FYI: Wearables Hackathon @ Facebook

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David E. Weekly

Aug 23, 2013, 8:13:44 PM8/23/13

Facebook is going to be hosting a social wearable computing hackathon. We'll have a whole bunch of folks there from Pebble (which started in the Dojo!), Recon (think Google Glass, but cooler), Google (duh), Apple, Garmin, BodyMedia, Polar, Basis, Jawbone, Nike+ Fuel, and FitBit. The event itself will be on November 6th at Facebook from 10am to 4pm.

Unlike a regular hackathon, you can start working on your app right away and recruit other folks to help out; we'll help connect you with any of the folks above for help with APIs, SDKs, or other integration assistance. You'll have a ten minute pitch in front of judges and the winner will get a prize of each gadget.

If you're game, let me know, along with 1-2 sentences about your background in doing wearable hacks or social media integrations and I'll plug you in.

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