Git repository, initial code checked in

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Jason Stirk

Aug 9, 2008, 12:22:20 AM8/9/08
Hi folks,

Wayne - you were right when you said git's not exactly new-user friendly. I think I'm getting the hang of it though!

I've created a project on GitHub :

Initial commit is pretty limited - I've started the project in Rails, and started on the basic functionality. Currently only two models exist - Resume and Person and you'll need to play with these via script/console. Check out the README for details.

Currently it only allows you to create a Resume with a URL and it will go off and fetch it, and rip a few basic details out - the summary, and some simple vCard information.

So far I've only tested against LinkedIn. If anyone has other examples of live hResume data, I would appreciate the links so as that I can see how other folks are structuring their content.

I plan on spending a bit of time tonight to push on further - rip more details out such as  experience and education.

Another thing - I am considering merging the Resume and Person model. I initially started with the Resume model thinking it would be cleaner to separate the HTTP functionality from the Person model. However, I'm now thinking that it makes things more complex for very little benefit.

Can anyone see any reason to keep Resume and Person separate? Is there really any information that applies to just the resume and not to the person who owns it?

I also think it's a little silly to consider users with multiple resume documents. That's just begging for trouble (conflicting data for example), and surely one authoritative source for this data would be better.

I am also trying to ensure that we allow folks to delegate their resume to other locations, sort of how OpenID delegation works, but using plain old HTTP redirects. (eg. I register that my resume is at , but that redirects to my LinkedIn profile)

I know there's not much code so far, but comments are always appreciated.

All the best,

2008/8/8 Wayne Meissner <>

2008/8/8 Jason Stirk <>:

> Git repo needs to be set up, and that person's going to have to be "in
> charge" of pulling from everyone else's repos, and managing that. I'm not
> familar wit Git, but I'm willing to learn if that needs to be the case.
> Otherwise, I'm happy to follow someone else if they really want to do it.

You may as well do it.  git is not exactly a new-user friendly vcs,
but you do get used to it.  And setting stuff up on github is very

> Initial project structure needs to be set up in whatever language/framework
> we're using. Ruby seems to be a call so far, but I guess we should wait to
> see if anyone weighs in before we set that in stone?

I say go for ruby.  Not just because I'm biased toward it, but in the
time we'd spend debating the which language, you could have the thing
written ;)

> I think from there we have more than enough to get something rolling. I

Yep, I say start hacking on something.

Warren Seen

Aug 9, 2008, 1:22:37 AM8/9/08

Great work getting it started. Git takes a little while to get used to, the Rubinius project has a good overview on the git workflow that helped me get used to it when i was tinkering on that project a while back:

Haven't looked at the code yet, but this is just my first impression from what you're saying:

I wouldn't be too concerned with trying to merge person and resume at this stage. While we don't know if there is a need to support more than one resume, it's certainly possible for people to have multiple hResumes so we should leave the possibility there. If we start with "Person has_one Resume" then we leave our options open down the track - eg maybe you start spidering sites for hR data and want to aggregate it.

If you have duplicate fields that are causing complexity, then maybe just delegate the fields in Person to their Resume? (If there are multiple Resumes, then we would need to designate a "master" for delegating).

I think it's legit to have the Resume class capable of parsing the hResume XML, but the HTTP stuff should probably be pushed into a helper?

I'll have a look at the code this evening and let you know if there's anything else that comes to mind.



Elias Bizannes

Aug 9, 2008, 3:23:55 AM8/9/08
Good work guys. As for the question of a resume and a person, let's keep it simple for now and just assume it's all the one thing.
Elias Bizannes

Jason Stirk

Aug 9, 2008, 4:07:26 AM8/9/08
Hi Warren,

Cheers for the link - it's great. Spells out a lot.

I look forward to the comments, and everything you've said makes sense.

I'll continue fleshing out the plan I have tonight, and we can see how things go I guess.

2008/8/9 Warren Seen <>

Sriram Panyam

Aug 10, 2008, 10:44:30 AM8/10/08
actually if you want a "user friendly" git - you could try mercurial !!!  but ofcourse it doesnt come with the same pedigree as git does (written by the man Linus himself!)

Warren Seen

Aug 10, 2008, 6:38:10 PM8/10/08
Getting OT but:

git is not popular in the Ruby world because of Linus at all. It's simply popular because it's the first DVCS that got traction in the community, and snowballed from there. Now that Rails, Merb and a bunch of other projects are hosted with git through github, it's reached the tipping point.

People aren't generally ignorant, they do realise that there's other options like darcs, arch or mercurial, but no-one wants to have to learn multiple (D)VCSes, so they will tend to go with the de facto standard in their part of the world. My Mac is easier to use than a PC, try telling that to 90% of people who are still using Windows. ;-)

Plus, github is shiny :-) 

Wayne Meissner

Aug 10, 2008, 7:11:39 PM8/10/08
Continuing OT because .. why not?

2008/8/11 Warren Seen <>:

> Getting OT but:
> git is not popular in the Ruby world because of Linus at all. It's simply

Its popularity now is not because of that, but I reckon it got a jump
start in the popularity because of that. For some reason, a lot of
people listen to Linus (and regurgitate what he says out of context as
if it is gospel).

Git's popularity now is definitely because of the network effect
though. And hey, apart from the god-awful command line, it turns out
its not a bad way of managing source code :)

> popular because it's the first DVCS that got traction in the community, and
> snowballed from there. Now that Rails, Merb and a bunch of other projects
> are hosted with git through github, it's reached the tipping point.

Yep. I prefer mercurial myself (mainly for tool support and
non-arcane command line) , but git is the leader out there, and I have
to use it anyway, so I've gotten used to it.

> Plus, github is shiny :-)

I do believe github has tipped git over the line. There isn't (yet)
anything out there like it for (mercurial | bazaar | monotone)

Sriram Panyam

Aug 10, 2008, 8:32:15 PM8/10/08
oh sorry i didnt mean git's "current" popularity is all thanks to the Linus brand...   i was just saying that at hte start it made a huge impact..

i have used both myself.. ifound mercurial a lot easier, but git certainly has marginally more power (but found the setup to be a nightmare - especially the web interface)... i have never been on github so cant comment on that :D


Warren Seen

Aug 12, 2008, 8:05:16 AM8/12/08
Hey Jason.

Did you have a todo list for the project? I'm hoping to have a bit of free time tomorrow, so can have a bit of a hack if there's anything that needs doing?



Jason Stirk

Aug 12, 2008, 8:10:54 PM8/12/08
Hi Warren,

I haven't done a TODO list yet - at least, nothing that's checked in.

My next goal was to get the experience and education vCards parsed.

I was planning on making an Organisation model as something that can be used as both where they were educated, or where they worked (as many people do both), and use an intermediate table to store the data about the tenure with that Org.

Alternatively, you might want to start thinking about an API or how we're going to present the data to the end users. To be honest I have thought very little about either of those bits as of yet.

I look forward to seeing how you go. Feel free to hit me up on Twitter if there's anything you want to discuss.

All the best,

2008/8/12 Warren Seen <>
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