We currently have 23 registrants for Dust Up. If you are planning to come, now is a good time to sign up.
As you all have heard, accommodation will be tight this year. We can use this forum to pass ideas and information back and fourth. First off, the bunks in the Learning Center are for tow pilots first. That will leave some open spaces, but I don't know how they will be allocated. The RV sites at the Oasis is also full for the weekend. All 12 RV sites at the airport are held by season holders, however, some may not be there for the event, so it pays to call the individuals to see if a spot is being used for this weekend.
Matt Coleman and Mark Schiller has done some research in the matter. Mark found the tent sites at the Oasis RV park. Those that were going to car camp should check this out NOW. I believe it is $28/night. He also found some tent sites in Soap Lake, but they are $68/night.
Matt Coleman found some accommodation using AirBnb and VRBO. Here is a copy of his message:
"I’ve found an AirBnB in Soap lake that can accommodate 2
RV hook ups and two dry RV camping spots. It is on the same property as
a handful of connected ‘cabins’. It’s not glamorous but is very
economical and would be a good to have like minded
people in one area.
I’ve emailed the property host. They know we may have a
group. I haven’t discussed group rates. I did tell them if it works out
there could more renters headed their way this summer for other SGC
If there is interest from other SGC members, I’ll book
one of the cabins. I don’t have the bandwidth to be everyone’s personal
concierge, so individual booking is best.
I can shotgun this property out to the members if people are interested."
If this is of interest, contact Matt.
If anyone finds some accommodation for themselves that has room for others, please share the information.
Tony Puglisi
Glider Council Dear Matthew, On behalf of the SGC Board, I am writing
to explain some fresh challenges that our club is facing. Please read
the information below carefully and completely. Your Board …
… I know
they're eager to get you into the air soon, and enjoy all of the fine
soaring that Ephrata has to offer. We'll see you out there! --Noel &
the SGC Board
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