mShakespeare 2010 Winter Campaign Pre-Kickoff

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Ina Centaur

Sep 12, 2010, 12:58:26 PM9/12/10
mShakespeare's Winter Season opens in about 6 weeks. Meanwhile, our
2010 Winter Campaign's soon anon!

We're kicking off our 2010 Winter Campaign with an exclusive 100%
donation limited edition avatar hairpiece inspired by a Shakespearean
character (bounty of honors for first to guess which).

Details in below or, for links and pics inline, visit:

September 12, 2010

Dear mShakespeare Patrons,

mShakespeare is starting its Winter Season in about 6 weeks! This
season, we hope to finally present the long-awaited finale of Twelfth
Night – unabridged – in our usual legendary extravagance – and with

Great theatre – especially on SL – is a costly thing: Aside from our
elaborate wardrobe, props and sets, and everything else, we have to
raise funds for tier for our home venue, the virtual Shakespearean
thespian idealist’s dream of a 4-sim SL Globe Theatre. We’ve partnered
with sLiterary, a nonprofit dedicated to the arts in virtual worlds,
and Primtings Museum, a sim-sized art gallery of 3D paintings, to fund
2 of our 4 sims. Our artistic director has donated the fourth sim (mea
culpa?). Minimally, we still have to raise tier for that peculiar sim
called Shakespeare – you know, the one with the epic stage of the SL
Globe Theatre, and also the world’s only full reconstruction of
Shakespeare’s indoor theatre, the Blackfriars Theatre – as well as
virtual reconstructions of other buildings relating to Shakespeare’s
legacy. We pay our tier in 6-month intervals… And, it’s high time to
get working on the fundraising!

As a pre-kickoff to our 2010 Winter Campaign, we have a pretty thing
to offer as a fashionable head dress of sorts for your avatar. Ina
Infinity of iC Hair has created a 100% Donation hair inspired by a
certain Shakespearean character. Catch it at [iC] Hair’s Hair Fair
booth before Hair Fair ends this coming Friday. Ad pic and LM below:

Ina Centaur
Artistic Director, mShakespeare

P.S. Be the first three to name the Shakespearean character
impersonation the hair embodies, and iC Hair will name one of its
future styles after you (or a word or phrase of your choice).

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