San Diego Bicyclist Forum

Contact owners and managers
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This is a place where people who love bikes and love to ride them can communicate.  There are increasing numbers of bicycle riders on our roads (that's a good thing) and we frequently do not have to time to be able to meet one, slow down, say hello, and have a conversation  --  so we can chat here.

This Group is not affiliated with any organization, although most individual members are members of some bicycle oriented organization. The opinions expressed by individuals posting here should not be considered as opinions endorsed by an organization to which that individual may belong.

Only postings that are in violation of the Terms of Service (Acceptable Use Policy) are prohibited. The AUP is available here.  Violation of the AUP may subject the poster to being "Moderation" or  "Banned".  New members are automatically moderated to ensure some ne'r-do-well doesn't join up for the purpose of spamming us.  The owner automatically bans any prospective member who tries such a trick - it happens every day!!