Hello SOCALWUGgies!
I thought the list members here might like to hear about Crash Space,
a hacker space I'm helping to start here in LA.
is a sort of engineery computer club that's opening up in Culver City
this month. We've had like, 4 meetings and next week will be moving in
to a 1400 sq ft building to begin, well, building.
There are elements of SOCALWUG coming to Crash Space, so it seems
relevant to your interests.
Some early projects and equipment being readied for the space are
rapid prototyping tools and 3D printers, laser cutter, server space,
electronics workbenches, and most of all CLASSES taught by other
members. Lots of projects are being discussed already and most of them
involve wireless, RFID, Xbee, etc. Including a proximity t-shirt that
discovers people via RFID (or some other wireless field - work in
In a few weeks, there is going to be a Makerbot build fest for people
who bought and need to build their 3D Printers from
http://makerbot.com. I think there are already 4 bots planned for the
build day(s) so just hanging out will be fun.
In the coming months, folks have shown interest in setting up wifi
from the rooftop of the space, perhaps to bring in more bandwidth or
to experiment with outbound services. Or both!
If you are at all interested, go ahead and sign up for the discussion
mailing list via
http://groups.google.com/group/crashspace and/or
attend the next meeting in about 2 weeks in Culver City.
Crash Space is a member run commercial space that is for the members,
by the members. If you want to drive the direction or projects, please
come to a meeting or the mail list and speak up!
Mike Outmesguine
SMS "mike" to 50500