Ring Pit method of sugarcane cultivation

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Nemani Chandrasekhar

Jun 25, 2016, 1:35:17 PM6/25/16
to jai...@googlegroups.com, ssi-india

Ring Pit method of sugarcane cultivation

Pulse Crops Facebook | June 20, 2016  


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'Ring Pit Method' of Sugarcane Cultivation

For more details, click here

‘Ring Pit Method’. The method, in farm trials, proved not only cost-effective but also demonstrated that the yields can be increased to two or three times compared to the conventional ‘Row-to-Row’ planting technique. This technology, thus, has the potential of raising the present average productivity of about 70 MT/ha by three fold. Government of Haryana zeroed on this system of sugarcane cultivation as the best among the presently available techniques of cultivation for promoting the same for adoption in the State.


Under the conventional system, the Setts (Stem cuttings or sections of sugarcane stalks usually having three buds used for planting sugarcane) are grown in rows of 90 cm spacing and are arranged in a series without adequate spacing. This makes germinated Setts very thin in appearance ultimately affecting the number of canes in each Sett and its development. In the ‘ring pit’ method, sugarcane Setts are planted and raised in round ‘pits’ at the spacing of 180 cm between rows and 150 cm between individual pits in a row.

The pits are dug using specially designed tractor drawn power tillers. The pits are then filled with top soil, 5 kg of farm yard manure (FYM), 100 Gms gypsum and 125 Gms super phosphate and are watered well before planting. Pit depth is kept at 1.25 ft. to 1.5 ft. Under this ‘ring pit’ system, around 2700 pits are thus made per acre. After planting Setts in this method, care is taken to see that only thirty mother shoots are allowed to develop which then leads to development of robust and healthy millable canes of 1.25-1.75 kg each. This technology can give a yield of 800-1100 quintals/acre (or around three times of conventional method) if the recommended package of practices is fully adopted.


The ring pit method of sugarcane cultivation is more water and nutrients efficient as well. This method, not only reduces water use, but also enhances nutrient use efficiency. Further, no ploughing and lodging is required, which save labour and machining cost.




Haryana has taken up several programmes for sugarcane development in the state, which includes production of sugarcane seed and promotion of sugarcane cultivation. However, this innovative programme of promoting ‘ring pit’ method of cultivation was taken as a ‘demonstration programme’ to demonstrate to the farmers the method and also the productivity gains possible by its adoption. The state Government provided assistance of only Rs 6,000 per acre under RKVY for hiring of pit digging machine and paying labour charges etc.





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