SQL error: database or disk is full

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Филипп Кац

Apr 30, 2015, 5:24:31 AM4/30/15
to scrap...@googlegroups.com
I am scraping a rather big site, so I scraped all links at first.
now I am requesting this DB of links and scrape pages. And the same approach for several sites.

at one moment all my requests to the database return this answer instead of json:SQL error: database or disk is full
I deleted all huge data tables in my account, but it still returns this. What is the solution? Can I somehow see the max size of the DB and size I use already?

Peter Waller

May 5, 2015, 5:09:18 AM5/5/15
to scrap...@googlegroups.com

This was a temporary issue with our platform which should now be
resolved. Thanks for getting in touch and apologies for any


- Peter
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