Paul


Mar 19, 2006, 2:07:36 PM3/19/06
to Silvern Castle
AutoMaker is a utility for MicroDot that will convert AppleSoft
programs into a P8 system file. Of course any DOS commands must be
MicroDot commands and not BASIC.SYSTEM ones.

I used AutoMaker to create the startup program for Silvern Castle; i.e.
the SILVERN.SYSTEM file is nothing but an AppleSoft program
masquerading as a SYS file.

The SILVERN.SYSTEM program simply runs the MICRODOT.SYSTEM file, and
can automatically load Diversi-Cache if you install it per the
instructions. The SILVERN.SYSTEM file can also be used to create a 3.5"
boot disk without needing BASIC.SYSTEM. See the Silvern READ.ME.FIRST
file for more information.

BTW, if you are using 3.5" disks, I highly recommend using
Diversi-Cache, as it will speed-up disk access immensely. Unfortunately
it only works with ROM1 Apple IIgs systems.


Mar 19, 2006, 2:25:22 PM3/19/06
to Silvern Castle
There's a good review of MicroDot here:

The biggest drawback in the review is MicroDot's lack of a
STORE/RESTORE command like BASIC.SYSTEM. But it's not that big of a
problem if you use a technique from the days of DOS 3.3 to bsave/bload
the memory where the variables are stored and save the zero-page
pointers. In fact, the save game code in Silvern Castle originally
came from Eamon.

Another drawback is the lack of a CHAIN command, although MicroDot has
built-in support for overlays, Silvern mostly doesn't use overlays
because I use a trick to mimic the chain command with MicroDot's
overlay ability.


Mar 19, 2006, 4:50:32 PM3/19/06
to Silvern Castle
I'm working to see if I can release MicroDot and the manual, but for
now here is a demo version I found:



Mar 19, 2006, 5:58:01 PM3/19/06
to Silvern Castle
I thought Kitchen Sink released all of their products as freeware....
I must be mistaken.

There needs to be a repository for the lost classics/treasure chest
projects. Unfortunately the stuff on A2 central was never updated.

- Paul


Mar 21, 2006, 4:45:51 PM3/21/06
to Silvern Castle
>But it's not that big of a problem if you use a technique
>from the days of DOS 3.3 to bsave/bload the memory
>where the variables are stored and save the zero-page

please post the code that does this!



Mar 21, 2006, 9:53:50 PM3/21/06
to Silvern Castle

First, a few caveats:

1. When the variables are restored, the LOMEM and HIMEM pointers must
match the values they were when the variables were saved.
2. All string literals must be moved to the string pool. For example:
A$="HELLO" must be changed to A$="HELLO"+"" (the concatenation forces
AppleSoft to move the string into the string pool); also strings within
DATA statements may also need to be moved.

Zero-Page pointers:
105-106 = LOMEM (start of variable space)
107-108 = start of array-space
109-110 = end of array-space
111-112 = start of string-storage
115-116 = HIMEM

Here's the save routine:

100 LOMEM:16384: REM important! set to safe area
110 S=5: A$="TEST+"": C$(1)="APPLE"+"": REM test variables
120 X=FRE(0): REM force garbage collection to compact strings
130 PRINT CHR$(4)"BSAVE GAME.PTR,A105,L8": REM save zero-page pointers
140 PRINT CHR$(4)"BSAVE GAME.VAR,A"; PEEK(105)+PEEK(106)*256; ",L";
PEEK(109)+PEEK(110)*256-PEEK(105)-PEEK(106)*256: REM save variables
150 PRINT CHR$(4)"BSAVE GAME.STR,A"; PEEK(111)+PEEK(112)*256; ",L";
PEEK(115)+PEEK(116)*256-PEEK(111)-PEEK(112)*256: REM save strings

Here's the routines to restore the variables:

100 PRINT CHR$(4)"BLOAD GAME.PTR,A768": REM load zero-page pointers to
page 3 because page zero is marked as protected in the ProDOS bit-map
120 POKE 105,PEEK(768): POKE 106,PEEK(769): POKE 107,PEEK(770): POKE
108,PEEK(771): POKE 109,PEEK(772): POKE 110,PEEK(773): POKE
111,PEEK(774): POKE 112, PEEK(775): REM restore zero-page pointers
130 PRINT CHR$(4)"BLOAD GAME.VAR": REM restore variables
140 PRINT CHR$(4)"BLOAD GAME.STR": REM restore strings
150 PRINT S: PRINT A$: PRINT C$: REM test variables

The routines are written for Basic.System, but work with DOS 3.3 as
well (you can restore the GAME.PTR file directly to the correct
zero-page location).


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