Optimus Microformats Transformer

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Jason Stirk

Aug 23, 2008, 12:20:53 AM8/23/08
to Silicon Beach Australia - distributed database initiative
Chris (http://twitter.com/broady) just sent this through to me :


Code is available, and looks like it can do a bunch of the heavy
lifting to parse the microformats, etc. That said, it's not that hard
to parse the data already, but why re-invent the wheel?

Code is available on Google Code at http://code.google.com/p/mf-optimus/

I'm thinking that it might be easier/more efficient/smarter to use
Optimus to parse the pages into an XML format, and then just consume
that. We'll still need to do some work to normalise it for the
database, but at least all of the quirks with parsing the microformats
would be handled.

What do you think?


Rob Sharp

Aug 23, 2008, 8:09:06 AM8/23/08
to SiliconBeachAu...@googlegroups.com
Just to muddy the water a little further, there's also a ruby plugin
called mofo[0]. Being Ruby, it removes the additional layer that using
optimus would (presumably) add. My primitive testing suggests it would
easily integrate into the current framework.


[0] http://mofo.rubyforge.org/

Rob Sharp

blog: http://rob.sharp.id.au
twitter: http://twitter.com/quannum

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