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In a few is going to be a rocking HINDU NEW YEAR celebration.

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Rishi Kumar

Mar 22, 2014, 11:28:04 AM3/22/14

Hello all,
You may have seen the Saraotga News coverage on the Hindu New Year celebration.
Well…don’t be shy; join us and be part of a fun community gathering later today.

Our entertainers for SARATOGA HINDU NEW YEAR 2014 have been breaking out a sweat as they prep hard - to ensure that you have one fabulous time. Are you ready to experience the magic combination of a community gathering, festivity, gourmet delicacies and some top grade musical talents? Our performers include: 
Tarini Ullal, 
Charu Roy, 
Prasenjit Biswas, 
Elena Elsoukov 
Bay area Russian Belly Dancer sensation Natika (performing a traditional Bollywood number)
Avneet Randhawa’s Bhangra team, 
Irith & Irika Katiyar, 
Simren Bhatt, 
Geetha and Anjali Thomas, 
Nikita and Anushka Gaur, 
Anisha Chatterjee, Ankita Chatterjee and Arpita Chattopadhyay….boatloads of talent, waiting to erupt!

Yes - it is going to be a fantastic afternoon of togethernes, networking and talent blitz!
Absolutely not to be missed…..We only have a few more spots left so RSVP ASAP! 
RSVP info at (there is no cover charge for this event - but please read through the RSVP instructions carefully)
DATE: Saturday, March 22nd. 4pm to 7pm 
LOCATION: 18870 Allendale Avenue (Serbian Orthodox church), Saratoga CA
NOTE: Event starts @ 4pm sharp; we don’t follow the infamous Indian Standard Time :-)

We have some choice delicacies that have been donated by our sponsors…for your enjoyment.

See you soon

On Mar 16, 2014, at 8:42 AM, Rishi Kumar <> wrote:

Today is Holi!
Happy Holi to you all!
The best wishes for lots of joy, fun, happiness, friendship and love in your life.
Do take the time to celebrate today and (re)create or relive those memories.
And also join us this coming Saturday March 22nd @ 4pm to celebrate the HINDU NEW YEAR (see flyer below)
Some incredible performers are in the lineup.  Many of you have proposed bringing in some choice festival delicacies as part of the community potluck dinner.
Do RSVP ASAP - if you are planning to attend,,,,You will be on the wait list once we reach 300.
RSVP details are spelled out on the home page Hurry!
This event is free -and we encourage you bringing your extended family, friends and neighbors to experience one amazing celebration. This event is open to the “world”!

REMINDER: Join us later today for Robotics (3:30pm), Fitness (4pm), Yoga for kids (4:30pm), Yoga for adults (5pm).
If your child was considering joining the Robotics club, check out the FAQ @
The details of the kick-off meeting today are spelled out below

See you soon.

Saratoga LEGO Robotics Club
The Saratoga LEGO Robotics Club will hold their kick-off meeting March 16.
This club is open to every child interested in FLL Robotics (and their parents).
(This club has no membership fee)
The club's mission is to connect and exchange ideas with the different Saratoga First LEGO League robotics teams, provide mentoring opportunities and create a system of coaches to train among other goals; ensure the success of our kids and continued/enhanced MSET learning.
 Here is the agenda for Sunday
- Purpose of Saratoga FLL Robotics Club
- Introduction to FLL Robotics competition
- Components of FLL Robotics competition
- Meet the experts (8th graders who competed last year will discuss their experience and learning)
- Introducing the mentors (former coaches)
- Live demo of programmed robots
- New team formation (if your child does not have a team yet, we will help form new teams)
- Designate a mentor team (adult + child) for each team.
- Future roadmap / success (Introduction to the MSET Club at Saratoga High)
The meeting is at 3:30p.m. at the St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church, 18870 Allendale Ave., Saratoga.
For more information, contact Rishi Kumar at rishi<at>
Here is the announcement on the Mercury News site

On Mar 14, 2014, at 10:42 PM, Rishi Kumar <> wrote:

We are gearing up for a fantastic celebration of the HINDU NEW YEAR on Saturday, March 22nd.
We intend making this one fantastic community gathering, with food, music, gupshup - a celebration not to be missed.
Do RSVP following the instructions at before we oversubscribe. This event has NO ENTRY FEE. 
Performers on Saturday include: Tarini Ullal,  Prasenjit "Hemant Kumar" Biswas, “Fantastic Fred”, Geetha and Anjali Thomas, Elena Elsoukov, Julia Steward, Avneet Randhawa’s Bhangra team and many more. Let us know if you are interested in being in the lineup - only a couple spots left. Email
It is recommended that each family invites a neighbors too so that they can also experience our Hindu New Year celebration.
And we are looking for volunteers to run this event - do email if you are interested in volunteering.

Here is the SHTCC activities lineup for Sunday, March 16th

Saratoga Lego Robotics club kick-off @ 3:30pm sharp - details @

Saratoga Bollywood Fitness @ 4pm - Instructor Sveta Shandilya

Saratoga Yoga for kids @ 4:30pm - Instructor Yogi Mahendra

Saratoga Hindi class for kids @ 5pm - Instructor Dhawali Tyagi and Ashutosh Shastry

Saratoga Yoga for adults @ 5pm - Instructor Yogi Mahendra

Note: The next SARATOGA’s GOT BOLLYWOOD @ Blue Rock Shoot (not a SHTCC event) will be on APRIL 18th (the first Friday event in April is canceled)


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