S.S. United States Foundation's 10th Anniversary E-Update!

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Jan 5, 2007, 3:18:58 PM1/5/07
to SS United States
Dear Members and Supporters of the S.S. United States Foundation:

Welcome to the 10th Anniversary Year of the SS United States Foundation
E-Updates! And what a ten years it's been! It's a lot of fun to
look back and see just how much we've accomplished over the years so
I encourage all of you to visit the Internet Archive (IA) at
http://www.archive.org. IA is the world's greatest search engine and
a post modern Library of Alexandria for the World Wide Web.

Once on IA's Website go to the "WayBack Machine" and type in
www.ssunitedstates.org Every major update to our Website since 1998 is
there! (We launched the Website in early 1998 but it was just an
introduction Web page until master web designer Paul Robinson took
over!) All of it's there. The good, the sad and bad stuff (like when
we had to launch our first and so far only Red Alert) and all those
Updates! (The first e-update took place in late December 1997 and is
not on the Web site.)

In this E-Update you well find:
· O where o where could my Big U be...
· Your mission to the United States Congress if you should choose to
take it...
· Google Group and why exactly do we need another group?
· If I've told you a million times... Some general questions
addressed (in a nice way-this time...)
· Ready. Take. Action. And we mean it! (both its connotations!)
The Big U docu is rolling along...
· Keeping Up With What's Up
· What's in Store for 2007?

O where o where could my Big U be...
Many of you have written asking for the latest news on the Big U. To
date, and sadly to say, the only news to report is that NCL has owned
the United States for nearly four years and has yet to announce any
future plans. This is very unfortunate. Many have tied their hopes to
NCL's yet unfulfilled promises. Other fan club oriented groups who
claim to be working "closely" with NCL have yet to satisfactorily
explain to the preservation community why we are still waiting. How
long does a feasibility study take anyway? Longer than to fight World
War II? Hummmm....

Your mission to the United States Congress if you should take it...
The Foundation has purposely kept a low profile during the last year
respectfully waiting for any word of encouragement from NCL. We can no
longer wait. Starting this month we will actively begin a project to
get citizens from across the country to come here to Washington, D.C.
to speak directly to their elected representatives-the reason why we
pay these guys in the first place.

This grassroots lobbying effort will take place on one day and one day
only. Once a location is secured we will give you several months notice
to plan for your trip to the nation's capitol (you didn't want to
go to Hawaii anyway). If you will be able to attend, you will need to
let us know so the Foundation's lobbying expert guys (board members
Mr. Tom Fulton and Mr. Eric Lee) can arrange for time with your elected
officials. This event will be strictly for members of the SS United
Foundation-and we're not pretending. We have been working
diligently to establish relationships with members of Congress so this
will be a rare opportunity for us to present our agenda for preserving
appropriately the Big U (If you have not renewed you membership with
the Foundation please do so by sending a check to S.S. United States
Foundation, P.O. Box 853, Washington, DC, 20044.) Much more
information to follow!

Google Group Forum and Its Purpose
The Google Group Forum will only be used to post advocacy-oriented
information for efforts to Save the United States. We will not post
personal messages nor use this forum as a chat room. Its purpose is to
keep track of informed of important work or issues about the Big U.
Please send any information you may have regarding events, news
coverage or grassroots lobby efforts involving the preservation of the
SS United States and it will be posted. You may still send inquiries,
FYIs, or personal e-mails to me at rhwes...@ssunitedstates.org All of
your emails are read-I'm being serious here. Unfortunately owing
to the volume of emails received all emails cannot be responded to
directly-so I'm not being a jerk.

General Questions Addressed blah, blah, blah (but it's important to
· The Foundation does not sell pictures of the United States nor
provide them for publication. Pictures can be purchased from many
other Websites including www.nytimes.com
· If you are looking for information about ship manifests and other
historical information please understand that the Foundation is a
preservation advocacy organization and as such does not have an
extensive archive. However, you many always contact either the New
Port News Mariners Museum of the Kings Point Naval Academy Museum in
Long Island, NY as well as the National Archives of the United States
in Washington, DC.
· If you are seeking information as to access to the ship, or what in
the world NCL has been doing with her all these years, please contact
Colin Vietch at www.ncl.com (Since he's the CEO of NCL, he might be
able to explain why the United States still sits and rust at her pier
some nearly four years after his company purchased the vessel.)

Ready. Take. Action. And we mean it! The Big U Documentary is Moving
Forward! This just in from Rock Creek Productions:

Big U Documentary Film Receives International Press

We are pleased to report that the filming of the Big U: The Story of
the SS United States was recently featured in both British and Irish
Newspapers! Each article has brought us former passengers who want to
share their stories and memorabilia. We are constantly amazed at how
many lives have been touched by this beloved ship.

Production efforts still continue at full steam. Rock Creek
Productions, Inc. has hired academy award nominated writer Anna Reid
Jhirad to author our film and assist in fundraising efforts. While her
credits are numerous, they include: Kate Chopin: A Re-Awakening, The
War that Made America, and Truman, all have aired nationally on PBS.

We are currently focusing our research on the ship's designer William
Francis Gibbs. If you have your own stories or memorabilia to share
about this great naval architect please contact Tim, Rachell, or Kiley
at (703)-453-0400. The legacy of William Francis Gibbs lives on in
the offices of Gibbs & Cox, Inc and Rock Creek Productions is
incredibly grateful for the generous financial contribution they have
made toward the development of this film.

Keeping Up With What's Up!
Just take a look at the posts on the Google Group for 2006 and you'll
see we've been up to a lot!

Some success measurements for 2006 include:
· The Foundation was quoted in numerous national and international
media outlets including the Orange County Register, Professional
Mariner and the Philadelphia Business Journal
· Members continue to join our advocacy efforts from all over the
· The foundation's book, "SS United States, Fastest Ship in the
World" continues to sell well and now includes the 5 minute DVD
"Save the United States" as a gift with purchase! (If you did not
receive your free Save the United States" DVD please send me your
address at rhwes...@ssunitedstates.org or send a letter to the PO box
853, Washington, D.C., 20044.)
· The foundations e-mail list now includes over two thousand

What's in Store for 2007?
This all depends if NCL is going to come through on its promises. I
think it's safe to say a great many of us are tired of waiting and
want some solid answers. So look for some exciting things one way so
All Hands on Deck - Save the United States!

Thank you all for you support and please keep it coming! And Happy SS
United States Foundation 10th Anniversary!


Robert Hudson Westover
S.S. United States Foundation
Washington, D.C.
(Tech Note: You may get this message twice as we are working on
updating the e-mail list)

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