Of Gala Dinners and Star Trek Conventions

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May 23, 2007, 10:34:34 AM5/23/07
to SS United States
Hello All:

I am writing as a way of reintroducing myself and the refining the
mission of the SS United States Foundation. I have been the President
of the Foundation since January 2005. Prior to that I was President
from 1999 through early 2001. I do not intend to step down again.

In the four years I was away from the "fight," much changed. The
vessel itself changed hands, the Foundation went through much
upheaval, resulting in the formation of the SS United States
Conservancy and the ownership of the vessel by Norwegian Cruise
Lines. Their tactics are different from the Foundation in every
possible way. Through allegiance with Norwegian Cruise Line, and
generous support, they have assumed the more public profile we once
enjoyed during my first tenure as President. There are endless
dinners, galas, speeches, and projects. Make no mistake, I wish the
Conservancy luck in all of their endeavors, and applaud their efforts
with regards to the ship. Yet I can not help but see comparisons to
the Foundation.

The Foundation had annual meeting galas, conferences, and a vessel
lighting ceremony of our own in 1999. We worked on a documentary, and
accumulated research materials on the ship. We worked with the then
owner of the vessel as much as possible to secure a future for the
ship, and also explored other options. We succeeded in placing the
vessel on the National Register of Historic Places, and produced a
brochure and published a wonderful book on the ship with the
assistance of Frank Braynard. We received countless notices in the
press, and played a significant part in bringing the SS United States
back into the public eye.

The Foundation accomplished a great deal, and still does.....behind
the scenes. Many think that the Foundation has disbanded, or "lost
the war" to the Conservancy, but that is far from the case. Our
tactics have shifted to a "wait and see" attitude. We still are very
interested and passionate about our vessel. Yet we choose to "lay
low" and let events play out as they should. Our accomplishments over
the years were the definition of "grass roots" and still are. Our
events were free and open to all, we accepted donations but never
charged for our events or meetings. The Foundation did it's best to
avoid turning into a "star trek convention" as much as possible. I'm
a "trekkie" since birth, but never attended a convention. Many of my
friends found that amazing, given I own all the shows on DVD and
played with toys as a child. Yet something about those conventions
intimidated me. I found them to be a "closed club" in many ways, you
either "live, breathe, and eat" Star Trek or you don't. If you do not
own every item from the Star Trek world, there was something wrong
with you. At least that was my impression. The Foundation did not
want to become that. "Grass roots" as I see it means a movement of
regular people all sharing an interest. People that would love to
purchase the vessel themselves if they had the millions, but obviously
do not. People that would drive a few hours to meet with like-minded
people but could not afford a lavish gala dinner. People who would
volunteer their time because that was all they could afford to do.

It's those people that comprise the Foundation. It still does.
Regular people who share a common desire, to see the SS United States
saved. The Foundation exists, it's still there, its still made up of
these wonderful people. We exist independently through generous
donations from members. For now, we'll wait and see, as I said. Wait
and see what the current owners really have planned for the SS United
States. Renovation or destruction on a beach in India like the Norway
and, presumably, the SS Independence. Endless underwriting of gala
dinners and "conventions" or real action. A real plan to put her back
to sea, where she belongs.

Together we will save the SS United States.

Dan Trachtenberg
SS United States Foundation.

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